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Стихи наизусть для 4 класса

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«Стихи наизусть для 4 класса»

Mrs. J. I. McKinney

Why I Smile

I smile because the world is fair;

Because the sky is blue.

Because I find, no matter where

I go, a friend that’s true.

I smile because the earth is green,

The sun so near and bright,

Because the days that o’er us lean

Are full of warmth and light.

I smile as past the yards I go,

Though strange and new the place,

The violets seem my step to know,

And look up in my face.

I smile to hear the robin’s note.

He comes so newly dressed,

A love song throbbing in his throat,

A rose pinned on his breast.

And so the truth I’ll not disown,

Because the spring is nigh;

My heart has somewhat better grown,

And I forget to sigh.

Have you ever…? by unknown authоr

Have you ever heard the child

Laughing out loud?

Have you ever seen the sun

Come out behind a cloud?

Have you ever found a ladybird

And held it into your hand?

Have you ever taken off your shoes

And walked in the sand?

Have you ever seen snow

Falling from the sky?

The world is full of lovely things

That money just can’t buy.

This is my family by unknown authоr

This is my family - расправляем руку

Let's count them and see,

How many there are,

And who they can be - считаем пальцы (one, two, three...)

This is the mother - показываем на указательный палец

Who loves everyone

And this is the father - показываем на средний палец

Who is lots of fun .

This is my sister - показываем на безымянный палец

She helps and she plays,

And this is the baby - показываем на мизинец

He's growing each day.

But who is this one? - показываем на большой палец

He's out there alone,

Why it's Jackie, the dog,

And he's chewing a bone - пошевелить большим пальцем, как собака хвостом

Secret Ambitions by C.Read and S.Salaberri.

People sometimes say to me:

«Tell me, what do you want to be?»

I usually answer, «I don`t know»,

But it isn`t really so:

I want to win an Olympic race,

I want to see the Earth from space,

I want to travel to Timbuktu,

I want to be rich and famous, too.

I want to star on Hollywood`s screen,

I want to invent a new machine,

I want to be very clever and wise,

I want to win the Nobel prize.

But most all, I want to be.

My Teddy bear by unknown authоr

My teddy’s fur is soft and brown,

his legs are short and fat;

He walks with me around the town

And never wears a hat.

My Teddy keeps me warm in bed,

I like his furry toes;

I like his darling little head,

His pretty little nose.

Happiness. Василиса Горочная

In my town I see the snow.

It is white and light.

I remember all I know

And I want to write.

Then I lift my eyes to sky.

It is full of shine.

And I also know why

All I see – is mine.

Happiness is only thing

That you can’t receive

From the world, and you should think,

And you should believe

That you’re happy. Then you see

That you only find:

Happiness can only be

In your own mind.


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