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The scenario of the fairytale

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This is the scenario of the fairytale(Beauty Inside)

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«The scenario of the fairytale»

Beauty Inside

Once upon a time there was a Royal family in Erendell. They were so happy but there was one thing that made them very upset. The King and Queen wanted to have an heir who would rule over their kingdom in the future. Their dream was destined to come true and one beautiful summer night they had a son. The boy was born of unbelievable beauty. They lived without knowing sorrow and misery until one terrible day the witch cast a spell on their beloved son. Waking up in the early morning, the King and Queen were horrified to find the distorted face of their single Prince. After crying all night, the King George invited the best doctors to the kingdom. Unfortunately, they were powerless. Nothing helped to restore the former beauty. Many years passed and everyone already resigned themselves to this misfortune, when one day the young prince heard the conversation between his father and his subordinate:

- Your Majesty, there are very unpleasant rumors that our esteemed prince will not be able to take your place in the future. His appearance will scare away everybody.

Hearing these words the prince decided not to be a reason for rumors to all and just one dark night fled.

The prince William went for a long time in the night, through a dense forest, impenetrable mountains, thick grass, rivers, until his strength left and he fell asleep at an old oak tree. The next morning the groom of the neighboring kingdom, tall, stocky man with a beard and mustache, wearing a hat and heavy boots coming back from the trip, came across the prince. Coming closer he was horrified to see his terrible face. But something in stranger attracted him and he decided to help .The groom took that boy to the kingdom without even suspecting that it was the prince. As time went by, the prince began to get used to a new life in the new kingdom and was glad that no one paid any attention to him. Until one day he heard the beautiful singing of a young lady who went into the stable to feed the horses and say hello to the groom Tom. She was incredibly beautiful, with sky blue eyes and light curly hair, her smile lit up all around. Every day in the mornings this girl went to the stable, and every day the prince watched her from the side being afraid to show his ugly face. One morning he worked in the stables, turning sharply he saw her. He did not have time to hide his face, and she was not even frightened to see him.

-Hello-said she without any hesitation.-My name is Katrin, but you can call me just Kat, - she said and held out her hand. –My name is William,-said he hesitantly holding his hand out in return.

Their friendship has begun from that moment. Day by day they spent all the time together. They read books, rode horses, walked on green meadows. She seemed not to notice his lack, calling him the most affectionate words. He did not even notice that with every passing day, with every kind word of her, evil spells dissipated and his appearance changed markedly.

Suddenly, their kingdom was attacked by robbers who wanted to steal the princess. Then he realized that the girl with whom he spent all his time was a princess. He decided to save the only one who saw in him his inner beauty not paying attention to his appearance. He saved his beloved. This news was scattered all over the district. The following days they were visited by guests from neighboring kingdoms including the King and the Queen, that is, the mother and father of William. Despite the past years, they immediately recognized each other and everyone was amazed that a simple groom turned out to be a prince. After some time, William and Catherine played a royal wedding for the whole district. They celebrated 40 days and nights and lived happily ever after and died in one day.

The end.


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