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Тест по теме "Мой рабочий день"

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Тест по теме "Мой рабочий день" создан для проверки знаний у студентов первого курса всех специальностей в Тамбовском областном медицинском колледже. 

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«Тест по теме "Мой рабочий день"»

Тест по теме «Мой рабочий день»

1. Вставьте подходящие глаголы в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.

teach, have (2), drive, leave

It’s 17,30am. Suzanne Wells is in her kitchen at home. She (1) ________ breakfast. She (2) _______ breakfast at this time every morning. She (3) ___________ home at 8.30am every day and (4) __________ to work. Suzanne is a teacher. She (5) ___________at a school in Canberra.

spend, come, teach (2), not speak

It's 10.00 am now and Suzanne is at school. At the moment she (6) ________her class of 8-year-old children. All the children in her class (7) ________ from Canberra. Many of the children (8) ______ English at home. So Suzanne (9) ______ a lot of time teaching English. She (10) _________English to the class now.

2. Постройте вопросы, используя времена Present Simple или Present Continuous. Дайте ответы. Example: Do you often wear jeans? –Yes, I do.

1 you | often | wear | jeans?

2 you | wear | jeans now?

3 it | rain | now?

4 it | often | rain | in your country?

5 you | study | English every day?

6 you | study | English at the moment?

3. Put am/is/are or do/don’t/does/doesn’t. 

1. I … working under my project.

2. Excuse me, … you speak English?

3. He … not washing his car, he’s reading a newspaper.

4. Can you repeat this rule? I … understand.

5. She … work. She is ill.

6. How much …. it cost to go to the theatre?

7. They … painting the picture in the garden.

 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous or present simple. 

1. Excuse me, … you … (know) where the post office is?

2. I … (want) to eat a sandwich.

3. … you … (go) to travel abroad next year?

4. Where’s Bob? He … (listen) to music in his room.

5. How often … you …. (go) for a walk in the park?

6. My father … (read) magazines very often.

7. What time … your mother … (finish) her job in the evening?

8. She … (go) to the gym twice a week.

9. Liza … usually … (drive) to work. He usually catches the bus.

10. They … (do) their homework in the room.

 5. Give the short answers to the questions. 

1. Is he talking to the phone? – Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

2. Do you wash your car every Sundays?

3. Is she reading a book?

4. Do they often go dancing?

5. Are you going to the restaurant tonight?

6. Does he always do his homework?

6. Выберите из скобок глагол в правильной форме. Переведите предложения.

  1. He … (works/is working) for a big insurance company.

  2. Water always … (boils/is boiling) at 100 degrees.

  3. I … (wait/am waiting) for my doctor at the moment.

  4. Bob, stop! You … (eat/are eating) too fast.

  5. She … (has/is having) four brothers.

  6. Switch off the radio, please. You … (don’t listen/aren’t listening) to it.

  7. I know my bad habit: I often … (talk/am talking) too loudly.

  8. Look at the picture. An elegant lady … (rides/is riding) a horse.

  9. Give me some salt, please. I … (make/am making) seafood salad.

  10. Mary never … (speaks/is speaking) to strange people.

7. Напишите следующие глаголы в форме причастия I.

1 work

2 read

3 leave

4 go

5 laugh

8. Объедините два предложения в одно, используя причастие I.

Пример:  He was jumping down the stairs. He broke his leg. – He broke his leg jumping down the stairs.

  1. Tom was watching the film. He fell asleep.

  2. The pupils opened their textbooks. They looked for the answer.

  3. Julia was training to be a designer. She lived in Milan for 3 years.

  4. They are vegetarians. They don’t eat meat.

  5. Jane was tidying up her bedroom. She found some old letters.

9. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия.

1. Everybody looked at the dancing girl.

2. The lit­tle plump woman standing at the window is my grand­ mother.

3. The man playing the piano is Kate’s uncle.

4. Entering the room, she turned on the light.

5. Coming to the theatre, she saw that the performance had already begun.

6. Looking out of the window, he saw his mother watering the flowers.

7. Hearing the sounds of music, we stopped talking.

8. She went into the room, leaving the door open.

9. Working at his desk, he listened to a new CD.

10. Frankly speaking, he has made a terrible mistake.

11. Looking through the newspaper, she noticed a photograph of her boss.

12. Using chemicals, the firemen soon put out the fire in the forest.

10. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1.  I … at 7 o’clock in the morning

a) get up              b) has breakfast c)go to bed d) play chess

2. Then she …

a) get up              b) has breakfast c)go to bed d) play chess

3. … you watch TV everyday?

a) Does               b) Do                   c)Are d)Is

4. … he watching TV now?

a) Does               b) Are                  c)Do d)Is

5. In the morning we have…              

a)    breakfast                       b)    lunch                    c)    dinner  d)    supper

6. The lessons begin at…

a) 8:00 b) 8:30 c) 9:00 d) 9:30

7.   In the afternoon we have…            

a)    breakfast               b)    lunch                     c)    dinner       d)    supper 

8. After the lessons pupils go…

a) to the market b) shopping c) home d) to the cinema

9.   In the evening we have…               

a)    breakfast             b)    lunch                  c)    dinner          d)    supper

10. Pupils do their lessons…

a) at home b) in the street c) in the yard d) in the cafe

11.   At school pupils…                          

a) do morning exercises       b) have lessons    c) clean the rooms d) clean the teeth

12. At 9 o’clock in the evening pupils go…

a) home b) shopping c) to school d) to bed

13.   Every morning pupils go…            

a)    to school                b)    to the park               c)    shopping            d)    walking

14. Before going to bed pupils read…

a) books b) flowers c) day-books d) TV-set

15.   Children make their beds…            

a)    in the morning              b)    in the afternoon           c)    in the evening          d)    at night 

16. Pupils can help about the house…

a) in the morning b) in the evening c) in winter d) in summer

11. Вставьте верное слово в каждый пропуск what, when, where.

a) … do you get up ?

b) … does she do then?

c) … does she go after breakfast?

d) … do they come home from school?

e) … does she do at three o’clock?

f) … does he go swimming?

12. Поставьте предложение в вопросительную форму.

Пример: Michael and Samantha live together. – Do Michael and Samantha live together?

  1. They are at home now.

  2. James played chess with his friend yesterday.

  3. He has been waiting for me all day.

  4. Mary is speaking on the phone now.

  5. Usually I wake up at 6 o’clock.

13. Дополните вопросительное предложение недостающими словами.

1. ______ colour is Lily’s new jeans?

2. ______ Jane a dentist ____ a surgeon?

3. ______of the members of you family can sing well?

4. ______ Sally going to the camp for summer? – Yes, she is

5. As a manager Olga is really doing well, _____ ?

14. Задайте вопросы к предложениям.

Например: Mary grows beautiful flowers in the garden. – Does Mary grow flowers in the garden?

The weather is cold today. – Is the weather cold today?

  1. John was tired after work.

  2. We live in a small town.

  3. Summer has started at last.

  4. They have already left.

  5. My parents got married in Paris.

  6. She can lose her temper easily.

  7. The party will start in time.

  8. The dogs are sleeping.

  9. The umbrella was broken.

  10. He always gives money to homeless children.


Упражнение 1.

1. is having,

2 has,

3 leaves,

4 drives,

5 teaches,

6 is teaching,

7 come,

8 don’t speak,

9 spends,

10 is teaching

Упражнение 2.

1 Do you often wear jeans? –Yes, I do.

2 Are you wearing jeans now? – Yes, I am.

3 Is it raining now? – No, it is not.

4 Does it often rain in your country? – Yes, it does.

5 Do you study English every day? – No, I do not.

6 Are you studying English at the moment? – Yes, I am.

Упражнение 3.

1 am

2 do

3 is

4 don’t

5 doesn’t

6 does

7 are

Упражнение 4.

  1. do you know,

  2. want,

  3. are you going,

  4. he is listening,

  5. do you go,

  6. reads,

  7. does your mother finish,

  8. goes,

  9. doesn’t usually drive,

  10. they are doing.

Упражнение 5.

1 Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

2 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

3 Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

4 Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

5 Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

6 Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

Упражнение 6.

  1. works (Он работает в большой страховой компании.)

  2. boils (Вода всегда закипает при 100 градусах.)

  3. am waiting (Я жду своего врача в данный момент.)

  4. are eating (Боб, остановись! Ты ешь слишком быстро.)

  5. has (У нее 4 брата.)

  6. aren’t listening (Выключи радио, пожалуйста. Ты его не слушаешь.)

  7. talk (Я знаю свою плохую привычку: я часто разговариваю слишком громко.)

  8. is riding (Посмотри на эту картину. Элегантная леди едет верхом на лошади.)

  9. am making (Дай мне соль, пожалуйста. Я готовлю салат с морепродуктами.)

  10. speaks (Мэри никогда не разговаривает с незнакомыми людьми.)

Упражнение 7.

1 working                      

2 reading                                                       

3 leaving                              

4 going                  

5 laughing 

 Упражнение 8.

  1. Tom fell asleep watching the film.

  2. The pupils opened their textbooks looking for the answer.

  3. Julia lived in Milan for 3 years training to be a designer.

  4. Being vegetarians they don’t eat meat.

  5. Jane found some old letters tidying up her bedroom.

Упражнение 9.

1. Все смотрели на танцующую девушку.

2. Маленькая полная женщина, стоящая у окна,- моя бабушка.

3. Мужчина, играющий на пианино,- Катин дядя.

4. Войдя в комнату, она включила свет.

5. Придя в театр, она увидела, что спектакль уже начался.

6. Выглянув в окно, он увидел, что его мама поливает цветы.

7. Услышав звуки музыки, мы перестали разговаривать.

8. Она вошла в комнату, оставив дверь открытой.

9. Работая за своим столом, он слушал новый диск.

10. Честно говоря, он совершил ужасную ошибку.

11. Просматривая газету, она заметила фотографию своего босса.

12. Применяя химические вещества, пожарные вскоре потушили огонь в лесу.

Упражнение 10.

  1. a

  2. b

  3. b

  4. d

  5. a

  6. b

  7. b

  8. c

  9. c (d)

  10. a

  11. b

  12. d

  13. a

  14. a

  15. a

  16. b

Упражнение 11.

a) when,

b) what,

c) where,

d) when,

e) what,

f) when.

Упражнение 12.

  1. Are they at home now?

  2. Did James play chess with his friend yesterday?

  3. Has he been waiting for me all day?

  4. Is Mary speaking on the phone now?

  5. Do I usually wake up at 6 o’clock?

Упражнение 13.

1. What colour is Lily’s new jeans?

2. Is Jane a dentist or a surgeon?

3. Which of the members of you family can sing well?

4. Is Sally going to the camp for summer?Yes, she is.

5. As a manager Olga is really doing well, isn’t she?

Упражнение 14.

  1. Was John tired after work?

  2. Do you live in a small town?

  3. Has summer started at last?

  4. Have they already left?

  5. Did your parents get married in Paris?

  6. Can she lose her temper easily?

  7. Will the party start in time?

  8. Are the dogs sleeping?

  9. Was the umbrella broken?

  10. Does he always give money to homeless children?


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