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UAE tailored lesson 2

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«UAE tailored lesson 2»

Small Talk and Expressing Likes and Dislikes

Level: Intermediate

Time: 1 hour


  • To practice small talk in social situations

  • To express likes and dislikes in conversation

  • To use superlatives and comparatives correctly


  • Whiteboard and markers

  • Handout with conversation prompts

  • Anki flashcards with vocabulary related to the lesson


Warm-up (5 minutes)

  • Review vocabulary from the previous lesson, check homework, and discuss the video(the sheikh one).

  • "The sun sets soon on a Tuesday in June while Sue sings about her favourite tune."

  • Introduce the topic of the day by asking the student what their hobbies and leisure activities are, and whether they have any favorite places to go or things to do.

Small Talk Part 2 (15 minutes)

  • Review the previous small talk prompts from the last lesson by initiating a couple of conversations.

  • Introduce new prompts related to likes and dislikes, such as "What is your favorite food?" or "What kind of music do you like?"

  • Practice having a conversation using the new prompts.


a. Ask the student to choose a prompt from the handout and start a conversation with you.

b. Practice using vocabulary related to likes and dislikes.

c. After a few minutes, switch roles and let the student ask you a question.

Expressing Likes and Dislikes (15 minutes)

  • Introduce vocabulary related to expressing likes and dislikes, such as "love," "enjoy," "hate," and "dislike."

  • Model how to use these words in sentences, such as "I love playing soccer," or "I dislike spicy food."


a. Give the student a list of prompts related to likes and dislikes.

b. Ask the student to practice using these words in conversation.

c. Correct any errors and provide feedback.


Superlatives and Comparatives (15 minutes)

  • Review the rules for forming superlatives and comparatives in English.

  • Provide examples of how to use these forms, such as "This is the best restaurant in town," or "I like blue, but my sister likes green more."

  • Have the student practice using superlatives and comparatives in sentences related to likes and dislikes, such as "I think pizza is better than hamburgers" or "I prefer summer to winter."


a. Give the student a list of prompts related to superlatives and comparatives.

b. Ask the student to practice using these forms in conversation.

c. Correct any errors and provide feedback.

Wrap-up and Homework (10 minutes)

  • Review the key vocabulary and grammar from the lesson.

  • Assign homework, such as writing a short paragraph expressing their likes and dislikes or reviewing the Anki flashcards with new vocabulary.


a. Give the student a prompt related to the topic, such as "Write a paragraph about your favorite hobby."

b. Ask the student to use at least three superlatives or comparatives in their paragraph.

c. Correct any errors and provide feedback.

Anki list

  1. Leisure

  2. Hobbies

  3. Could

  4. Enjoy

  5. Would

  6. Work

  7. Look forward

  8. Yet

  9. Soon

  10. Weather

  11. Rain

  12. Thunder

  13. Rage(ing) - bad weather

  14. Sunny

  15. Cloudy

  16. Hot

  17. Chilly

  18. Yesterday

  19. Tomorrow

  20. Past

  21. After

  22. Before

  23. Happy with

  24. Pleased with


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