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Some/any. Rules and exercises.

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«Some/any. Rules and exercises.»

1.Прочитайте и переведите диалог.

- Let`s cook the pie !
- Okey , have we got everything we need?
- Well, let`s see. There are some onions and potatoes, but there are not any mushrooms and of course, there is not any meat.
- Are there any carrots?
- A few. But we don`t need many, so that`s OK.
- Is there any milk ?
- No. And there isn`t any butter, and we haven`t got any cheese.
-Ok , we will buy it. Should we buy anything else?
- No, we have got some salt and pepper, and there is a lot of flour. Would you like me to help with the shopping?
- Yes, please.



Основное правило употребления неопределенных местоимений some, any зависит от типа предложений :

Some употребляется в

1. в утвердительных предложениях с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе:


There are some apples in the fridge.-В холодильнике есть несколько яблок.

There are some pictures in the book. – В книге есть несколько картинок.

I can see some girls in the garden – Я могу видеть несколько девочек в саду.

2.И с неисчисляемыми существительными:

There is some cheese in the fridge.-В холодильнике есть немного сыра.

I bought some milk. – Я купил немного молока.

I’d like some water, please. – Я бы хотел немного воды, пожалуйста.

After dinner he drank some juice. – После ужина он выпил немного сока.

3.Если вы хотите что-то вежливо предложить кому-либо, использовать надо some. Например: Would you like some coffee? – Вы не хотели бы немного кофе?

4. some может употребляться в вопросе, если этот вопрос специальный и содержит какую-то просьбу:

Can Paul bring some coffee? – Не мог бы Пол принести немного кофе?

Can I have some milk , please?- можно мне молока?

В этих случаях, местоимение some переводится как несколько, немного, какие-то.

Any употребляется с неисчисляемыми и с исчисляемыми существительными в отрицательных и в вопросительных предложениях.

I didn’t buy any eggs. – Я не купил яиц.

We haven’t got any milk. – У нас нет молока.

There are not any eggs in the fridge .- в холодильнике нет яиц .

There is not any water in the glass.- В стакане нет воды.

Have we got any chocolate?- у нас есть шоколад?


3. Вставьте some или any.

1. Is there _____ milk in the  glass?

— No, there isn't _____ milk in the glass

There's _____ juice in the crystal glass.

2. Are there_____ sausages on the round plate?

-There aren't _____  sausages on the round plate.

3.Is there  ______bread in the basket?

4.I'd like ________ potatoes, please.

5.There aren't  ______ vegetables in the fridge.

6.There is _______  tea in the glass, but it is very hot.

7.There is not _______  fresh milk in the fridge. I can't make porridge.

8.Are there ________  tasty apples in the bag?

9.There is  ________ butter on the plate.

10.Have you got ______  ice-cream?

11.Would you like ______tea?

12.There is not ________ cheese on the table, but there’re not ____________ cheese sandwiches.

13. Can I have _______ coffee , please?

14.There isn't  _________ sausage on the table.

15.There are  ____________ potatoes in the bag.

16.There aren't ______________  bananas on the table, but there are ________  cucumbers there.

17. Have we got ______ chocolate?

18. Can you bring _____ water, please

Домашнее задание.

Выучить правила some , any.

Повторить употребление конструкции there is , there are в настоящем времени.

Вставьте some , any:

  1. Are there ______ oranges in the bag?

  2. There isn’t ______ cheese in the fridge.

  3. There are______  flowers in the vase.

  4. There are not _______ bananas in the fridge .

  5. Have we got _____ chocolate?

  6. There are not ______ carrots in the fridge. I can’t make soup.

  7. There is ______  coffee in the cup, but it is very hot.

  8. Is there  ______  cheese in the fridge?

  9. Can I have _____ bread, please?

  10. There isn’t  ______  juice in the glass.

  11. There are ______   grapes on the plate. They are green.

  12. They've got ______ buns in this shop.

  13. Have we got _____ rice?

  14. Would you like _____ sugar in your tea?

  15. Could you bring _____ napkins, please?

  16. I can see______ tomatoes in the bag. Let's make______ salad.

  17. There aren’t ______cucumbers in the fridge.

  18. Would you like ______tea?

  19. Please bring me______ apples, Mary.

  20. Can I have _____ salt , please?


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