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Текст для чтения в формате ОГЭ "Дегустатор шоколада"

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Данный тест по чтению можно использовать в 8 и 9 классах в качестве подготовки к ОГЭ или контрольной работы по чтению в формате ОГЭ.

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«Текст для чтения в формате ОГЭ "Дегустатор шоколада"»

Методическая копилка Шестеровой Оксаны Владимировны

A Chocolate Taster

Read the text and do the task below.

Meet the man with the world’s sweetest job – a chocolate taster. Yes, that’s right. Some lucky people are actually paid to taste chocolate.

Every morning, Angus Kennedy sits down at the desk in his cosy office in the Kent countryside and starts tasting all sorts of chocolate and sweets.

He takes his job very seriously and insists that the task is not as easy as it sounds.

You have to use all five senses to do the job, not just to taste. After testing the speed of how fast the chocolate melts, the noise that chocolate makes when it breaks, the colour of the chocolate and the smell of the chocolate, only then can a taster taste the chocolate.

A good sense of taste can be trained, but not everyone can do this.

On top of that, eating lots of chocolate isn’t good for your teeth and figure.

‘Eating chocolate for a living sounds like dream job and, to some extent, it probably is,’ said Angus Kennedy. ‘But it still has its downsides. For starters, I have to visit the dentist once a month and I have to watch what else I eat to control my waistline.’

Angus eats half a kilo of white, dark and milk chocolate every day – in addition to toffees and other sweets.

He has more than 20 years’ experience in the chocolate trade, and he has tasted more than 20,000 kinds of chocolate from all over the world!

‘It’s a tough job but someone’s got to do it,’ he said.

Mark the following sentences as True/ False/ Not stated:

  1. Chocolate taster is the sweetest job in the world. ____

  2. Angus Kennedy considers his job challenging. ____

  3. The only sense you need to use is a sense of taste. ____

  4. It is bad for chocolate if it melts fast. ____

  5. It is impossible to train a good sense of taste. ____

  6. Angus Kennedy doesn’t have to control his eating habits. ____

  7. Angus Kennedy is an experienced chocolate taster. ____


1 T, 2 T, 3 F, 4 NS, 5 F, 6 F, 7 T


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