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Технологическая карта по теме Профессии

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«Технологическая карта по теме Профессии»

Технологическая карта-конспект урока английского языка.

Тема: Профессии.

Группа: ДО-3Б

Преподаватель: Дементьева К.С.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель урока – формирование тактики выполнения заданий по говорению (диалог – расспрос)

Задачи урока:


1. Научить пониманию английских предложений, опираясь на устойчивый порядок слов.

2. Обобщить, систематизировать и активизировать накопленный словарный запас по теме.

3. Обучить тактике правильного выполнения заданий по говорению (диалог – расспрос).


1. Развивать произносительные навыки.

2. Развивать навык аудирования с общим пониманием и с выборочным извлечением информации

3. Развивать умение отвечать на вопросы.


1. Помочь в осознании ценности разных профессий.

2. Воспитывать умение сотрудничать в паре, в группе и индивидуально.

3. Создавать ситуацию успеха.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, магнитофон, плакаты со словами, раздаточный материал.

Методы, используемые на уроке: коммуникативный метод (Communicative Approach), метод коммуникативных

заданий (Task–Based Learning), Технология развития критического мышления.

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся



Good afternoon! Today I won’t tell you the topic of the lesson.

Try to guess it after reading the words. Read it.

I could be the president for six months before they found me

out, but the president would only have my job for six seconds before he'd kill himself.

An American test pilot

Let’s sing a song

Называют тему урока Jobs.

Фонетическая зарядка - песня


Let’s make a prediction tree. What are we going to speak about?

Древо предсказаний – речевая разминка.



We are going to speak a lot in the lesson, our task today is to make up dialogues. But before we will twist our tongues with a tongue twister, revise some grammar, learn some vocabulary and watch a video.

Here is a tongue twister. Read it.

If one doctor doctors another doctor does he doctor the doctor the way the doctored doctor wants or the way the doctoring doctor prefers?

Underline the parts of the sentence. What is doctoring?

(Participle I) What is doctored? (Participle II). Translate it.

Answer my questions.

What does one doctor do?

Who is ill the doctoring doctor or the doctored doctor?

Читают скороговорку.

Подчеркивают члены предложения. Отвечают на вопросы, показывающие порядок слов в предложении и повторяющие причастия


Let’s check up your homework. You have made comics online.

Один учащийся читает свой




There are many different jobs in different countries, but there are also similar occupations that make the world go round. Now we will watch a video about work in Britain, but before let’s learn some new words. You can see the definitions on blue paper. Read them, please.Any questions? There are words all over the classroom. Take the blue paper and a pen, stand up and match the words to the definitions. Write your answers. 2 min.

Let’s check it up.

manufacturing = industry

hi-tech = using modern machines and computers

full-time = working all day long

part-time = working part of the day

retailing = selling things in shops

Учитель читает новое слово. Ученики – определения.

Новые слова – хором.

Читают определения на английском, встают и

подбирают к ним слова.

Повторяют слова хором.


Here are some industries developed in Britain. Take your white paper. Read it. Circle when watching. There are two extra numbers. You will watch the video one time only. How many numbers should you choose?

1. Hi-tech industry

2. Car manufacturing

3. Fashion industry ---extra

4. Building industry

5. Retailing

6. Finance

7. Tourist industry--extra

Просмотр видео с целью

общего понимания


Watch again. You will hear three people talking about their occupations. What is an occupation? (a job, work). Take the yellow paper. Read it. Match the jobs of the people to their likes and dislikes. Every job will get two numbers. What will you write here? How many numbers will you write here?

likes and dislikes

the pilot

the teacher

the guide

2 4

3 5

1 6

1. meeting people from all around the world

2. getting up at 5 a.m.

3. the long holidays

4. getting home every night

5. working at weekends

6. rain

There are both good and bad sides in every job. Discuss it with your partner and fill in the table on the pink paper.

Таблица заполняется на доске учителем.




Interesting for me

The pilot

The teacher

The guide

Просматривают видео с целью полного понимания, выполняют задание в формате ГИА. Индивидуальный,

фронтальный режим



It is not a secret that every job has some main characteristics.

What can you say about the job of the pilot. What kind of person should do this job?

Let’s make three teams: Apples, Pears and Lemons. Here are three jobs: a pilot, a teacher and a guide. Write adjectives for the job and adjectives for the person doing it on the board. You have got three minutes. Apples get a blue pen, Pears – green, Lemons – black. The team with the most words wins.

Все слова выписываются на доску.

Мозговой штурм, групповая

работа, Карусель.

The job is…(interesting,

dangerous, risky, challenging,

dull, well-paid)

The person should be…



Now we can say a lot about jobs. With your partner make up a short dialogue. Here is the task.

You are exchange students in an international school in

Britain. You come to your classmate to borrow her/his book about occupations. You need it to make a project on jobs (choose a pilot, a teacher or a guide).

Ask for the book and explain what you need it for.

Answer your classmate's questions about the job you are going to write about.

Do not accept any suggestions for the day as you want to start the project as soon as possible.

Invite you classmate to see a new film tomorrow.

Remember to

mention all the four aspects of the task

be active and polite

Here is some useful language you can use: (read it)

Look, By the way, Sorry, I can’t, How about

Please use also the language from your yellow and pink papers and from the board.

Парная работа.

Одна пара затем фронтально.






You have got the list of activities we have done in the lesson.

Please mark them +(like it) -(do not like it) ?(not clear)


The marks for the lesson…. Homework…

Now we can speak about some jobs and we can sing about

them. Thank you for your work. Bye!

Sing a song


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