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«Spotlight in Donbass» (Донбасс в фокусе) (цикл уроков для 7-9 классов)

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Основной целью обучения иностранным языкам является формирование и развитие коммуникативной культуры школьников, а также обучение практическому овладению английским языком.

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««Spotlight in Donbass» (Донбасс в фокусе) (цикл уроков для 7-9 классов)»

«Spotlight in Donbass»

(Донбасс в фокусе)

(цикл уроков для 7-9 классов)


Основной целью обучения иностранным языкам является формирование и развитие коммуникативной культуры школьников, а также обучение практическому овладению английским языком.

В последние годы все острее чувствуется необходимость усиления патриотического воспитания молодого поколения. Использование местного и краеведческого материала при обучении английского языка расширяет кругозор обучающихся, развивает их познавательный интерес, помогает в выборе профессии и является одним из средств повышения уровня положительной мотивации учения.

Региональный компонент на уроке пробуждает у учащихся познавательный интерес к родному краю. Разные игры, кроссворды с использованием краеведческого материала помогают внести разнообразие в уроки, учат говорить на английском языке о том, что его окружает, что ему близко и дорого с детства, чем он горд и готов поделиться этим с окружающими.

Задача данных уроков состоит в том, что – бы соприкоснуться с историей и культурой Донбасса. В познании Родины участвует, помимо сознания, еще и сердце. Оно и окрашивает «патриотизм» живыми красками непосредственного, личного опыта.

Использование материала о Донбассе позволяет ученикам оперировать в учебной беседе теми фактами и сведениями, с которыми они сталкиваются в своей повседневной жизни.

Работа с краеведческим материалом может быть частью, этапом урока, отдельным уроком.

Работа с краеведческим материалом предусматривает разнообразные типы занятий:

самостоятельную работу с книгой;

- экскурсии на иностранном языке;

- проектную деятельность;

- выступления с сообщениями, докладами на уроках, участие на научно-практических конференциях.

При использовании краеведческого материала (как наглядного пособия) и интерактивных методов обучения при преподавании английского языка у учеников должны формироваться следующие умения и навыки: умение пользоваться справочной литературой различного характера на родном и иностранном языке; развитие чтения; развитие устной речи; умение представлять родную культуру на английском языке.

Урок №1

Тема: Донбасс - моя родина


- образовательная: обогатить словарный запас учащихся по данной теме, практиковать в правильном произношении;

- развивающая: развивать навыки говорения, чтения, письма, коммуникативную компетенцию, формировать навыки монологической речи и работы в группе;

- практическая: овладеть навыками выразительного чтения (интонацией, паузированием, иноязычным и логическим ударением).

- воспитательная: способствовать расширению общего и страноведческого кругозора учащихся, углубить знания учащихся о родном крае, воспитывать чувства патриотизма и гордости за свою страну, способствовать развитию социокультурной компетенции.

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная.

Оборудование: доска, фото Донбасса, раздаточный материал для учащихся.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, my dear friends. I am very glad to see you. Is everything OK? I hope, it is so. I`m very glad for you. Let`s start our unusual lesson. OK? You know it’s a great day for us today! I invite you to visit a very beautiful land.

  1. Сообщение темы урока.

Look at the blackboard. What do you think we are going to speak about?  You are right. We know a lot about our country. We are starting to explore our native land. Our native land is Donbass. We will begin our journey around Donbass and discover many new and interesting facts about the sights, history, people, customs, nature of our region Therefore, the theme of our lesson is “DONBASS IS MY NATIVE”.

  1. Основная часть.

  1. Фонетическая  зарядка.

Let’s start with English sounds. Look at the board. Read the sounds and the words after me.

[æ] – travel, capital, gallery

[eı] – play, place, name

[ju:] – museum, new, beautiful

[ı] – big, different, bridge

[α:] – park, car, partner

[i:] – see, meet, week

[eə] – square, where, hare

  1. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

What associates in your mind with the word “Donbass”? (ответы учеников).

  1. Развитие навыков чтения.

I prepare for you sheets of paper where there is text with which we will work today. First, we'll read it (ученики вслух читают текст).


Do you know what Englishmen say about their native land? “East or West, home is best.” “There is no place like home.” “Every bird likes its own nest.” So for every person his Motherland is the dearest one. We were born in Donbass – the land of wide steppes, rich fields, green forests, and high slagheaps. Donbass is washed by the Azov Sea in the south. It borders on Russia in the north and north-west and Ukraine in the east. Donetsk is the capital city of our Motherland. It stands on the banks of the river Kalmius. It is the city of million roses.

It is an important industrial, scientific, cultural center of our native land. Donbass is rich in mineral resources, soils, nature, but the main treasure is its people. Our land is famous for many names. The whole world knows such names as Arhip Kuindzhy, Iosif Kobzon, Alexander Hanzhonkov, Sergey Bubka, Liliya Podkopayeva etc.

The Donbass people are hardworking, generous and real patriots who will overcome any difficulties and never betray their Motherland. We are proud of our Donbass and want to become its worthy residents.

  1. Развитие навыков письма и перевода.

Very good, your first task to translate the underlined words into Russian and put down into your notebook.

  1. Развитие навыков говорения

Are you ready? Who wants to be the first to present your guided tour? Any volunteers? (Ученики готовят короткий рассказ и выступают в роли гида).

  1. Активизация и закрепление лексических навыков по теме.

Donbass is our home, on this basis I have prepared for you proverbs related to the word «home». You‘ll do it in pairs. You get an envelope with the pieces of paper where the words from a certain proverb are written. Make a sentence from these pieces and find the Russian equivalent to this proverb:

  • East or West – home is best. (В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше).

  • There is no place like home. (Нет места лучше дома родного).

  • The house shows the owner. (Каков дом, таков и хозяин).

  • My house is my castle. (Мой дом – моя крепость).

  • Home is where the heart is. (Дом там, где сердце).

  1. Объяснение домашнего задания.

For the next lesson to learn a poem in memory:

My Donbass

The power you showed all the time

With coal warmth and steel elastic lustre!

Donbass – my Fatherland Donbass!

My mighty native land of feather-grass!

You`ll overcome the grief, all troubles, and disaster!

  1. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.

What have we discussed today? Have we achieved the goal of the lesson? So, it’s a pity to say that our journey is coming to the end, but nevertheless it was marvelous and great. I’m very pleased with your work. Everyone who answered gets good marks. Thank you so much. The lesson is over. See you later.

Урок №2

Тема: Промышленность


- образовательная: ввести изучаемые лексические единицы по данной теме, улучшать умения говорить по теме «Промышленность»;

- развивающая: развивать навыки говорения, чтения, письма, коммуникативную компетенцию, формировать навыки диалогической речи;

- практическая: овладеть навыками выразительного чтения (интонацией, паузированием, иноязычным и логическим ударением).

- воспитательная: прививать ученикам интерес к изучению родного края, формировать и развивать гражданскую позицию, чувства патриотизма в рамках изучения учебной дисциплины «Английский язык».

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная.

Оборудование: доска, фото промышленного Донбасса, раздаточный материал для учащихся.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. How are you? Who is absent today? You must be active and friendly. Now let’s begin our lesson.

  1. Сообщение темы урока.

Today we continue to study our native land in more detail and we will start with the industry of Donbass”.

  1. Основная часть.

1. Речевая разминка. Фонетическая отработка лексики по теме.

Let’s review all the words which will help us (учащиеся сначала повторяют слова вслед за учителем, а затем читают самостоятельно).









газ (бензин)















машина (напр.станок)



промышленное здание



















2. Развитие грамматических навыков и навыков письма.

Very good, the next task is for you to make up your own sentences with these words

(ученики составляют предложения, учитель проверяет).

3. Развитие навыков чтения.

I prepare for you sheets of paper where there is text with which we will work today. First, we'll read it (ученики вслух читают текст).


Donbass has a favorable position. Our region borders on Rostov region of Russia. In the south it is washed by the Azov Sea. Our land has rich deposits of various mineral resources: iron, coal - its proven reserves are about 10 billion tons including 5.7 billion tons of coke coal. Our land is a large industrial territory with a highly developed heavy industry: coal, metallurgy and machine building.

There are hundreds of large industrial enterprises and agricultural complexes. We have scientific-research institutes, higher educational establishments, theatres. The availability of own fuel and energy resources, a network of motor and rail roads, an outlet to the sea and high level of urbanization create unique conditions for the development of economy and business.

  1. Обобщение материала по теме.

1. Развития грамматических навыков.

Make up your own questions for the text (ученики составляют вопросы к тексту).

2. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

You are a journalist who makes an interview with a manager of a big industrial enterprise Donetsk. Write down a list of questions which you can ask him (ученики работают в парах, составляют диалог – интервью).

V. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Now, it is time to finish the lesson. So, today we’ve spoken about industry

of Donetsk . You see, we’ve done a lot of work during our lesson and it’s time to think about our homework. Use an internet at home you’ll write a short story about industry of Donetsk.

VI. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.

Well, it was my pleasure to work with you today. As for me I am glad to see that you have done a good job. You were active at the lesson. I am going to give you 5marks.-Stand up!- The lesson is over. Good buy. See you at the next lesson.

Урок №3

Тема: Flora and Fauna of Donbass.


- образовательная: ввести изучаемые лексические единицы по данной теме, улучшать умения говорить по теме «Природа»;

- развивающая: развивать навыки говорения, чтения, письма, коммуникативную компетенцию, формировать навыки диалогической речи, развивать аудитивную память, внимание, воображение, логическое мышление учащихся.;

- практическая: способствовать формированию навыков чтения и грамматических навыков;

- воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию береженого отношения к окружающей среде, прививать ученикам интерес к изучению родного края, обеспечить высокую творческую активность при выполнении заданий в рамках изучения «Spotlight in Donbass».

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная.

Оборудование: доска, фото природы Донбасса, раздаточный материал для учащихся.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Dear friends! Nice to see you! Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. Look at the screen. So, are there any ideas of  our topic today? (На экране фото природы Донецкого края).

II. Сообщение темы урока.

Thank you for your answers. I like them very much. So what will we speak about at the lessоn? You are right. And the name of our lesson is “ Flora and Fauna of Donbass”.

III. Основная часть.

1. Фонетическая разминка.

Walking along feeling tree

Feeling the Earth here with me

And I love her, she loves me

I hug the Earth hugs me

She’s our friend; we’d like to be together forever

How do you like the earth?

How does the earth love us?

2. Активизация лексико-грамматического материала в речи учащихся.

Look at the board and answer my question:  Are people and nature friends or enemies? You have two cards: yellow   and green. Those who think that people are friends of nature choose the green card. Those who think that people are enemies of nature choose the yellow card. Show me your cards. Why do you think so?

Prove that people are friends of nature.

Prove that people are enemies of nature.

3. Развитие навыков чтения.

I prepare for you sheets of paper where there is text with which we will work today. First, we'll read it (ученики вслух читают текст).

Flora and Fauna

Donbass is situated in the steppe and forest zones. We can find broadleaf forests and pine forests. There are many species of wild plants: willow, oak, maple, birch, alder, krushinnik, wild apple-tree and pear-tree. Along the river banks,there are cane, swamp horsetail, carex, kizlyak, swamp sabelnik, feather grass and other types of grass. There are many flowers we can find in the steppe: saffron, hyacinth, tulip, coltsfoot, iris, lychnis, violet, etc.

Donbass hosts many species of fish: European perch, 17rutilus, common rudd, bream, catfish, pike, carp, crucian. In the Sea of Azov we can find gobius, sprat, flat-fish, khamsa, herring etc.

On the banks of the rivers, in the floodplain wetlands there are water frogs, toads, smooth, great crested newts, grass snake, dice snake and European pond terrapin.

Human activities, mainly cultivation of the steppes, resulted in the disappearance of animals formerly common in flu's zone, such as tarpan, steppe antelope, saiga antelope and others. Today we can meet European beaver, Dipodidae, suslik, mice, European other, European mink, weasel, bat, fox, squirrel,hare, wild boar, hedgehog, etc.

The world of birds is rather various. More than 250 species of birds can be found there: streptopelia, European magpie, shrikes, ducks, crows, podiceps, herons, storks, larks, nightingales, owls, woodpeckers, etc. The unique world of animals and plants, large deposits of mineral resources, a moderate continental climate and favorable geographical position give our land an opportunity to become a prosperous region.

  1. Физминутка.

Now I suggest you  trying to imagine what is it like to be nature and feel the influence of a human. For example – trees. Stand up! Rise your hands and wave them as you’ra the trees. Now the strong wind blows – band left and right. Then the man came and starts to cut the trees – band back and forward. That’s all. Sit down, please. You’re cut.

  1. Обобщение материала по теме.

  1. Развитие навыков письма.

We continue our lesson. Write down into your notebook: 5 types of plants, 5 types of animals, 5 types of flowers, 5 types of fish from the text.

  1. Развитие умения написания синквейна, опираясь на ранее изученный материал.

And now we are trying a new method of analyzing our knowledge.


1. (первая строка – тема урока, выраженная одним словом, обычно именем существительным);
2. (вторая строка – описание темы в двух словах, как правило, именами прилагательными);
3. (третья строка – описание действия в рамках этой темы тремя словами, обычно глаголами);

4. (четвертая строка – фраза из четырех слов, выражающая отношение автора к теме;

5. (пятая строка – одно слово – синоним к первому, на эмоционально – образном – обобщенном уровне, повторяющее суть темы.

Обучающиеся выполняет каждый свой синквейн и обсуждают результаты с учителем.

2. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

You are a journalist who makes an interview with a manager of a big industrial enterprise Donetsk. Write down a list of questions which you can ask him (ученики работают в парах, составляют диалог – интервью).

VII. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Now, it is time to finish the lesson. So, today we’ve spoken about nature of Donetsk . You see, we’ve done a lot of work during our lesson and it’s time to think about our homework. Create your own project on the topic of the lesson:

I want to live and not to die.

I want to laugh and not to cry.

I want to feel the summer sun.

I want to sing when life is fun.

VIII. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.

Dear friends, our lesson is almost over. You've got marks, and you were very active, attentive and bright. Complete sentence please:

I have mastered…

I liked it...

I would like to...

It was interesting…

Our lesson is over! And now it’s time to say goodbye to each other!

Урок №4

Тема: The History of Donbass.


- образовательная: улучшать умения говорить по теме «История Донбасса» вводя тематическую лексику, практиковать в особенностях связной речи;

- развивающая: развивать навыки говорения, чтения, письма, коммуникативную компетенцию, формировать навыки диалогической речи, развивать аудитивную память, внимание, воображение, логическое мышление учащихся.;

- практическая: способствовать формированию навыков чтения и грамматических навыков;

- воспитательная: создать условия для формирования у учащихся толерантного отношения к культуре и истории Донецкого края, развивать чувство патриотизма, прививать любовь к родному краю; воспитывать вежливость во время общения на уроке;

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная.

Оборудование: доска, фото истории Донбасса, раздаточный материал для учащихся.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Hello! How are you? I’m Ok, thanks. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today?

II. Сообщение темы урока.

We live in the 21st century in a fast changing world, the world of new ideas and new technologies, but we shouldn’t forget that our present life has been prepared by everything that has happened on our native land so far.

What is our history? Is it a set of books on our shelf or something else? (No, the long history of mankind is not a set of books or a string of half-remembered events of the past. Our history is what we are now. It explains things to us and warns us about the future because — as the saying goes — history repeats itself. Today we are going to talk about The History of Donbass.

III. Основная часть.

1. Фонетическая разминка.

Учащиеся исполняют 2 куплета песни на английском языке “Подмосковные вечера”


Not a rustling leaf not bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow Suburb nights (twice)
The caress of the waking sun.


The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go (twice)
On this wonderful summer night.

  1. Развитие навыков чтения.

Let’s read the text and translate (ученики читают и переводят текст)

The History of Donbass

From the History of Donbass The earliest evidence of human habitation on the territory of modern Donbass dates back to the late New Stone age. According to the first written historical documents (by Herodotus and other ancient historians) all the territories situated to the north of the Black Sea (ancient authors called it the Pontic Sea) were inhabited by the Scythians. In the valley of the Kalmius river, where Donetsk is located there lived Cimmerians, Sarmatians, Goths, Slavs. However, Donbass steppes were weakly populated and the lack of protected borders allowed nomadic peoples (e.g. Pechenegs, Cumans, Khazars, and Tatars) to carry out their attacks on that territory.

From the XIII to the XVI century the land near the Kalmius river was not populated. A small village located on the bank of the steppe river Kalmius was fated to become a great industrial city, the center of the largest industrial region. A generous gift of nature — coal marked the beginning of its development. In 1866, the Russian engineer A. Mevius proved the necessity of ironworks building on the right bank of the Kalmius river near the settlement Aleksandrovka. There was everything for that purpose: coal— in the lands near the Kalmius, iron ore - not far from Karakuba (now the city of Komsomolsk in Starobeshevskiy district), limestone —near the village of Elenovka, and river water – close at hand.

In 1866, Prince Kochubey was allowed to construct an iron rail plant from the local materials. In 1869, for a large reward — 24 thousand pounds, the Prince let have his rights to the 55-year-old metallurgist John Hughes - a manager of a small factory near London. The construction of a metallurgical plant began in the summer of 1869. That`s why this date is considered to be one of Donetsk foundation. By that time there were already existed the settlement of 21 Alexandrovka, Alekseevka, Avdotyino, Grigorievka, Semenovka, and the village Ovechiy. Hughes signed the Treaty to found ‘Novorossiysk Coal, Iron and Rail ProductionCompany’ and ‘Railroad Line Kharkiv-Azov Company’ with the Committee of Ministers of Russia.

In April 1869 the Russian government approved the agreement on starting coal mining and the metallurgical plant construction. John Hughes was appointed a manager by the founders of ‘Novorossiysk Company’. In the summer of 1869 he settled on the bank of the Kalmius river and constructed a smithy, which was the first auxiliary shopwork of the future metallurgical plant. Next to the building there was a settlement, which has merged with the mining settlement of the Alexandrovsky mine and was named Yuzovka, after its founder - the English business manager - Hughes. The construction of the plant and mines began in 1869.

In the summer of 1870, John Hughes brought machinery and tools on 8 ships from Britain (mainly from the South Wales) to Donbass. Also, about one hundred experts — metallurgists and miners came from the South Wales to Donbass. As a result —John Hughes and his small group of workers managed to build the first blast furnace in less than 8 months. It started working on the 24th of April, 1871.

On the 24th of January, 1872 it produced its first cast iron. In September 1873 the Yuzovsky Factory began to work on the finished cycle and soon got the first place in the country for the production of metal. Hughes ' plant (today the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant) marked the beginning of a large metallurgy of Donbass.

  1. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

Answer some questions:

1) What place do you live in (in a city or in a village)?

2) What is the name of your native town?

3) How old is our town?

4) How can you characterize your native land?

6) What are the main branches of industry?

7) What are the main buildings in our town?

9. Now we shall see how well you know your native town. Let’s play a game. I shall read the descriptions of some place in our town and you will have to name them. The answers you will see in pictures on the screen .

4. Развитие навыков внимания, памяти, логическое мышление.

Guess your native town:

  1. It is a building in the very centre of the town. We go there to watch films, concerts and plays. (The cinema)

  2. We always depart to some other paces by buses from there. (The bus station)

  3. This is the place where we can begin our travelling by train. (The railway station)

  4. The largest shop in our town where we can buy different goods. (The Department store “Donetsk-city”)

  5. The memorial complex to the heroes of the Great Patriotic war who gave their lives defending our country from the enemies. (Saur-Grave)

  6. The place where we can buy different food which the farmers have grown themselves. (The market)

  7.  The place where we can pray to God and be present at the church service. (The Church)

  8. The establishment where we can keep our money and pay our public utilities. (The bank)

  9.  It is the place where we can have our teeth treated. (The dentist hospital)

  10.  The educational establishment where the children enter after finishing school to get different professions. (The technical school)

  11. The educational establishment where the children of our town can attend different sports sections. There also sports competitions in volleyball, basketball and other kinds of sports are held. (The sports school)

  12. The place where we can send and receive parcels, letters; buy stamps and envelopes; keep a post- box for mail and press. (The post office)

VII. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Now, it is time to finish the lesson. So, today we’ve spoken about history of Donetsk . You see, we’ve done a lot of work during our lesson and it’s time to think about our homework. Write an essay «The history of my town».

VIII. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.

To finish the lesson answer my questions:

  1. What new have you learnt at the lesson?

  2. What have you learnt to do?

  3. What skills have you got at the lessons?

Thanks for your work. Have a nice day.




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