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Starlight 9 Test 4

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Тест для 9 класса по модулю 4 учебника Старлайт

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«Starlight 9 Test 4»

Starlight 9 Test 4 (I)

1.Complete the sentences with the correct word: capture, poverty-stricken, faint-hearted, crowded, appalled, defy, scattered

  1. The job of a lion tamer is not for ______.

  2. There were hundreds of sculptures __________throughout the area for the art festival.

  3. The acrobats at the circus _________ the gravity by flying through the air.

  4. The man was _____ by the living conditions in the poor regions of the country.

  5. He likes to _________ photos of street scenes with his camera.

  6. The stadium was _________ with spectators.

  7. The charity supports the ________ areas of the city.

2. Choose the correct item

  1. If he had arrived earlier, he ________ the performance.

a)would see b)had seen c)saw d)would have seen

  1. The pictures _______delivered to the gallery yet.

a)wasn’t being b)isn’t being c)hadn’t been d)haven’t been

  1. If only it _______ raining, we could go to the park.

a)stopped b)stops c)had stopped d)will stop

  1. The photo ________ printed in the books over the past few years.

a)was being b)is c)has been d)will be

  1. If he ________their tickets, they would be at the festival today.

a)lost b)hadn’t lost c)don’t lose d)haven’t lost

3. Match the correct response

4.True, False or Not stated

On a rainy September morning Robert came to the agent to check the number of concerts his rock group had during the month. When he came into the room, the agent was talking to a man whose elegant style and manners gave away that he was a classical musician. The agent introduced the stranger as Kevin, an opera singer. “We are colleagues,” Robert said. “I’m a classically trained pianist myself, but I chose to play in a rock band.”

From Kevin’s look Robert understood his words were a surprise to the opera singer. Kevin didn’t seem to believe Robert. That’s why Robert continued, “I know most people think rock musicians never do any classical stuff. But you can come to my concert tonight and see for yourself”, added Robert and handed Kevin his card. Kevin seemed intrigued and accepted the card.

At 9.00 the rock club was full as usual. From his central position on the stage, Robert could clearly see the crowd waving enthusiastically and cheering each song with their hands up. There were many of his friends and colleagues and there was Kevin, rocking with the crowd. He was enjoying the rock concert but didn’t seem to take it seriously.

During the break Robert came up to Kevin. “Are you still sceptical or have you changed your opinion about rock music?” he asked. “It’s been a good concert, you know, but this rock music is not my kind of thing”, said Kevin, “It’s not for professionals.” Feeling hurt, Robert decided to show the stereotype was not true.

He named many world famous rock stars like Elton John or Freddie Mercury who began as classical pianists. Bon Jovi also took lessons from professional singers. Kevin smiled but still stood his ground. He did not believe that classical and rock music could be ranked equally. In spite of the famous names Robert had mentioned, Kevin did not accept his point of view.

Suddenly Robert jumped on the stage and picked up his guitar. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to change today’s programme. A few classical pieces will be presented to you. We’ve never done it in our rock club but today is a special occasion. We have an opera singer with us tonight, and I’m going to show him that Bach’s and Beethoven’s music can be as modern as Queen and Michael Jackson”.

He started playing the ‘Moonlight Sonata’ by Beethoven very softly as it had to be played in the classical style but made the second part sound more like the blues. The crowd kept swaying silently. In the next famous classical piece, ‘The Flight of the Bumble-Bee’, his rock band joined in and they finished triumphantly with the crowd cheering. Kevin looked impressed.

“That was moving. Sorry, I’ve been a snob”, said Kevin. Robert realized he had won and smiled. “Why don’t we arrange a project together to mix rock with classical music?” he suggested. “Good idea!” exclaimed Kevin. They agreed to have an official meeting before the next concert in the club. When Kevin left, Robert was sitting on the stage playing Mozart.

1.Robert and Kevin met for the first time at a concert.

2.Robert was educated in classical music

3.The club arranged rock concerts twice a week.

4.There were few people in the rock club that night.

5.Beethoven was Robert’s favourite composer.

6.That night classical musical pieces were performed in the rock club for the first time.

7.The audience of the rock club disliked Robert's interpretation of classical music.

8.Finally, Robert and Kevin decided to make a joint performance


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