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Топик "About myself"

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«Топик "About myself"»

Let me introduce myself. My name is Zilara. My surname is Galimyanova. I’m 16 years old.

About my native village

 The Republic of Bashkortostan is my native country. I live in the village named Belyanka. It is situated in the district Belokatai. My native village is surrounded by a wonderful landscape.

About my parents

There are four of us in our family.

I have a mother, a father and a brother.

My mother’s name is Zulfiya Khakimyanovna. She is a counter; she says that she has always wanted to be a counter since her childhood. My father’s name is Sarvar Saifullovic. He is a driver of ambulance. My brother is elder than I am. His name is Dinar. He is 24. Dinar works and studies too. We always help each other and spend much time together. I should mention one more member of our family. It’s our favorite cat Barsic. It is funny and pretty.

About my school

I am a student of Belyanka Secondary School.

Our school is new and modern. There are many comfortable, light classrooms in our school.

I study in the 10th grade. I can’t say that it is difficult for me to study: I find most of the subjects easy and useful. My favorite subjects are English, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology.

About my goals

I know there are many interesting and useful professions. So I am going to enter the University. I am planning to become a doctor. I want to treat children.

About my hobbies and interests

Nevertheless, there are not only studies in my life. In my free time I meet with my friends. My friends and I often get together to play different games, to go for a walk or simply to talk.

I have many hobbies: they are – cooking, dancing and the English language.  I am fond of reading books on history and fiction. My favorite hobby is knitting. I like to create the hand-made things. I make toys, bracelets, flowers and other decorations.

So, I have a very busy and interesting life.


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