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Тест по грамматике " Выражение действий в будущем"

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Данный тест можно использовать на уроках повторения грамматического материала в 7 классе по учебнику Спотлайт.

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«Тест по грамматике " Выражение действий в будущем"»

1.Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную форму. Предложения относятся к будущему.

1. If I (eat) another cake, I (be) sick. 2. You (fail) your exam if you (not/study) hard. 3. What you (do) if you (be) tired? 4. Our children (cry) if our dog (be lost). 5. If you (be) late, I (go) without you. 6. If she (pass) her driving test, she (buy) a car. 7. If my neighbors (stop) making a noise, I (be able) to fall asleep.

2.Ваш друг уезжает на каникулы. Задайте ему вопросы о его поездке.

ОБРАЗЕЦ: What/do/miss/plane? — What will you do if you miss the plane?

  1. a) 1.hat/do/plane/be delayed?
    2. Where/stay/the hotels/be full?
    3. Who/talk to/not make any friends?
    4. What/eat/not like local food?
    5. Where/go/beaches/be crowded?
    3.a)Употребите один из случаев выражения будущего времени в предложениях . Объясните свой выбор.
    1. I ‘m tired. I … (go) to bed.
    2. … I  … (answer) the question?
    3. I hope this test … (not to take) long.
    4. You … (arrive) in Paris tomorrow evening.
    5. Do you think that Diana  … (come) to the party tomorrow?
    6. I strongly believe that there … (not to be) any wars in the world.
    7. Dad … (present) Mag a personal computer, … he?

  2. b) 1. I (have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?
    2. I (not/go) away for my holidays next month because I haven’t got enough money.
    3. The concert (start) at 7.30 in the evening.
    4. Mike, is it true that you (get married) next week?
    5. The art exhibition (open) on 3 May and (finish) on 15 July.
    6. What time … the next train (leave)?
    7. Sue, we … (go) to town, … you (join) us?
    8. I (have) lunch with some businessmen next Wednesday.
    9. My Uncle John from America (visit) us soon.
    10. The examinations (take place) next month as announced.


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