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Тестовое задание по теме: Past Simple. Употребление was / were

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TEST – Past Simple (was, were)


Task 1. Change the sentences from Present to Past. Use yesterday and last month in the Past Simple. Task 2. Complete the dialogues with was, wasn’t, were, or weren't.

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«Тестовое задание по теме: Past Simple. Употребление was / were»

TEST – Past Simple (was, were)

1) Change the sentences from Present to Past. Use yesterday and last month in the Past Simple.

Present simple

I’m tired this week.

1 Today is Sunday.

2 Where are you now?

3 We are in Munich today.

4 I’m in Italy this month.

5 My father was a pilot.

6 It isn't open now,

7 Why aren't you at work today?

Past simple

I was tired last week.

______ _____ Saturday.

Where ______ you ________?

We_____ in Berlin ______.

I _____ in France __________.

My grandfather _____ a pilot too.

It ______ open ________.

Why _____ you at work ________?

TEST – Past Simple (was, were)

1) Change the sentences from Present to Past. Use yesterday and last month in the Past Simple.

Present simple

I’m tired this week.

1 Today is Sunday.

2 Where are you now?

3 We are in Munich today.

4 I’m in Italy this month.

5 My father was a pilot.

6 It isn't open now,

7 Why aren't you at work today?

Past simple

I was tired last week.

______ _____ Saturday.

Where ______ you ________?

We_____ in Berlin ______.

I _____ in France __________.

My grandfather _____ a pilot too.

It ______ open ________.

Why _____ you at work ________?

TEST – Past Simple (was, were)

1) Change the sentences from Present to Past. Use yesterday and last month in the Past Simple.

Present simple

I’m tired this week.

1 Today is Sunday.

2 Where are you now?

3 We are in Munich today.

4 I’m in Italy this month.

5 My father was a pilot.

6 It isn't open now,

7 Why aren't you at work today?

Past simple

I was tired last week.

______ _____ Saturday.

Where ______ you ________?

We_____ in Berlin ______.

I _____ in France __________.

My grandfather _____ a pilot too.

It ______ open ________.

Why _____ you at work ________?

TEST – Past Simple (was, were)

1) Change the sentences from Present to Past. Use yesterday and last month in the Past Simple.

Present simple

I’m tired this week.

1 Today is Sunday.

2 Where are you now?

3 We are in Munich today.

4 I’m in Italy this month.

5 My father was a pilot.

6 It isn't open now,

7 Why aren't you at work today?

Past simple

I was tired last week.

______ _____ Saturday.

Where ______ you ________?

We_____ in Berlin ______.

I _____ in France __________.

My grandfather _____ a pilot too.

It ______ open ________.

Why _____ you at work ________?

2) Complete the dialogues with was, wasn’t, were, or weren't.

A Were you and Susan at the party last night?

В Yes, we 1 ________.

A 2_______ it good?

В No, it 3________ . The music 4_______ awful. Where 5 _______ you?

A I 6 ______ ill.

A Where 7________ you born?

В I 8 ________ born in America in 1919.

A 9 _________ your parents American?

В No, they 10_________. My mother 11_______ Italian and my father 12________ Greek.

2) Complete the dialogues with was, wasn’t, were, or weren't.

A Were you and Susan at the party last night?

В Yes, we 1 ________.

A 2_______ it good?

В No, it 3________ . The music 4_______ awful. Where 5 _______ you?

A I 6 ______ ill.

A Where 7________ you born?

В I 8 ________ born in America in 1919.

A 9 _________ your parents American?

В No, they 10_________. My mother 11_______ Italian and my father 12________ Greek.

2) Complete the dialogues with was, wasn’t, were, or weren't.

A Were you and Susan at the party last night?

В Yes, we 1 ________.

A 2_______ it good?

В No, it 3________ . The music 4_______ awful. Where 5 _______ you?

A I 6 ______ ill.

A Where 7________ you born?

В I 8 ________ born in America in 1919.

A 9 _________ your parents American?

В No, they 10_________. My mother 11_______ Italian and my father 12________ Greek.

2) Complete the dialogues with was, wasn’t, were, or weren't.

A Were you and Susan at the party last night?

В Yes, we 1 ________.

A 2_______ it good?

В No, it 3________ . The music 4_______ awful. Where 5 _______ you?

A I 6 ______ ill.

A Where 7________ you born?

В I 8 ________ born in America in 1919.

A 9 _________ your parents American?

В No, they 10_________. My mother 11_______ Italian and my father 12________ Greek.


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