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Тренажер по чтению

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Тренажер по чтению, 7 класс (подготовка к ОГЭ)

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«Тренажер по чтению»

Класс: 7

Тренажер по чтению.

Мотивация: Апробация лексических единиц, подготовка к региональному мониторингу (раздел «Чтение»).

I. Апробация лексических единиц.

1. Перейдите по ссылке, чтобы познакомиться с новой лексикой:


а)Выписать новые слова и выражения.

b) выписать 3-5 сложноподчиненных предложений из теста.

II. Подготовка к региональному мониторингу.

А) Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа. Занесите Ваши

ответы в таблицу.


1. What is a favourable location for tourists?

2. Where was a special medicine from birds discovered?

3. Why do some people call Cheltenham a green town?

4. What are the annual events in Cheltenham?

5. Where can people take the waters in a historical building?

6. What name should people remember after visiting Cheltenham?

7. Where is tourism developing with care for the environment?


A. Cheltenham is a small, ancient town in England situated to the north-west of Oxford. It lies below the highest point of the Cotswold Hills and above the level of the River Severn. The town is also called «The Western Gateway». Thanks to its position it has become a popular tourist attraction.

B. The Pittville Pump Room is the largest of the spa constructions in Cheltenham. It is a magnificent, old house of classical style made of white stone. The Pump Room was designed for balls and entertainments and, of course, for taking the medicinal waters. Today, it is still used as a concert hall at festival time and for weddings, and of course, visitors can still take the waters – if they so wish!

C. Tourism is highly developed in Cheltenham and the City Council has to reduce the negative impact of tourists on the town. A lot has been done. The town has developed walking, cycling and public transport routes as an alternative to cars. There is a pool of bicycles that tourists can use for short distance journeys. The local services try to recycle all the packaging, plastic bottles and batteries left by tourists.

D. Many famous people of the past have connections with Cheltenham. Gustav Holst, a well-known English composer of the 19th century, was born in the town. His house is now his birthplace museum. Visitors may learn a lot about Holst's life, his music and his family. The famous Antarctic explorer Edward Wilson was also born in Cheltenham. Now a statue of him stands in the Long Gardens.

E. The beauty and wonderful sights of Cheltenham continue to attract visitors from countries all over the world. For many years people have enjoyed the beauty of Cheltenham's parks, open spaces and the general greenery of the town. Cheltenham has been described as ‘a town within a park’. Montpellier place, which is famous for its wonderful flowers, lies in the centre of the town.

F. Thousands of visitors come to Cheltenham to take part in the festivals which are held in the town every year. The town organises literature, music, jazz and science festivals, attracting names with a national and international reputation from each field. Besides all this, for a week in March the town becomes the centre of the National Gold Cup in horse racing.










(время выполнения задания -15 минут)

В) 1. You need to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.


The telescope is the oldest and probably the most effective tool to explore space. It has been used by astronomers since the 16th century and it has tremendously changed our knowledge of the universe. Certainly, the telescope itself has changed a lot since that time too.

The most famous telescope nowadays, the Hubble Telescope, works in space, in low Earth orbit. It works from above the atmosphere of the Earth and that is why it produces fantastically clear photos. The Hubble was launched into space on 24th April, 1990 from the Space Shuttle Discovery and is still in operation. Scientists say its information could help them to solve the mystery of the black holes and to understand how they form.

(время выполнения задания -5 минут)


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