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САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА ПО ТЕМЕ: "Present Simple/ Present Continuous". Учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс)

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«САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА ПО ТЕМЕ: "Present Simple/ Present Continuous". Учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс)»

Самостоятельная работа по теме: Present Simple/Present Continuous






Present Simple имеет форму:


Present Соntinuous имеет форму:


Укажи стрелочкой «Слова – cпутники» времен Present Simple и Present Соntinuous

"Слова - спутники" Present Simple

hardly ever yesterday often still on weekends usually

two years ago seldom occasionally аt the moment every year rarely

always tomorrow next year now sometimes from time to time

"Слова - спутники" Present Соntinuous


Robert and Anna are going to school. Complete the dialogue.


Robert:     When do you get up, Anna? (get up)

Anna:         I usually ________________         at seven. (get up)

Robert:     At seven? What time _______________ home? (leave)

Anna:         My brother and I _______________  the bus  to school at eight. (take)
Robert:       I         home at seven, (not leave) I leave at quarter to nine.

Anna:         ____________ near the school? (live)

Robert:       Yes, I do. But my brother's school _____________ near our house. (not be)
He takes the bus to school.

Anna:         ____________        going to school by bus? (like)

Robert:       Yes, but he ______________        getting up early. (not like)

Anna:           My brother _______________ getting up early, too. (hate)

 Robert:       Boys _________________ getting up early! (not like)


Сделайте предложения правдивыми для вашей семьи. Используйте следующие слова: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never  

We ___________________ celebrate Christmas.
My mum _________________ decorates a Christmas tree.
My dad  ____________________ buys a Christmas tree.
My granny __________________ makes a cake.
My parents __________________ send Christmas cards.
I ____________________ get presents.
We __________________ sing Christmas carols.  


Choose the correct variant:

  1. My mother ____ a bad headache.
    a) have got
    b) has got
    c) am

  2. What is that noise? Somebody ____ the piano.

a) practises
b) practise
c) is practising

  1. Margie and her sister ____ wonderful voices.

a) does
b) has got
c) have got

  1. ____ you ____ any time to help me? – Sorry, I ____

a) Do you have, don’t
b) Have you got, am not
c) Do you have, have got

  1. Right now she ____ down a hill.

a) run
b) runs
c) is running

  1. ____ Jane Smith (speak) ____ English?

a) Is ... speak
b) Do ... speak
c) Does ... speak

  1. ____ you (like) swimming?

a) Do you like
b) Does you like
c) Are you like

8.Tom is in Warsaw at the moment. He … at the Mariott Hotel. 

a) is staying
b) stays

  1. They can’t go out because they ____ rain - coats and umbrellas.

a) have got
b) aren’t have
c) don’t have

  1. Can you help me? I (not/know)____ the way to the market.

a) am not know
b) don’t know
c) not know

11. In Britain people ____on the right.

a) are driving
b) drives
c) drive

12. Take your umbrella. It (rain) cats and dogs.
a) rains
b) is raining
c) rain

13. Can you phone a bit later, please? Jane (have a bath).
a) is having a bath
b) has a bath
c) have a bath


Write sentences.
a girl/ eat/ cake
A girl is eating cake.

1). Two people/ decorate/ the house
2). Three girls/ wear/ Hallowe’en costumes
3). The little boy/ celebrate/ his sixth birthday
4). He/ speak/ English/ badly
5). The car / go/ quickly


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