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Тест по английскому языку для 5 класса по теме "World animals", Spotlight, Module 5

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«Тест по английскому языку для 5 класса по теме "World animals", Spotlight, Module 5»

Test 5 5 классы

1 Write the words in English.

  1. хобот

  2. клюв

  3. перо

  4. мех

  5. грива

  6. лапа

  7. хвост

  8. бивень

2 Fill in the correct word.

dangerous • elephant • leopard • crocodile • lion

paws • legs • sharp • fur • wing • wild

  1. Koalas have got ………. claws for climbing.

  2. Some snakes are ………. . They can bite humans.

  3. A ………. can stay under water for two hours.

  4. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin ………. .

  5. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken ………. .

  6. The ………. is the king of the jungle.

  7. A ………. can run fast and has spots.

  8. I like my dog’s soft, white ………. .

  9. Indian ………. have small ears.

  10. My cat is black with white ………. .

3 Choose the correct item.

  1. A giraffe eat/don’t eat/eats leaves from trees.

  2. Humans don’t live/doesn’t live/lives in trees.

  3. Insects keeps/doesn’t keep/keep gardens clean.

  4. Koalas drinks/don’t drink/doesn’t drink water.

  5. Lions doesn’t sleep/sleeps/sleep during the day.

  6. A hen lay/don’t lay/lays eggs.

  7. A tortoise eats/don’t eat/eat leaves.

  8. Leopards can climbs/doesn’t climb/climb trees.

  9. Bears sleeps/doesn’t sleep/sleep all winter.

  10. People hunts/doesn’t hunt/hunt wild animals.

4 Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

This 1 ……. (be) an African elephant. These animals 2 ……. (be) big with long tusks. Elephants 3 ……. (eat) grass and fruit from trees and they 4 ……. (drink) water during the day. African elephants 5 ……. (live) south of the Sahara Desert in forests. A mother elephant 6 ……. (stay) with her calf for two years.

5 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

  1. go/zoo/I/to/every/the/Saturday.

  2. fast/leopards/very/run.

  3. honey/bees/make.

  4. stripes/black/tigers/have.

  5. tiger/Bengal/in/lives/India/the.

6 Choose the correct response.

  1. Do you like snakes? A. In our homes and gardens.

  2. What is your dog’s name? B. During the day.

  3. When do cats sleep? C. Fruit and grass.

  4. What colour is a penguin? D. No, I don’t.

  5. What do elephants eat? E. It’s Max.

  6. Where do insects live? F. It’s black and white.

7 Read the text and answer the questions.

A penguin is a bird. Penguins can’t fly. They live in the Antarctic. Feathers help penguins stay warm in cold weather. Their size helps too. They are fat! The penguin is black and white. Penguins don’t sleep during the day. They sleep at night. They swim fast and catch food in the sea. They eat small fish and can stay under water for five minutes.

  1. Where do penguins live?

  2. What helps them stay warm?

  3. What colour are penguins?

  4. When do penguins sleep?

  5. What do penguins eat?


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