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Тест по теме Appearance and Character

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«Тест по теме Appearance and Character»

Achievement Test – Appearance and Character

I. Complete the dialogue with the missing words.

A: Why do you look so worried, Helen?

H: The news of my daughter’s engagement has nearly killed me in fact.

A: I thought you liked John.

H: I hardly know him. All that was so unexpected.

A: You’ll learn to love him when you know him better, I am sure he’ll prove to be a good husband and an affectionate son. I’ve known him foe years.

H: But he looks so strange. He is very 1___, with small 2___ flat at the top, too large green 3___, 4___ and that long 5___ nose of his. Besides he looks old for his age.

A: Oh, you are exaggerating things. True, he is a bit too 6___ but his big green eyes are 7___, 8___ eyes.

H: I wish his face were not so 9___.

A: Why, I like his face: there is awfully nice about it. He isn’t ugly at all, especially when he smiles and shows those 10___ teeth of his.

H: I thought Ella would choose Henry. He is 11___ and decidedly 12___. They would make such a nice couple.

A: You’ll never make me agree with you. Henry is 13___, indeed, but there is something unkind in the look of his grey eyes. I always feel uncomfortable when he looks at me. It’s 14___ of your daughter to have chosen John. Remember: appearances are deceitful; a fair face may hide a foul soul.

II. Put the right words given below in the necessary place.

rely on dark straight modesty responsible honest stubborn make friends misunderstanding age eyes slender will lips just talented

My best friend's name's Nick. We made friends a few years ago. We are of the same age. We live in the same block of flats, so we see each other almost every day.

Nick is a tall slender boy. He has got dark hair, large dark eyes, a straight nose and thin lips. He wears spectacles. He is a nice guy. He is very honest and just, understanding and kind. I trust him a lot and I'm sure that I can rely on him in any situation. He never lets people down. Nick is only 19 but he is very responsible — he finishes whatever he starts. He's got only one shortcoming - he is a bit stubborn. Nevertheless he is pleasant to deal with. Nick is so talented. He's got a very good ear for music. He likes jazz and plays the piano very well. I never quarrel with Nick. But if there's some misunderstanding between us we try to make peace as soon as possible. What I like best about him is that he is always willing to help and share his knowledge, thoughts and feelings. I respect him for his fairness, strong will, intellect and modesty.

III. Choose the correct variant.

1. Cathryn's _____ and slim.

a) handsome b) tall c) overweight

2. He's got _____ brown hair.

a) tall b) good-looking c) short

3. Do you think Enrique Iglesias is very _____?

a) handsome b) pretty c) medium height

4. David is very _____, he needs to lose weight.

a) fat b) slim c) pretty

5. She has shoulder- _____ hair.

a) height b) weight c) length

6. He's very _____, he passed all his exams.

a) talkative b) reserved c) smart

7. Elena's quite _____, she plays tennis every day.

a) sporty b) talkative c) charming

8. We don't know anything about him, he's very _____.

a) reserved b) warm c) talkative

9. Sam is very _____, he's sure he'll pass his exams.

a) reserved b) confident c) tense

10. Simon has got short brown _____.
a) beard b) hair c) moustache

11. Her boyfriend is quite _____.
a) beautiful b) long c) attractive

12. Paul's very _____. He doesn't work a lot.
a) horrible b) lazy c) strict

IV. Translate into English.

А. У моей подруги обыкновенная, но, по моему, очень привлекательная внешность. У нее, как и у многих других, волосы средней длинны, густые и волнистые. У Лены большие, хорошо очерченные, пухлые губы и длинный, прямой нос. Пожалуй, он даже немного портит ее внешность. Но самое главное в ее лице для меня – черные, большие глаза под густыми черными ресницами. Это глаза очень внимательного, умного, живого человека. В них выражается настроение моей подруги, ее отношение к людям.

В. Маша – очень умная, добрая и справедливая. Лицо у Маши круглое, румяное, нос немного вздернут. Светлые русые волосы с золотистым оттенком непокорно вьются над высоким лбом. Глаза у нее большие, серо-зеленые, окаймленные черными длинными ресницами. Над ресницами – тонко очерченные брови в виде полумесяца. Когда Маша улыбается, то ее глаза искрятся озорными огоньками, а на щеках появляются ямочки.

V. Match the features of character to the sentences.

1. Any time you need some money, just ask. - generous

2. Mum, it’s me who broke the vase, sorry.

3. I will be the manager of this company within 5 years.

4. I deeply regret about your fail at the exam. How can I help you?

5. My car is the best in the town. And the fastest.

6. Nice to meet you. Make yourself at home.

7. I don’t care about the results of the test.

8. Let’s stay in, I don’t want to go anywhere. What I need is to watch TV.

9. The train is late. Almost 2 minutes now.

10. Share these sweets with your brother.

11. I don’t know how to tell her I love her. I am afraid she will laugh at me.

12. I will go and save the child.

13. You don’t go for a walk until you finish your hometask.

14. I know you are going to date with that guy. I will kill him, you and finally myself!

15. I’ll do what you ask. You can rely on me.

16. I was not a hero. Anyone would do the same.

modest, loyal, generous, honest, sympathetic, friendly, selfish, inert strict, jealous, fair, shy, boastful, brae, impatient, ambitious

VI. Write the words due to the definitions.

  1. one of the two holes at the end of your nose, through which you breathe and smell things nostril

  2. someone who is willing to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people or give them pleasure

  3. having a tendency to become angry easily

  4. thin in an attractive or graceful way

  5. hair that grows on a man's upper lip

  6. fairly fat and heavy, or having a thick body

  7. nervous and embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people, especially people you do not know

  8. someone or part of their body that is very thin

  9. hair that grows around a man's chin and cheeks

  10. the main bad character in a film, play, or story

  11. your face or your expression

  12. someone who can be trusted and depended on


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