I. Организационный момент. 1) приветствие. Устное общение. 2) самоопределение к деятельности. 3) подготовка класса к работе. Определение темы и цели урока II. Актуализация знаний и умений учащихся. 1) активизация лексического материала 2) аудирование с пониманием основной идеи текста 3) чтение с извлечением нужной информации 4) cоставление диалогов, упражнение на словообразование III. физкультминутка Установка на здоровый образ жизни и ее реализация на уроке IV. Проверка домашнего задания V. Рефлексия. Домашнее задание. Выставление оценок. | Hello, boys and girls, hello, dear guests. How are you today? I’m glad to see everybody. Let’s begin our lesson. Today we’ll continue talking about music. But at the beginning of our lesson I’d like you to wish each other something good for this lesson. Pass this treble clef to each other and say your wish. What is the theme of our lesson today you will know if you find the odd word in each quotation. These quotations belong to famous people. Great discovery. The theme of our lesson is “What music do you like?” Look at the screen and try to guess what we will do on our lesson today. You are in your target. We’ll do everything you’ve said. Music is very different. Some people like one type of music, some another one. What types of music do we know? Let’s watch the video with the names of types of music and their description. Here on the blackboard you can see two circles. This is a vendiogram Your task is to fill the left circle with the styles of music and the right circle with the words describing the music styles. So you wrote the different types of music and their descriptions, they are so different but they are all connected by one word: music. Good job, pupils. I see all of you know the types of music quite perfectly. And now I offer you to listen to the opinions of two boys. Listen and then say what types of music Ben and Robert like and if they have similar tastes in music. Well done, pupils. You are doing great! The next stage of our lesson is reading. Open your books, page 40, ex. 1. These is the text which you’ve just listened. Now you will read it and do the tasks. I’d like you to divide into two groups. The first group will read the first part of the text, and the second group read the second part of the text. Read the text in groups attentively and translate them. Have you finished reading? Is everything clear to you? OK. The task for two groups is read the ex. 3 page 41 find out the ideas expressed by Ben or Robert read and prove them from your texts. You’ve missed the sentence “The lyrics are important in the songs.” Whom this idea belongs to? Which of these reasons could Ben and Robert use to support their ideas? Begin your opinion with the words: “Ben or Robert could say the following ...”and then read the reason. And now I’d like you to express your opinions about your attitude to music. What can you say about different types of music? The phrases and expressions in ex. 6 will help you to make up a short dialogue “What music do you like?” You may use not all these expressions. You can choose you a partner at your will and make up a dialogue in 5 minutes. I want four pairs to do this task. Who wants? OK. And for the rest pupils I’ve prepared another task. Listen to the music and tell me who is performing this musical composition. Lois Armstrong, Denis Matsuev or John Lennon. Now pupils, name the performer. (Who do you think, it is? What is your idea? Have you guessed who it is? What do you think, who it may be?) Pupils, it’s the Russian famous pianist Denis Matsuev. Do you want to know about this musician? Then, look at the screen and do the ex. with word formation. I’m sure, pupils, you’ve recognized this melody and of course the performers of this song. Yes, right you are. It’s a legendary group “Beatles”. I turned on this song, not accidently, I suggest you to sing this funny song and do some dancing moves. Now, let’s check your homework. Our lesson is coming to its end and in conclusion I’d like you to answer the question of our lesson “What music do you like? And why?” Now, pupils, look at the screen. It’s the stairs of success. There 7 steps in it. Every step is signed with the description of your feelings about today’s lesson. I’ll read you them and you choose the step which accurately describes how you feel about the lesson. Well, pupils, during the lesson you have shown your best abilities in reading, listening, speaking. I’m satisfied with your working during the lesson. All of you tried hard and some of you were on the top today. ________ I put you the mark “5”. ______________ your mark is “4” Write down your homework for the next lesson. In Reader ex. 3 p. in Activity book ex. 1 p. 28. Write the letter to your foreign friend about the music. Keep the rules of writing letters. And I am sure nothing can stop you in learning English. | Обучающиеся приветствуют учителя. Обучающиеся передают друг другу скрипичный ключ с пожеланиями активной деятельности на уроке. - Have a good time - Learn new things. - Do the tasks carefully. - Be curious. - Be attentive. - Try as much as you can. - Be active. - Enjoy the lesson. - Don’t worry, be confident Обучающиеся смотрят видео, называют музыкальные жанры. | Фронтальная форма работы Наглядно-демонстрационный метод | Личностные: Формирование внутренней мотивации к выполнению заданий, определение значимости иностранного языка. Регулятивные: самостоятельно ставить цели, планировать пути их достижения. Коммуникативные: умение строить высказывание в соответствии с лексическими и грамматическими нормами изучаемого языка. |
сlassical serious jazz expressive rock-n-roll M aggressive pop U catchy rap S energetic country I lively folk C beautiful blues sentimental R&B rhythmic Pupil 1: I’ve heard that Ben likes rock. He told about such musical rock band as Led Zeppelin. Pupil 2: As for Robert, he prefers classical music. He mentioned these great composers as Tchaikovsky and Gershwin. Pupil 3: I think their musical tastes are different. 1 group. 1. Energetic and rhythmic music is what he wants. This idea is expressed by Ben. The sentence “I like dance music and its catchy tunes. I like its energy and rhythm …” proves it. 2. Led Zeppelin’s and Jimi Hendrix’s albums are very good with very good songs on them. This idea is expressed by Ben. The sentence “I agree that their albums (Led Zeppelin’s and Jimi Hendrix’s albums) are great achievements with no bad songs on them.” proves it. 3. There are bands and musicians that have made something new in rock. Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix are musicians who have gone down to history. This idea is expressed by Ben. The sentence “…bands and musicians like Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix and others made a great breakthrough in the history of rock.” proves it. 2 group. 1. Gershwin’s music is special because it is jazz and classics at the same time. This idea is expressed by Robert. The sentence “ Though I am not keen on jazz I like Gershwin’s music. It’s fantastic, it’s classics in jazz.” proves it. 2. Tchaikovsky and Gershwin are very much different classical composers. This idea is expressed by Robert. The sentence “I have got two favourite composers though they are very different. They are Tchaikovsky and Gershwin.” proves it. 3. Tchaikovsky’s music is so good because there are many feelings in it. This idea is expressed by Robert. The sentence “I heard Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1. It’s fantastic! The Russians have always put so many feelings into their music.” proves it. 4. Very few young people know about Gershwin today. This idea is expressed by Robert. The sentence “I am sorry that few young people know about him because without his works the music we listen to today wouldn’t appear.” proves it. This idea belongs neither to Ben nor to Robert. Ben said, “ I don’t try to look for any sense in lyrics.”And Robert didn’t say anything about lyrics. Ben could say the following: I think some young people even create idols of modern musicians. Robert could say the following: About Tchaikovsky: His music has great tunes and some catchy melodies. About Tchaikovsky: He created the most romantic music I’ve ever heard. About Gershwin: He was a remarkable composer because he created something new. Jessica, Mary, Ellen were not interested in the meeting of the club. Jessica and Mary found the concert very good. Lila was surprised to see Jessica in a new outfit. Lila was surprised that Mary was also at the concert. Melody gave a live performance. Lila was sure that Jessica wouldn’t become a rock star. Ellen thought that it was difficult to become a rock star. Lila didn’t see the concert. Mary understood at once why Jessica was dressed in an unusual way. Lila reminded that they had plans for lunchtime. Johnny Buck gave a concert some time before. Jessica was very proud that she could see everything on the stage. | Работа в группах. Частично-поисковый метод. Технология сотрудничества Информационно- коммуникационная технология Здоровье сберегающая технология | Личностные: формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию; формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками. Предметные: обучающиеся овладевают умением понимать смысл услышанного; обучающиеся умеют работать с текстом; обучающиеся умеют применять новые знания в речи; обучающиеся учатся выделять основное содержание прочитанного текста, находить ответы на поставленные вопросы. Познавательные: обучающиеся учатся строить логические рассуждения, включающее установление причинно-следственных связей; обучающиеся овладевают навыками чтения с полным пониманием содержимого. Коммуникативные: обучающиеся учатся учитывать позицию партнера при работе в малой группе; обучающиеся учатся формулировать собственное мнение и позицию, способность аргументировать и координировать её с позициями партнёров в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности; обучающиеся учатся задавать вопросы; обучающиеся учатся адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач. |