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UAE tailored lesson 3

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«UAE tailored lesson 3»

Talking about the Past and Future Plans

Level: Intermediate

Time: 1 hour

3 lessons left

Seasons, more comparatives


To practice talking about past experiences and events

To use the past simple and past continuous tense correctly

To talk about future plans and intentions using future tenses


Whiteboard and markers

Handout with conversation prompts

Anki flashcards with vocabulary related to the lesson


Warm-up (5 minutes)

Review vocabulary from the previous lesson, check homework, and discuss the essay

Introduce the topic of the day by asking the student to share a memorable experience they had in the past, and their future plans for the weekend or next week

Talking about the Past (15 minutes)

Review the difference between the past simple and past continuous tense

Provide examples of how to use these tenses in sentences related to past experiences and events, such as "I was studying when the phone rang," or "I visited Paris last summer"

Have the student practice using past simple and past continuous tense in conversation using the conversation prompts

Future Plans (15 minutes)

Introduce vocabulary related to future plans and intentions, such as "going to," "planning to," and "hope to"

Model how to use these words in sentences, such as "I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend," or "I hope to travel to Japan next year"

Have the student practice using these words in conversation using the conversation prompts

Future Tenses (15 minutes)

Review the different future tenses in English, such as "will," "going to," and "present continuous"

Provide examples of how to use these tenses in sentences related to future plans and intentions, such as "I will call you tomorrow," or "I am going to take a cooking class next week"

Have the student practice using future tenses in conversation using the conversation prompts

Wrap-up and Homework (10 minutes)

Review the key vocabulary and grammar


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