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Контроль по теме “Appearance”

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«Учебное занятие»

Контроль по теме “Appearance”

Teacher: Can anyone remember what were we talking about during previous lessons?

Students: We were talking about people’s character, appearance, feelings.

T: You are right! Sasha, what can you say about your character? And what about yours, Masha? What can you say about Victor’s character, Yuuri? How do you feel today, Ann? Kate, can you describe Jane? What can you say about Rob’s clothes, Dima?

St: (отвечают на задаваемые вопросы)

T: Good job! I see you all can describe a person in different ways and now let’s check again how well we all remember the words we use to do it. Now you will get a sheet of paper with some tasks concerning out topic. Again, what topic am I speaking about?

St: Appearance.

T: You are absolutely right. Now look through the tasks. First you are to listen to the description of people’s appearance and put the text number under the correct image. Be attentive, there are more pictures than the sentences. The second task is familiar to you, isn’t it? Alice, will you read it please?

St: Match the words to the people they describe.

T: Thank you. Is this clear? And the last but not least task is the following: you all have got a picture of some person so you are to describe them using as many words as you know. You have your time until the bell. Do you have any questions? Then let’s start.

1. Listening:

  1. This man is tall enough, he has an athletic figure. He has black, wavy hair, brown eyes, straight nose and square chin. He has sharp features.

  2. This woman isn’t of large statue, she is blond. She has blue eyes and long eyelashes, turned upnose, plump lips. She has white teeth. Oval face. She has a slender figure.

  3. The boy is tall. He has wide shoulders, long legs and arms. He has an athletic figure. He has brown eyes, straight nose. His face is frank.

2. Match the words to the people they describe.

  1. Perfectionist

  1. Jane has so many friends and she enjoys going out with them.

  1. Reliable

  1. Tom never doubts his decisions.

  1. Anxious

  1. Kate is always in a hurry and can never wait for anything.

  1. Sociable

  1. George was too pale and it was clear he was afraid of spiders.

  1. Self-confident

  1. She is going to have an exam in two days and that is why she feels so nervous.

  1. Gullible

  1. My sister is so changeable – one minute she is happy and the next she is sad.

  1. Scared

  1. She hates it when she cannot do things without mistakes.

  1. Impatient

  1. I did not clean the house the other day and my mother was really angry with me.

  1. Moody

  1. I cannot believe that she really believe everything people tell her!

  1. Furious

  1. John is a trustworthy friend and will never let you down.

3. Look at the picture below and describe this person in several sentences using as many words as you know. *картинки различных людей*


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