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Scientific article "Basic needs of a student"

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«Scientific article "Basic needs of a student"»

Ministry of education and science

of Astrakhan region

«Astrakhan social and pedagogical college»

Specialty №44.02.02 «Teaching in primary classes»

Extracurricular independent work on the subject «English»

Scientific article "Basic needs of a student"


_____Popova J.A.


_____Sergeeva А.А.

Astrakhan, 2022

The role of the need in the processes of activity is very large. Needs force a person to actively seek ways and means to satisfy the thirst for knowledge and understanding that has arisen in her. Satisfaction of the interest expressing the orientation of the personality, as a rule, does not lead to its extinction, but internally rebuilding, enriching and deepening it, causes the emergence of new interests, needs that meet a higher level of cognitive activity.

A great influence on the development of the needs of a younger student is exerted by his activities in a team of peers. At the beginning of the training, the kid is guided solely by the requirements of the teacher, the opinion of classmates for him has almost no meaning. Over time, the opinion of friends, the desire to win their respect, begins to play an increasingly important role in the behavior and activity of the child. Gradually, the child also has a need for self-esteem: he begins to be guided in his behavior not only by the assessment of adults, but also by his own.

The developing needs of the younger student are based on those brought by the child from preschool childhood.

The orientation of the younger student's personality is expressed in his needs and motives. The younger student has a number of needs that were typical for a preschooler. He still has a strong need for gaming activities, but the content of the game is changing. The younger student continues to play at school, at the teacher. But now, while playing, he can spend hours writing, solving, reading, drawing, singing, etc. It is important to take this into account when organizing educational activities, sometimes turning it into an exciting game process.

Like a preschooler, a younger student has a strong need for movement. He can't sit still in class for a long time. This need is especially evident during the changes. That is why it is necessary to give children the opportunity to move more.

The need for external impressions is very characteristic for both preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. Subsequently, it is transformed into cognitive needs. The first-grader is primarily attracted by the external side of objects, phenomena, events. For example, he is eager to fulfill various public assignments. But so far, the interest in them is only external: to a sanitary bag, for example, to a bandage with a red cross, etc. Performing assignments, the student shows maximum activity until the feeling of novelty disappears.

From the first days of school, a child has new needs: to accurately fulfill the teacher's requirements, successfully master new knowledge, skills, abilities, come to school with completed tasks; the need for a good mark, approval and control of his actions by adults, especially teachers; the need to be the best, beloved student, the need for constant communication with the teacher, with classmates, the desire to become a member of some society, to perform a certain social role (to be a prefect, commander, etc.) and many others.

Let's focus in more detail on the development of cognitive needs, which are leading for a younger student. The need for external impressions as the main driving force of the development of the psyche of a younger student at the beginning of training is satisfied primarily by the teacher. He introduces the child to a new field of activity and helps him to comprehend new impressions, to understand them.

In the first days, the teacher introduces students to all the features of school life. Under the influence of the teacher, students have a need to master the necessary skills and abilities (reading, counting, drawing, telling, etc.) and, finally, the need for new knowledge. It is impossible to establish a strict order of occurrence of these needs. For example, many children already feel the need to know the world around them before they come to school.

Gradually, the cognitive needs of the younger student undergo significant changes. Some of them turn into stable personality traits, motives of her behavior, others disappear. In order for the development of needs to be manageable, it is important to know in which direction and under the influence of what factors changes occur during this development. First of all, it should be noted that the development of the needs of the younger student goes in the direction of the dominance of spiritual needs over material ones. For example, studies show that first-graders in the "buyer's situation" offered to them "buy" ice cream, sweets and other sweets, and in subsequent years they "buy" books, tickets or vouchers to travel around Russia and other countries. Here are some typical statements of this kind: "I would buy ice cream" (I class), "I would buy many, many books" (II class), "I would buy a ticket to Sevastopol: I want to see this city—heroic sailors fought there" (III class).

The needs of a younger student change not only in content, but also in orientation. For example, if at first a junior student, as a rule, "buys" everything only for himself, then over time he begins to "buy" for loved ones (for mom, dad, little brothers), and then for other people. Similar changes are also manifested in the fact that the child at first constantly complains to the teacher about his neighbors: they prevent him from listening, writing, reading, etc. This is an indicator that he is concerned only with personal success in teaching. Gradually, due to the systematic work of the teacher to educate children with a sense of camaraderie and collectivism, they have a need for all the guys in the class to be good students, so that the class becomes the best. A vivid evidence of this is the practical help that children begin to provide to each other on their own initiative. In the essay on the topic "What would I do if I were a wizard", children write: "If I were a wizard, I would make Seryozha behave well in class and not say bad words" (grade I), "I would make our team take first place" (III class).

The development of the needs of the younger student also goes in the direction of their increasing awareness and self-management. Children analyze their actions, explain them and, just as importantly, get used to analyzing the statements of their elders.

A certain level of self-awareness development in preschool age is one of the indicators of a child's readiness to study at school. The preschooler is aware of himself not isolated, but being in the system of human relations, i.e. he has an experience of himself as a social being. This level of self-consciousness development is directly related to the emergence of a special personal neoplasm - the inner position of the student. Striving for the position of a schoolboy characterizes the personality of a child as a whole, determining his behavior, activity and system of relations to reality and himself.

On the threshold of school life, a preschooler has a desire to satisfy his increased needs not in a playful, imaginary, but in a real plan. Such a real plan for him becomes schooling.

So there are a number of needs:

  • The need for training.

  • The need to own property.

  • The need to be independent.

  • The need to be in a peer group.

  • The need for collective action and games.

  • Satisfaction of curiosity.

  • The application of knowledge about what is good, what is bad.

  • The need to have friends, to be able to be friends.

A great influence on the development of the needs of a younger student is exerted by his activities in a team of peers. At the beginning of the training, the kid is guided solely by the requirements of the teacher, the opinion of classmates for him has almost no meaning. Over time, the opinion of friends, the desire to win their respect, begins to play an increasingly important role in the behavior and activity of the child. So, if at first a first-grader reacts almost equally to the teacher's remarks made to him alone or in front of the whole class, then his reaction to the remarks in the presence of his comrades becomes painful.

Gradually, the child also has a need for self-esteem: he begins to be guided in his behavior not only by the assessment of adults, but also by his own.

But, some children easily integrate into a new life, quickly begin to feel new demands placed on them, and new expectations of others. And others have a reduced sensitivity to social norms. The only thing that the child notices is the abolition of certain restrictions that existed earlier. He is not aware of the appearance of new restrictions. The position of a student with social disorientation is undifferentiated, since the child is not aware of the norms and rules that define school life.


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