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Своя игра English 7

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Презентация "Своя игра English 7" поможет учителю провести в интересной форме урок- повторения в 7 классе

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«Своя игра English 7»

One’s Own Game

One’s Own Game

London The UK Riddles  The Idioms  Holidays  Grammar


The UK


The Idioms



London  , 100 The name of the river in London is …  the Thames

London , 100

The name of the river in London is …

the Thames

The UK , 100 What is the official name of the UK?  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The UK , 100

What is the official name of the UK?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Riddles , 100 There are six of us in every family, but only four in a town. What are we?  Letters

Riddles , 100

There are six of us in every family, but only four in a town. What are we?


The Idioms , 100 As busy as …  a bee

The Idioms , 100

As busy as …

a bee

Holidays around the world  , 100 When is Christmas celebrated in Russia?  on the 7th of January

Holidays around the world , 100

When is Christmas celebrated in Russia?

on the 7th of January

Grammar and Tenses , 100 V 1  Present Simple

Grammar and Tenses , 100

V 1

Present Simple

London   , 2 00 What can you see in the middle of Trafalgar Square?  The stature of Nelson

London , 2 00

What can you see in the middle of Trafalgar Square?

The stature of Nelson

The UK , 2 00 What is the capital of Northern Ireland?  Belfast

The UK , 2 00

What is the capital of Northern Ireland?


Riddles , 2 00 Which month has 28 days?  They all have 28 days

Riddles , 2 00

Which month has 28 days?

They all have 28 days

The Idioms , 2 00 As happy as … a king

The Idioms , 2 00

As happy as …

a king

Holidays around the world  , 2 00 What season is in Australia when they celebrate Christmas?  summer

Holidays around the world , 2 00

What season is in Australia when they celebrate Christmas?


Grammar and Tenses , 2 00 V 2  Past Simple

Grammar and Tenses , 2 00

V 2

Past Simple

London  , 3 00 When was the great fire of London?  in 1666

London , 3 00

When was the great fire of London?

in 1666

The UK , 3 00 The flag of the UK is known as ….  the Union Jack

The UK , 3 00

The flag of the UK is known as ….

the Union Jack

Riddles , 3 00 I have cities but no houses; forests but no trees, rivers but without water. What am I?  a map

Riddles , 3 00

I have cities but no houses; forests but no trees, rivers but without water. What am I?

a map

The Idioms , 3 00 As like as … two peas

The Idioms , 3 00

As like as …

two peas

Holidays around the world  , 3 00 What holiday do English people celebrate on the 5th of November?  Guy Fawkes Night

Holidays around the world , 3 00

What holiday do English people celebrate on the 5th of November?

Guy Fawkes Night

Grammar and Tenses , 3 00 am/is/are + Ving   Present Continuous

Grammar and Tenses , 3 00

am/is/are + Ving

Present Continuous

London  , 4 00 Where are the tombs of many kings and queens and other famous people?  in Westminster Abbey

London , 4 00

Where are the tombs of many kings and queens and other famous people?

in Westminster Abbey

The UK , 4 00 What is Great Britain?  an island

The UK , 4 00

What is Great Britain?

an island

Riddles ,  4 00 What has no head, no arms, no legs, and still has a tongue?  a shoe

Riddles , 4 00

What has no head, no arms, no legs, and still has a tongue?

a shoe

The Idioms , 4 00 As poor as …  a church mouse

The Idioms , 4 00

As poor as …

a church mouse

Holidays around the world  , 4 00 The holiday in Russia when people eat pan-cakes?  Maslenitsa

Holidays around the world , 4 00

The holiday in Russia when people eat pan-cakes?


Grammar and Tenses , 4 00 be + V 3  Passive Voice

Grammar and Tenses , 4 00

be + V 3

Passive Voice

London  , 5 00 Where in London can you say everything you want?  in Hyde park

London , 5 00

Where in London can you say everything you want?

in Hyde park

The UK , 5 00 Who is the head of England? A queen  or a king

The UK , 5 00

Who is the head of England?

A queen or a king

Riddles , 5 00 On what day of the year do children talk the least?  on the 22nd of December because it’s the shortest day of the year

Riddles , 5 00

On what day of the year do children talk the least?

on the 22nd of December because it’s the shortest day of the year

The Idioms ,  5 00 As different as …  chalk from cheese

The Idioms , 5 00

As different as …

chalk from cheese

Holidays around the world  , 5 00 What holiday is celebrated in the USA on the fourth Thursday in November?  Thanksgiving day

Holidays around the world , 5 00

What holiday is celebrated in the USA on the fourth Thursday in November?

Thanksgiving day

Grammar and Tenses , 5 00 had + V 3  Past Perfect

Grammar and Tenses , 5 00

had + V 3

Past Perfect

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Thank you for your work!


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