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Тест для 5-классов 2-вариант

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«Тест для 5-классов 2-вариант»

ENGLISH 5-класс 2-вариант

1. Fill in the right article:

It was … interesting answer.

а) the b) а c) an d) –

2. Mark the plural form of the noun сhild.

а) childs b) childrens c) childes d) children

3. Mark the right form of the verb:

This ... a picture of a woman.

а) is b) be c) are d) am

4. Mark the right form of the verb:

I ... hungry.

а) are b) am c) is d) to be

5. Mark the appropriate pronoun.

Lena and I washed … hands.

а) us b) our c) ours d) we

6. Mark the word in the group that is not correct:

а) mother b) father c) sister d) brother

7. Mark the word in the group that is not correct:

а) learn b) study c) drink d) anser

8. Choose the right answer.

Does he ... English or French?

а) say b) tell c) speak d) reads

9. Mark the right form of the verb:

What country... you from?

а) are b) is b) am c) be

10. Mark the right form of the verb:

... you speak English?

а) Does b) Do c) Is d) Was

ENGLISH 5-класс 3-вариант

1. Mark the proper form of the verb:

... always a lot of work there in this season.

а) Are this b) Are there c) There is d) Is there

2. Mark the proper form of the verb:

... several flats on each floor.

а) There is b) It was c) There are d) There was

3. Mark the proper form of the verb:

Who ... that man?

а) is b) am c) are d ) be

4. Mark the proper form of the verb:

... Tom your brother?

а) Do b) Does c) Is d) Are

5. Mark the suitable tense form in the given sentence.

He often ... to speak to you.

а) want б) wants в) wanted г) has wanted

6. Give Your Reply to:

Thank you.

а) Excuse me б) Good−bye

в) How are you? г) You’re welcome.

7. Give Your Reply to: Can I take this pen?

а) Those pens are red. b) You must put the pen over there. c) Those pens are on the table. d) Of course, you can.

8. Give Your Reply to:

Could you pass me the tea?

а) I’m sorry I don’t know. b) Please not. c) Not at all. d) Yes, of course.

9. Mark the correct word.

This doctor treats teeth. She is a ... .

а) dentist b) farmer c) teacher d) agronomist

10. Mark the correct word.

How much does a banana ... ?

5 soms.

а) sell b) buy c) want d) cost

ENGLISH 5-класс 4-вариант

1. Mark the correct modal verb.

... you speak English well? Yes, rather fluently.

а) Must б) May в) Can г) Ought

2. Mark the correct modal verb.

Where ... I buy a raincoat?

On the second floor.

а) can б) may в) must г) need

3. Fill in the proper preposition:

The man ... the sweater is reading a magazine.

а) on б) under в) in г) from

4. Fill in the proper preposition:

Nick’s schoolbag is ... the chair.

а) on б) in в) from г) into

5. Mark the proper form of an adjective.

Which of these regions is ..., ours or yours?

а) big б) bigger в) biggest г) little

6. Give Your Reply to:

I want to get to the theatre in time. The performance begins in 20 minutes.

а) It’s 20 minutes past 5. б) It is 20 minutes to 7. в) Yes, you can. г) You’d better take a taxi.

7. Give Your Reply to:

Would you go to the ballet with me?

а) Yes, here you are. б) Thank you. в) Sorry, I’m late. г) Yes, I’d love to.

8. Mark the word in the group that is misspelled:

а) mather б) father в) sister г) brother

9. Mark the word in the group that is misspelled:

а) learn б) language в) point г) anser

10. Mark the word in the group that is misspelled:

а) sit б) stend в) put г) cut

ENGLISH 5-класс 5-вариант

1. Mark the suitable tense form in the given sentence.

I ... dinner about an hour ago.

а) ate б) was eating в) have eaten г) eats

2. Mark the suitable tense form in the given sentence.

Last month we ... too much money on movies.

а) spend б) spent в) have spent г) were spending

3. Mark the suitable tense form in the given sentence.

... you like to fish in childhood?

а) Were б) Do в) Does г) Did

4. Mark the suitable tense form in the given sentence.

I ... to work by bus yesterday.

а) go б) have gone в) went г) has gone

5. Mark the word in the group that is misspelled:

а) football б) basketball в) tennis г) hockey

6. Mark the word in the group that is misspelled:

а) English б) Russian в) Kyrgyz г) Mathemetics

7. Mark the word in the group that is misspelled:

а) tea б) coffee в) lunch г) breakfast

8. Mark the word in the group that is misspelled:

а) chicken б) noun в) ghost г) miror

9. Mark the word in the group that is misspelled:

а) kneeling б) wind в) dangerus г) spirit

10. Mark the only word to make this sentence sensible.

September is a month of ... school.

а) starting б) finishing в) consulting г) contrasting

ENGLISH ЖООПТОРУ / ОТВЕТЫ 5 класс 2 вариант № Жообу Ответы 1. В 2. Г 3. А 4. Б 5. Б 6. А 7. Г 8. В 9. А 10. Б

ENGLISH ЖООПТОРУ / ОТВЕТЫ 5 класс 3 вариант № Жообу Ответы 1. В 2. В 3. А 4. В 5. Б 6. Г 7. Г 8. Г 9. А 10. Г

ENGLISH ЖООПТОРУ / ОТВЕТЫ 5 класс 3 вариант № Жообу Ответы 1. В 2. А 3. В 4. А 5. Б 6. Г 7. Г 8. А 9. Г 10. Б

ENGLISH ЖООПТОРУ / ОТВЕТЫ 5 класс 5 вариант № Жообу Ответы 1. А 2. Б 3. Г 4. В 5. А 6. Г 7. Б 8. Г 9. В 10. А


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