Сценарий спектакля
(4-5 класс)
1st Stepsister
2nd Stepsister
Cinderella’s Father
1st Herald
2nd Herald
Scene 1
Золушка подметает пол. Мачеха, подбоченясь, следит за ней. Вбегают сестры.
1st Stepsister: There will be a ball…
2nd Stepsister: In King’s Palace.
Stepmother: Well, I know all.
But where is…
Where is my dress?
1st Stepsister: And mine?
2nd Stepsister: And mine?
Cinderella: Your dress is here.
Your dress is there.
Stepmother: Be careful ,dear!
Don’t spoil them with your dirty hands.
But where are our fans?
Золушка подает веера и вздыхает.
1st Stepsister: Do you also want to go to the ball?
Cinderella: Oh, I can’t dream of the ball at all!
Stepmother: Of course, you have much work to do.
1st Stepsister: First, you must mend my socks.
2nd Stepsister: Clean the spoons, the knives and the forks.
Cinderella: Oh, yes, I’ll do everything, don’t worry…
1st Stepsister: Oh, mum, be quick!
2nd Stepsister: Let’s hurry!
Они уходят со сцены.
Scene 2
Золушка плачет. Появляется волшебница
Fairy: Why are you crying, dear child, why?
Cinderella: I can’t go to the ball.
My only dress is dirty and old.
Fairy: I want to help you. Please, look here.
Взмахивает своей волшебной палочкой.
One, two, three!
У волшебницы в руках появляется красивое платье и туфли.
Cinderella: Oh, what do I see?
A lovely dress and shoes for me!
Thank you, you are so kind!
Fairy: But at 12 o’clock you must be home, dear.
Otherwise your dress will disappear.
Cinderella: Oh, yes it’s clear!
Золушка убегает.
Scene 3
Звучит музыка. Король с королевой открывают бал.
Queen: The ball is on. Please dance and play.
King: Let’s have a lot of fun today!
Звучит музыка, все танцуют. Вдруг появляется Золушка в бальном платье. Музыка прекращается.
Queen: Who is that girl?
King: She is so nice and smart…
Prince: May I dance with you? Let’s start.
Снова музыка. Принц и золушка танцуют. Слышны 12 ударов часов.
Cinderella: It’s 12 o’clock and I must run. Good-bye! Good-bye! I really had a great fun!
Золушка убегает, теряя туфельку.
Prince: Where are you running,
The dream of my life?
Let’s dance all night!
Встает и поднимает туфельку, которую обронила Золушка.
Scene 4
Сёстры и мачеха беседуют на переднем плане. Золушка сидит на маленьком стульчике в углу и вяжет.
1st Stepsister: A beautiful lady was at the ball.
We really don’t know her at all.
2nd Stepsister: The prince wants to marry her, you know…
Stepmother: But where do those heralds go?
Входят глашатаи, разворачивают свиток, читают, поворачиваются к сёстрам и мачехе.
1st Herald: We know you were at the ball.
2nd Herald: Please, put on this shoe.
1st Stepsister: Oh, it is very small.
2nd Stepsister: It is very small for me too.
Father: But look at my daughter!
She has small feet.
Come here, my dear.
And, please, take it.
Дает ей туфлю.
Stepmother: But she didn’t go to the ball.
She is Cinderella and that is all!
Cinderella: I want to try it on, mum.
Besides I’ve got another one.
Вынимает из передника вторую туфельку.
1st Stepsister: You were that wonderful lady, I see! Oh, Cinderella, please pardon me!
2nd Stepsister: And me.
Stepmother: And me.
Кланяются Золушке.
Father: Best wishes to you, my dear.
I know that you weren’t happy here.
Pardon me, too.
But what could I do?
Cinderella: I am so happy today… Don’t cry! I forgive all of you. Good-bye!
1st Herald: The prince is waiting for you, as you know.
2nd Herald: Be quick, let’s go!
Золушка уходит, посылая всем воздушные поцелуи. Все машут ей вслед. Глашатаи уходят за ней.