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Тематический контроль по теме Школа

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контроль по теме школа  5 класс

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«Тематический контроль по теме Школа»

Раздел 6 Школа Тематический контроль

https://media.prosv.ru/content/item/reader/83/ стр 44 аудиозапись

Enjoy English 5 Test 3 Variant 1 Name: _____________________

  1. Complete the text with the words from the box.

ships famous founded sightseeing interest first one with

I have never been to the UK before. It was my __________________ visit to London. I stayed ___________________ my pen friend’s family.

The British capital was ____________________ more than two thousand years ago. London is ________________________ for its places of ______________________ . I went __________________________ every day and took a lot of photos.
One day I walked along the Thames. Soon I was at Tower Bridge. It is ____________________________ of the most famous British bridges. It opens and the ________________________ go up and down the River Thames. I took a photo of the open Tower Bridge. Have a look at this photo!

Points _______ /8

  1. Translate from Russian into English:

интересный музей

королевский дворец

красивый собор

старинный город

новый памятник

Points _______ /5

  1. Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets:

  1. Alice _______________________________ (already/ buy) some souvenirs for her family.

  2. I ________________________________ (just/feed) the parrot.

  3. Mum ___________________________ (not/ be) to the shopping centre yet.

  4. We _______________________ (never/play) cricket.

  5. ________________ you ________________ (clean) the room? Not yet.

Points _______ /5

  1. Choose the correct answer:

  1. The young musicians took … in the city music festival.

  1. place b) care c) part

  1. … me, could you tell me how to get to the Science Museum?

  1. Please b) Excuse c) Sorry

  1. The people of the town are … of its history.

  1. proud b) good c) interested

  1. The girls spend hours on phone. They … with their friends.

  1. Say b) chat c) tell

  1. Where is Tim? He ... the presentation about English writers in his room. a) is writing b) writes c) has written

  2. Helen usually … fantasy, but now she is reading a detective story.

  1. is reading b) reads c) is going to read

  1. The writer … his book yet.

  1. doesn’t finish b) hasn’t finished c) didn’t finish

  1. … is a place where the British Queen and her family lives.
    a) The Tower of London b) Westminster Abbey c) Buckingham Palace

  2. The Tower of London was founded in …

  1. 1066 a) 1147 c) 1492

  1. Nelson’s Column is situated in the centre of …
    a) Trafalgar Square b) Hyde Park c) Red Square

Points _______ /10




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Enjoy English 5 Test 3 Variant 2 Name: _____________________

  1. Complete the text with the words from the box.

famous ships sightseeing first one founded interest with

I have never been to the UK before. It was my __________________ visit to London. I stayed ___________________ my pen friend’s family.

The British capital was ____________________ more than two thousand years ago. London is ________________________ for its places of ______________________ . I went __________________________ every day and took a lot of photos.
One day I walked along the Thames. Soon I was at Tower Bridge. It is ____________________________ of the most famous British bridges. It opens and the ________________________ go up and down the River Thames. I took a photo of the open Tower Bridge. Have a look at this photo!

Points _______ /8

  1. Translate from Russian into English:

современное здание

гостеприимный город

старинная крепость

бесплатный музей

королевская семья

Points _______ /5

  1. Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets:

  1. Alice _______________________________ (already/ buy) some souvenirs for her family.

  2. I ________________________________ (just/feed) the parrot.

  3. Mum ___________________________ (not/ be) to the shopping centre yet.

  4. We _______________________ (never/play) cricket.

  5. ________________ you ________________ (clean) the room? Not yet.

Points _______ /5

  1. Choose the correct answer:

  1. The young musicians took … in the city music festival.

  1. place b) care c) part

  1. … me, could you tell me how to get to the Science Museum?

  1. Please b) Excuse c) Sorry

  1. The people of the town are … of its history.

  1. proud b) good c) interested

  1. The girls spend hours on phone. They … with their friends.

  1. Say b) chat c) tell

  1. Where is Tim? He ... the presentation about English writers in his room. a) is writing b) writes c) has written

  2. Helen usually … fantasy, but now she is reading a detective story.

  1. is reading b) reads c) is going to read

  1. The writer … his book yet.

  1. doesn’t finish b) hasn’t finished c) didn’t finish

  1. … is a place where the British Queen and her family lives.
    a) The Tower of London b) Westminster Abbey c) Buckingham Palace

  2. The Tower of London was founded in …

  1. 1066 a) 1147 c) 1492

10. Nelson’s Column is situated in the centre of …
a) Trafalgar Square b) Hyde Park c) Red Square

Points _______ /10




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