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Технология развития критического мышления через чтение на уроке английского языка

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Применение технологии развития критического мышления через чтение на уроке английского языка. Тема урока "Healthy mind in a healthy body"

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«Технология развития критического мышления через чтение на уроке английского языка»



Разработка урока Максакова А.В. МАОУ СОШ №33


Развивать аналитическое, критическое мышление – значит научить школьников:

- формулировать проблемы;

- рассматривать проблемы с разных точек зрения;

- ставить перед собой обдуманные цели;

- строить прогнозы, обосновывая их;

- структурировать материал;

- выделять причинно-следственные связи;

- понимать, как различные части информации связаны между собой;

- отделять главное от второстепенного в тексте и в речи и уметь акцентировать на первом;

- рассматривать новые идеи и знания в контексте уже имеющихся;

- высказываться самому и слушать собеседника;

- активно воспринимать информацию;

- строить различные выводы;

- систематизировать материал графически;

- совершенствовать исследовательские умения;

- применять навыки и знания в различных ситуациях.

Основные формы организации деятельности обучающихся:

индивидуальная, парная, групповая, общеклассная .

Основные методы обучения:

частично-поисковый, объяснительно-иллюстративный.

Контроль на учебном занятии:

Самоконтроль и взаимоконтроль.

Тип урока:

Закрепление знаний и способов деятельности ( совершенствование навыков чтения

“skimming”и “scanning”, навыков говорения, совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков).


критическое мышление.

Приемы и методы:

мозговая атака; предположение; ассоциации; составление списка известной информации; графическая систематизация материала: кластеры, таблица; «инсерт»; ведение записей; установление связей между блоками информации; постановка вопросов и поиск ответов на них; сравнение новой информации с уже имеющейся информацией; исследование по отдельным вопросам темы; написание творческих работ.

Технология критического мышления предполагает следующие этапы работы:

1ая стадия (фаза). ВЫЗОВ (EVOCATION):

- актуализация уже имеющихся по изучаемому вопросу знаний;

- пробуждение интереса к получению новой информации;

- постановка целей.


- получение новой информации;

- сопоставление этой информации с уже имеющимися знаниями и опытом;

- поиск ответов на поставленные вопросы;

- корректировка поставленных целей.


- размышление, анализ полученной информации, уточнение фактов, интерпретация, творческая переработка;

- постановка новых вопросов и целей обучения.



Good morning! Nice to meet you! How are you today? I hope you are well.


Look at the blackboard. You can see some words of wisdom. Can you find Russian equivalents of these proverbs and sayings?

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Healthy mind in a healthy body.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Good health is above wealth.

Вариант: How can you interpret these proverbs and sayings?

(Возможные ответы:

A well-organized working day is very important.

Physical health and spiritual health go together.

Or: If you are healthy, you feel happy.

Diet is important.

Fruit and vegetables play a key role in your diet.

Good health can’t be bought for money.

Health is more important than wealth. Etc.)


What is the subject of our today’s discussion?

What problems are we going to deal with?

food health working day medical care wealth happiness

healthy lifestyle

So, the theme of our lesson is “Healthy lifestyle”

What associations do these words arouse?

Working day

(Возможные ответы:

3-5 meals a day

morning exercises

work and rest

well-planed day

8-9 hour sleep

рhysical activity)


Proper meals

(healthy food

well-balanced diet

vegetables and fruit

sea food

olive oil

fresh juice

no artificial additives and colorants

a lot of fibre)


Medical care

(following doctor’s advice

regular visits to your dentist

taking vitamins




Physical activity

(do morning exercises

do sport

walk every day

ignore lift, use the stairs

get enough fresh air)



(clean your teeth twice a day

wash your hands before meals

take a bath/ a shower|

tidy your room

air your room

wash your clothes

clean your boots)



(healthy teeth, skin and hair

strong and flexible body

great endurance

positive emotions and optimism

no pain)


What does healthful lifestyle mean?


Работа с текстом.

1). 1-ое чтение (Skimming)

Underline the main idea in paragraph 2.

Underline the main idea in paragraph 3.

Underline the main idea in paragraph 4.

What is the main idea of the whole passage?



Passage ______________________________________________________________________

2). 2-ое чтение (Scanning)

Look over the passage again and complete the following sentences with details from the passage.

  1. Three kinds of food that you should avoid having too much are ______________________ , ______________________ and ______________________.

  2. Three problems that lack of physical exercise can cause are _______________________, _____________________ and____________________.

  3. Two kinds of exercises mentioned in the passage are ______________________ and


  1. Two kinds of aerobic exercises mentioned in the passage are _______________ and


  1. Grains, legumes, vegetables and some fruits all contain _________________________.

  2. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of _____________________ .

In each of the sentences below underline the detail that is NOT mentioned in the passage.

  1. Smoking, drinking, excessive eating, dieting and stressful situations are not good for your health.

  2. Physical fitness for a healthy lifestyle includes regular walking, aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening exercises.

A healthful lifestyle leads to a longer, happier, healthier life. Staying healthy means eating a well-balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding things that are bad for the body and mind.

Nutrition plays a key role in maintaining good health and preventing many diseases. In spite of all the information available about diets, scientists still believe that good nutrition can be simple. There are several basic rules to follow. Keep fat intake low. Eat foods high in carbohydrates, which are the starches in grains, legumes (beans and peas), vegetables, and some fruits. Avoid too much sugar. Limit salt. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, which are high in vitamins.

A healthful lifestyle is an active lifestyle. Lack of proper physical exercise can cause tiredness, irritability, and poor general health. Physical fitness requires both aerobic exercise, such as running, bicycle riding, and swimming, and muscle-strengthening exercises, such as weight-lifting.

Finally, good health is acquired by saying no to bad habits such as smoking, drinking and overeating and by avoiding situations that are constantly stressful. People can take their lives and happiness into their own hands. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the first step.

What does a healthy lifestyle mean?

What new information have you got from the text?

Compare the ideas from Step 1(Evocation) with the ideas from Step 2 (Realization of meaning).

What facts had you known before?

Are there any facts not mentioned in the text?

(e.g. proteins, fibre, hygiene, medical care.)

Work out a questionnaire about healthful lifestyle. Ask your classmates to fill in the form/ to answer your questions. Look at the answers carefully and make conclusions/ make a report/give some advice to your group mates.


Do you get up at the same time every day?

Do you go to bed late?

How much do you sleep at night?

Do you sleep well?

How many meals do you have a day?

Do you have meals at regular time?

Do you eat sufficient food?

Do you eat a lot of sugary food?

Do you like chips?

Do you eat fruit and vegetables every day?

Do you do morning exercises?

Do you do sports?

Do you walk a lot?

Do you use a lift or stairs?

Have you ever tried smoking?

How much time do you spend playing computer games?

How do you spend your free time? Etc.)

Compare two healthy nutrition pyramids, an old pyramid and a new one. What is the difference between them? Look at the new approach to the healthy diet.

a new pyramid an old pyramid

______________________________ __________________________________

______________________________ __________________________________

______________________________ __________________________________

______________________________ __________________________________

Give the words with the similar meaning.

Overeating – (excessive eating)

Nutrition – (diet)

Healthy food - (well-balanced diet)

To avoid – (to say no to)

Things that are bad for the body and mind – (bad habits)

Stay healthy – (maintain health)

To limit – (to keep …intake low)

Rich in – (high in)

Healthy – (healthful)

Physical activity – (exercise)

To support – (to maintain)

Complete the cluster.


is a special form of the poem which consists of 5 lines.

Please, give

  1. One word title, a noun that tells what your poem is about.

  2. Two adjectives that describe what you are writing about.

  3. Three –ing participles that describe what your poem is about.

  4. A phrase that tells more about what you are writing about.

  5. A synonym for your title, another noun that tells more about what you are writing about.


  1. nutrition

  2. healthy, well-balanced

  3. limiting, avoiding, keeping…low

  4. maintains good health and prevents diseases

  5. diet

  1. lifestyle

  2. healthy, active

  3. eating, exercising, avoiding

  4. leads to a longer life

  5. happiness

  1. habits

  2. bad, unhealthy

  3. smoking, drinking, overeating

  4. should be avoided

  5. damage

Is there anything in the discussion you don’t agree with?

Is there anything you don’t understand?

What else would you like to learn about healthy lifestyle?

What interesting information are you ready to share?

Summarize what you have learnt in the lesson.

HOMETASKS (to be chosen)

  1. Make up 3 interesting questions you would like to ask about healthy lifestyle.

  2. Make up 5 pieces of advice you consider very important.

  3. Make up a list of products that contain: a) proteins, b) fats, c) carbohydrates, d) vitamins, e) fibre, and important microelements.

  4. Make up a well-balanced menu for a day/a week

  5. Look at your eating habits. Ask your friend about his/her eating habits. Discuss what is good and what is bad. Decide what should be changed and how you can do that.

  6. Your friend doesn’t want to get fat. What advice should he/she follow?

  7. Go over your lifestyle/your working day. What should be changed? Why?


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