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Сценарий урока учителя английского языка

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Good morning, students! Let me introduce myself. My name is Olga Vasilievna. Come here everyone and take the flags. The student, who took the Yakutian flag is sitting in the first Group of Yakutia, but other is in the second Group of England. And the third Group is sitting in the Group of observants. Did you understand? (student`s answer). Take your sits.

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«Сценарий урока учителя английского языка»

Script of the lesson

-Good morning, students! Let me introduce myself. My name is Olga Vasilievna. Today we have got three work groups.

1 task «English traditions»

  1. What is tradition? What kinds of traditions do you know?

2 task «Religion has not civilized man, man civilized religion»

-read the texts.

-translate the key words using the dictionaries and pictures

England has the right to freedom of conscience. Most of the British belong to the Church of England, which is one of the most developed branches of Protestant Christianity, Catholic and Presbyterian religion are among the most developed in the country. In addition, England has a large number of Muslims - one of the largest communities in Europe. Religion in England comes from a rich and independent history. He is closely related to the Royal family. The country was Catholic until 1534. One of the most powerful and most remarkable kings – Henry VIII decided to divorce his wife, Catherine of Aragon, but he refused the Pope. Then in 1534 he divorced Catherine without permission, married Anne Boleyn and declared himself the head of the new Anglican Church. Henry VIII did not call for Protestant at all, but the Protestant movement in Europe was very strong, so when the king broke off relations with Rome and translated the Bible into English, he opened the door to Protestantism in England.

Although there were severe punishments for this faith during the reign of Mary, after Elizabeth arrived, she became head of the Church, Protestantism and Roman Catholic churches never called the official religion of the country.

The Anglican Church is ruled by a monarch who elects the Canterbury and York Archbishop on the basis of a government Committee recommendation. The Anglican Communion is comprised of 25 independent churches and 6 Church organizations. Today there are 27 million people who belong to the Church. Bible-Christian Church, Baptist Church and Presbyterian Church. Bible Christianity is the largest Free Church in England; it was formed in the XVIII century and has over 1.2 million members.

In addition to the above-mentioned religions, England has countless religious sects, cults and a small independent religious organization.


3 task «Knowledge is a power»

-read the text and answer the questions;

-record yourself (speaking)

In what age child enter and finish English school?

What school subjects do they study?

How many terms are in English school?

What are the main exams pupils pass in English school?


-English tea is drunk in the morning. The rise of the citizens of England begins with a Cup of this strong and rich drink. Drunk first order to cheer up and wake up. This occurs between 6 am and 7 am. Then the Englishmen drink tea for first Breakfast about eight o'clock in the morning. In this drink, add milk or cream.

-Today everyone has worked very well. Thank you for your job, I liked this lesson! Good-bye!


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