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The theme of the lesson “English – speaking countries”. 7th form

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The aim of the lesson: presentation material about English – speaking countries, giving new information.

The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge  of the new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills, making exercise.

2) Developing – to develop pupils’ creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading, speaking, listening and writing.

3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, other cultures, creating a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere in the class-room.

Type of the lesson: combined lesson.

Technology: Class discussion, individual work, frontal work, class discussion.

Methods of the lesson: presentation, traditional method, reading, class discussion, frontal work.

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«The theme of the lesson “English – speaking countries”. 7th form»

The theme of the lesson “English – speaking countries”.

7th form

The aim of the lesson: presentation material about English – speaking countries, giving new information.

The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills, making exercise.

2) Developing – to develop pupils’ creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading, speaking, listening and writing.

3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, other cultures, creating a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere in the class-room.

Type of the lesson: combined lesson.

Technology: Class discussion, individual work, frontal work, class discussion.

Methods of the lesson: presentation, traditional method, reading, class discussion, frontal work.

The procedure of the lesson:

1. Organization moment

T: Good morning, children.. How are you?
P: (We are fine. Thank you. And how are you?).
T: I’m fine too. Thank you.
Sit down, please. And let’s begin our lesson.

Who is on duty today?

P: I’m on duty today?

T: Who is absend today?

P: All are present

2. Introducing pupils with the theme of the lesson

Children, look at the board in our classroom, read their titles and try to guess the theme of our lesson today, please.

You are right. You see the maps of New Zealand, Canada, Australia, the UK, the USA and the flags of these countries. And what language do people speak in these countries? English language is an international language. It helps us to learn more about different countries.

You are quite right. They speak English.

And the theme of our lesson is “ENGLISH – SPEAKING COUNTRIES”.

3. Setting-up the subject of the lesson and the main tasks of the lesson.

So, today you will learn about the geographical situation of these countries, their capitals, population, official languages, some symbols and some interesting facts.

4. Phonetic drill.

Now, read after me. Mind the pronunciation of new words, try to translate them.

Emblem, advanced, powerful, north, Canberra, Wellington, south, east, financial, island, to occupy, a maple leaf, to stretch, official.

5. Activisation of the knowledge by the theme English Speaking Countries.Divide pupils into 2 groups. (Using stickers of different colours)

We have been learning English for 3 years. I’m sure you know some facts about English-speaking countries. You can use the map. Now let’s divide into three groups and try to answer these questions:

  1. What English-speaking countries do you know?

  2. What are their capitals?

  3. What is the official language of Great Britain?

  4. What is the official language of the USA?

  5. What is the second largest country in the world?

  6. The maple leaf is the official emblem of …. .

  7. What is one of the most powerful countries in the world?

  8. What country consists of two islands?

  9. Which country has the third largest population in the world?

  10. What is the world’s seventh biggest city?

6. Developing the abilities of finding information from the text. Work in pairs.We are going to read some texts about English-speaking countries Let’s read the texts and try to find out the answers.

The right answers:

  1. New Zealand, Canada, Australia, the UK, the USA

  2. The capital of the UK is London.
    The capital of the USA is Washington DC.
    The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.
    The capital of Australia is Canberra.
    The capital of Canada is Ottawa.

  3. English

  4. English

  5. Canada

  6. Canada

  7. the USA

  8. New Zealand

  9. the USA

  10. London

7. Physical exercises.Warm up.

Up, down, up, down,
Which is the way to London town?
Where? Where? Up in the air,
Close your eyes – and you are there.

8. Summing up the lesson. Marking.

What have you learned about English-speaking countries today?
Thank you, children. You have learned a lot and I give you only good and excellent marks today.

9. Giving the hometask. Children, you will continue working on the theme at home. Write down your homework. Prepare the story about one of the English-speaking countries.

  1. Reflection. What is your opinion of the lesson? Choose the badge that reflects your mood. Show us your badges. I am very glad that you have chosen the badges with happy faces. Thank you. Our lesson is over. Good bye.

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