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The problem of the development of universal learning activities in foreign language classes.

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Презентация на англиском языке "Проблема развития УУД на уроках английского языка".

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«The problem of the development of universal learning activities in foreign language classes.»

The problem of the development of universal learning activities in foreign language classes . *

The problem of the development of universal learning activities in foreign language classes .


 Plan.  1. Concept of universal learning activities (ULAs).  2.Types of ULAs.  3.Conditions for ULAs development.  4. Conclusion.

Plan. 1. Concept of universal learning activities (ULAs). 2.Types of ULAs. 3.Conditions for ULAs development. 4. Conclusion.

1. The content of the Federal State Educational Standard sets out requirements for meta-objective results of educational programs that form the basis of learning skills. The key attention is paid to the presence of universal learning activities (ULAs). So the presentation performs the theoretical base for ULAs development .


The content of the Federal State Educational Standard sets out requirements for meta-objective results of educational programs that form the basis of learning skills. The key attention is paid to the presence of universal learning activities (ULAs). So the presentation performs the theoretical base for ULAs development .

1.   The aim of development of Universal Learning activities is to teach children how to learn. We should design the educational environment that enables all learners to gain knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm for learning. The Federal State Educational Standard provides not only subjective ULAs but also meta-subjective and personal learning activities . *


The aim of development of Universal Learning activities is to teach children how to learn. We should design the educational environment that enables all learners to gain knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm for learning.

The Federal State Educational Standard provides not only subjective ULAs but also meta-subjective and personal learning activities .


 2. All the ULAs can be divided into 4 groups: 1 . Personal ULAs promote the development of personality traits and abilities. 2. Regulatory ULAs which are self-control and motivation of students. 3 . Cognitive ULAs make students use general learning skills (such as reflection and analysis), logical skills, the ability to set the problems within learning and solve them. 4 . Communicative ULAs contribute to the productive cooperation between learners.


All the ULAs can be divided into 4 groups:

1 . Personal ULAs promote the development of personality traits and abilities.

2. Regulatory ULAs which are self-control and motivation of students.

3 . Cognitive ULAs make students use general learning skills (such as reflection and analysis), logical skills, the ability to set the problems within learning and solve them.

4 . Communicative ULAs contribute to the productive cooperation between learners.

I want to learn language! How can I use it in future? How can I learn it?

I want to learn language!

How can I use it in future?

How can I learn it?

. To evaluate the progress of language learning we can use certain criteria: In listening students understand the speech of the teacher, classmates and native speaker. In speaking they participate in a dialogue, ask and answer questions, make speech on basic topics, express their opinion. In reading aloud students pay attention to the rules of pronunciation and punctuation. When reading to themselves , pupils understand the main idea of the text and analyze it. In writing students perform personal letters and essays.

. To evaluate the progress of language learning we can use certain criteria:

In listening students understand the speech of the teacher, classmates and native speaker.

In speaking they participate in a dialogue, ask and answer questions, make speech on basic topics, express their opinion.

In reading aloud students pay attention to the rules of pronunciation and punctuation.

When reading to themselves , pupils understand the main idea of the text and analyze it.

In writing students perform personal letters and essays.

3. Thus, the main pedagogical mission is to organize comfortable conditions for successful language learning. They are: - continuity of the ULAs; - teacher’s competence; - organization of learning process; - self-determination and self-realization of every child; - control and encouragement.


Thus, the main pedagogical mission is to organize comfortable conditions for successful language learning.

They are:

- continuity of the ULAs;

- teacher’s competence;

- organization of learning process;

- self-determination and self-realization of every child;

- control and encouragement.

4.  Contemporary life conditions require a broad range of universal qualities of a person. And the Federal Educational Standard is designed to help teachers satisfy these requirements in the learning process. *


Contemporary life conditions require a broad range of universal qualities of a person. And the Federal Educational Standard is designed to help teachers satisfy these requirements in the learning process.



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