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Творческая работа:"мой любимый город"

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творческая работа ученика на тему: "мой любимый город" в нем он описывает город, где он живет и учится. какие любимые традиционные блюда; достопримечательности и т.д. и все это на английском языке.

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«творческая работа:"мой любимый город"»

My native town.

Ulan-Ude is my native town - not very large but beautiful. It is beautiful in its own way. Only the man who was born and has been living here can feel it.

When I have free time, I like to walk about the town. There are such places as Arbat or the square of Soviets. The square of Soviet’s is the place where different events take place, e.g: demonstrations or concerts. These places are popular for walks among the citizens. I like to visit museums as well. The ethnographical museum of the peoples of Siberia is very interesting. Here the history of the past really comes alive. If you want to see how your ancestors lived, come here. Everything is natural here. The visit gives you a sense of who you are and where you have come from. It takes you back in time. It transports you to a different era.

In winter the forests at Verchnyaya Beryozovka and Arshan are very beautiful. Fresh air, white snow and very high trees make effect as if you are in a fairy-tale. At Verchnyaya Beryozovka you can go to the place where a river runs in summer and winter. And the squirrels are not afraid of you. They jump near as if they want to talk with you. Isn’t it wonderful?

Though there are no divorcing bridges, trolley-buses and sky-scrapes I don’t want to go away from my town . This is my native town. And I would like to add that this is the town that joins the people and different nationalities. I’m proud of my town.

Cutkov Yura – 11th form.

School № 13.


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