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Спектакль" Белоснежка и семь гномов"

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«Спектакль" Белоснежка и семь гномов"»

Snow White and Seven Dwarfs


  1. Snow White

  2. Prince

  3. Dopey

  4. Sneezy

  5. Happy

  6. Doc

  7. Grumpy

  8. Bashful

  9. Queen

  10. An old woman

  11. Fairy 1

  12. Fairy 2

  13. Huntsman

  14. Mirror


Fairy 1 (coming out from behind the curtain):

Once upon a time there lived a queen. She had a little daughter snow White. Her skin was as white as snowflake, her cheeks were as red as drop of blood and her hair - as black as the ebony. But the good lady died soon and the king took another wife. The new wife had a face that was beautiful, but she was not kind, she was proud and vain and always looked into her magic mirror.

(The curtain is half open)

Scene 1

(The queen is sitting on the sofa admiring herself in the magic mirror)

Queen: Mirror, Mirror in my hand, who is the fairest in the land?

Mirror: Beauty sees itself in me. No greater beauty lives than thee!

(The queen sighs with relief. She polishes the mirror and looks into it again; goes away)

Scene 2

Fairy 2: some years passed. Snow White grew up and turned into a wonderful and very beautiful girl and once…

Queen (sitting on the sofa): Mirror, Mirror in my hand, who is the fairest in land?

Mirror: The queen is still a splendid sight but not as lovely as Snow White!

Queen (in great anger): Snow White?! Snow White?! What do you mean? Huntsman!!

Huntsman: Yes, Your Majesty!

Queen: Here is a bag of gold for your family (throws it to him). You must go into the woods secretly with snow White and put an end to her!

Huntsman: I understand Your Majesty!

(Curtain, music)

Scene 3

Fairy 2: And the Huntsman took Snow White into the wood. At first she could not understand why. But when she realized the danger she fell on her knees. (While she is saying this the Huntsman and Snow White appear before the curtain. The Huntsman has a gun in his hand.)

Huntsman: You see, Snow White, your step mother wants to be the fairest of all. She wants me to kill you.

Snow White: Spare my life, dear Huntsman, I’ll be grateful to you.

Huntsman: I can’t harm you, pretty princess. Run as fast as you can and never return to the palace. If the Queen knows that I have spared your life, she will kill me.

Snow White (still on her knees): thank you very much. I’ll never forget your kindness.

(The Fairy appears in the right corner of the stage before the curtain. Snow White is walking).

Fairy 1: So, the Huntsman returned to the palace and snow White went on and on till she came up to a small house. It was the house of seven dwarfs. But Snow White didn’t know that they were not at home.

(The curtain opens. Everybody can see a room, a table laid for dinner, seven little stools and something like seven little beds).

Snow White (going to the table and touching and counting everything on it): Oh, what a nice tiny table! How many nice little things on it! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven dishes of food! And I’m so hungry! What if I taste a tiny piece from each plate! (she eats a piece from each dish). I’m thirsty now. What if I drink a little from each mug! (she drinks from each mug. Then she walks about the room and sees the beds). And I’m so sleepy! I think nothing will happen if I sleep a little (she falls asleep).

Scene 4

Fairy 2: in the meantime the seven dwarfs came home from work. They enter the room and suddenly see the disorder there. (Dwarfs are dancing through the hall into the house).

Dopey: Who has been sitting on my stool?

Sneezy: Who has been eating from my plate?

Happy: Who has been using my fork?

Doc: Who has been nibbling my bread?

Grumpy: Who has been cutting with my knife?

Bashful: Who has been lying on my bed and she is still there?!

(They surround the sleeping girl hopping up and down).

Grumpy: What a beautiful girl!

Doc: We mustn’t disturb her!

Sleepy: Of course, she will stay in my bed. I shall sleep with each of you in turn tonight. I’m so small; I won’t take much room anyway.

Snow White (she wakes up, looks around, sees the dwarfs and laughs): What funny little men!

Sleepy: Hurray! Hooray! Beauty is awake!

Sneezy: Let us see if she can talk?!

Snow White: Indeed I can and my name is Snow White! (The dwarfs make noise then ask in chorus)

The dwarfs: One, two, three… and how did you come here, Snow White?

Snow White: I’m the king’s daughter. My step mother doesn’t love me. She wants to kill me. I can’t go home. Please, may I live with you?

Dopey (blowing his nose): What do you say, brothers? Will Snow White make this her home? Here she will be surely safe from the wicked queen! (He whispers something into the brothers’ ears). All right! Stay with us!

Snow White (clapping her hands in delight): Thank you very much! And I shall see and mend for you and keep your house clean and shining!

The dwarfs: Hurray! Hooray! Beauty will stay with us! (Snow White and dwarfs make a ring and sing and dance. Dwarfs leave and Snow White cleans the house). Curtain.

Scene 5

Fairy 1: the evil queen decided to her mirror as usual. She sat down on her sofa and took her mirror into her hand.

Queen: Mirror, Mirror, in my hand, who is the fairest in the land?

Mirror: Brighter than the brightest star shines Snow White’s beauty from the star. With seven merry dwarfs lives she and is more lovely still than thee.

Queen (infuriated): Tell me where to find the house of these dwarfs or I shall smash you in a thousand pieces!

Mirror: Deep in the wood not far from a big lake she lives in the house of seven dwarfs.

Queen: I shall kill Snow White even at the risk of my own life! (Goes away).

Scene 6

Fairy 2: And the queen asked an old witch to go to Snow White and give her a poisoned apple.

Old Woman: Where is she?! Where is she?! (She sees Snow White and talks to her in a sweet voice). Don’t be afraid, Snow White! I have brought you a present from the dwarfs. Here is a fresh apple for you. Have no fear. I myself eat half the apple to show that it cannot hurt you (she takes a bite).

Snow White: It doesn’t indeed appear quite safe.

Old woman: Come, take your present. It’s very sweet.

Snow White: Very well, good lady. Give me the other half and thank you kindly for your trouble (Snow White eats the apple and falls in a deathly trance).

Old Woman: That’s fine! That’s fine! Now I can go to the queen. She will give me much gold! That’s fine!

Scene 7

Fairy 1: The dwarfs came home rather late that evening. They didn’t know what had happened to Snow White. But when they opened the door of the house, they saw Snow White lying motionless on the sofa.

(Dwarfs are marching from work).

Doc: Oh, something is wrong! Snow White, what’s the matter? (He picks up the apple from the floor).

Dopey: the queen has done her worst. Our lovely girl is no longer alive.

Grumpy: Oh! Poor little Snow White! (They are all crying).

(The prince comes to the house and knocks at the door, enters the room and sees Snow White lying there on the sofa).

Prince: Who is this divine creature?

Sneezy: she is the daughter of the king and her name is Snow White.

Sleepy: But alas she never moves.

Happy: I think she is dead.

Prince: Let me take this lovely girl back to my kingdom. I would like to look upon her face all my life.

Dopey: What do you say, brothers? (They talk to each other in a whisper then they say): All right, we agree, but take good care of her!

(Prince comes up closer to Snow White, bends over her face, touches her cheeks).

Snow White (She suddenly wakes): Where am i?

The dwarfs: Snow White is alive! Hurray! Hooray!

Snow White to Prince: Who are you?

Prince: I’m a prince and my country is not far from here. Come with me to my country and be my queen.

Snow White: Oh! I’m so happy!

The dwarfs: We are very happy, too! Hurray! Hooray!

Sleepy: Let’s dance and sing! (They make a circle round Snow White and the prince and they all dance).

Fairy 2: I have happy news, my dear friends. The evil queen died of anger when she heard that Snow White was alive.

Dwarfs: Serves her right! Hurray! Hooray!

Fairy 1: You will live happily all your life! Never forget your good friends!

(Music. And they all dance).


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