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Presentation: "National games"

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To present types of National Games for the 10th forms.

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«Presentation: "National games"»

Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему:

National games”.

Класс: 10 в

Тема: National games

Цель: Ознакомить учащихся с национальными играми Казахстана.

1) продолжить формировать навыки учащихся употреблять модальные глаголы в устной речи

2)Развивать навыки чтения, говорения, перевода, логического мышления учащихся.

3) Воспитывать умение выслушивать собеседника, умение работать в группах, повысить познавательный интерес учащихся к английскому языку и воспитывать чувство патриотизма.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Материалы и оборудование: таблички с названиями команд, слай ды, интерактивная доска.

Форма работы: игровая

План урока

  1. Org. Moment

  2. Worming-up

  3. Presentation

  4. Practice

  5. Reflection

  6. Evaluation

  7. Home task

Ход урока

  1. Good morning, dear guests, colleagues and pupils! I’m very glad to see you today on my lesson .

  2. Today we will speak about National games.

Warm- up. What kind of national games do you know?


III. Look at the active board please.

III.Read and translate the information,

IV.Practice. Task 1. Find the name of the game.

Task 2 Say true or false

  1. There are two men have horses tournament in the game “Aitys.”

  1. There is the girl catches the boy in the game “Kyz kuu”.

  1. In the game “Baiga” the race begins only after signal.

  1. Kokpar” is the competition for bolders and singers.


Game “Kokpar”

1 Different

10 What is the Capital of Great Britain?

20 The population of Kazakhstan

30 Who wrote “Abai‘s zholy”?

40 How many letters are there in English Alphabet?

50 The colors of Kazakh flag


10 Plural form of the word “child”

20 Article

30 Modal verbs

40 Перевод Ты должен уважать родителей

50 Say numbers 1999,2013,242

Vocabulary (work with the pictures)

10 дедушка

20 помидор

30 cтол

40 кровать

50 арбуз


10 Name Kazakh food

20 When do we celebrate Independent Day?

30 Who is the author of national anthem of Kazakhstan?

40 Who is our president by occupation?

50 When do we celebrate President’s day?


10 What national games do you know?

20 The competition of 2 akyns?

30 In what game boy couches the girl?

40 What games do you know?

50 In what game does our president play?

VI. Evaluation. All of you were active on the lesson. Your marks for the lesson are …

The lesson is over good-bye!

VII.Home task: to find additional information about aitys.

Учитель английского языка сш им.Д.Конаева

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