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Unit 2 My school. School days

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«Unit 2 My school. School days»

LESSON: Unit 2 My school. School days

Days of the week

School: 41


Teacher name: Балгынбаева А.Б


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1.L3 recognise with support simple greetings

recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words

1.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • listen and repeat the words according to the topic Days of the week

Most learners will be able to:

  • recognise and name some words according to the topic Days of the week

  • understanding a new words and complete sentences

Some learners will be able to:

  • name and use most of the words according to the topic Days of the week

  • Speak about activities with Days of the week

Level of thinking skilskills

  • knowledge

  • comprehension

  • application



  • Give some information, according the topic

  • Listen the text

  • Speak about activities with Days of the week



Learners can: practice and pronounce the new words in chain.

 Key words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,

Values links

Communicative abilities

Cross-curricular links

Music, self-knowledge

Previous learning

In my school: There is / There are / Is there /Are there…? Yes/No


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



0-10 min

Warm up

  • Teacher asks every learners to take his/her pencil case and eraser then Teacher shows the video for prepositions. Learners should repeat actions and words after the video. After learners should show the same positions of things without video support. Stronger student can answer the question “Where is it?”

  • Teacher gives different pictures for each learners should give a full sentence using there is / there are and prepositions in, on and under, e.g. There is a bag near the chair, etc.





  • T. shows PPT to present days of the week. Days are presented by the actions, e.g.: Monday - I get up, Tuesday - I wash my face, Wednesday - I do my hair, Thursday - I put on my clothes, Friday - I go to school, Saturday - I play with my friends and Sunday - I sleep. (T. should use gestures to show all actions)

  • T. just says the days of the week without PPT Ss should show the appropriate action.

Physical training

  • T. shows the video about the days of the week and Ss should sing along the song and do the actions together with T.

  • T. asks one S. to come to the board and show one action the others should guess the day of the week, e.g.: - I get up (Monday)



- I wash my face (Tuesday)

- I do my hair (Wednesday)

- I put on my clothes (Thursday)

- I go to school (Friday)

- I play with my friends (Saturday)

- I sleep (Sunday)

Listen the text

I go to school from Monday to Friday

I don`t go to school on Saturday or Sunday.

I have four or five classes every day.

My favourite lesson is Maths.

Answer the questions. True or False

I go to school from Monday to Friday (True)

I have four or five classes every day (True)

I like go to school on Sunday (False)

My favourite lesson is Kazakh. (False)

I don`t go to school on Saturday or Sunday. (True)

Self assessment

If they understand - thumb up

If they don`t understand- thumb down

Time for creativity

  • Ss are divided into groups of four or five by choosing shapes to make a Days of the Week collage. T. provides learners with a week calendar, glue/tape and a range of different images to cut out and stick on different days [images e.g. school subjects/activities, shopping, special foods, football, cinema, cleaning, TV etc.]. Both groups are given the same equipment and Ss should work using their creativity and collaborative ability.

  • T. invites one group stand in front of their collage and gives one sample sentence, e.g.: Saturday is football day

Posters to make a collage

  • For more able learners is allowed to say the full sentence about Days of the week

  • for less able learners can say only the name of the day. In both cases Ss will achieve lesson objectives.


All learners will name the days of the week when T. shows PPT

T. gives worksheets of FA for the days of the week. The task is to copy the days of the week as in the example according to the teacher’s instruction.

PPT or song


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

  • make collage and talk about your project

Describe a picture and write 5 sentences (for more able learners)

Draw a picture with your Days of the week and name it

( for less able learners)

In warm up activities, when they work in groups, make and present their collage and do the FA

My favourite day is….

I like it because…….

Assessment according speak and describe weeks

Self-assessment (thumb up, thumb down) in individually work

Teacher asks learners to listen the text “ Days of the week” and answer the question. . Then to pronounce new words. Learners repeat. T-S

Peer assessment (Pyramid reception) in group work(according assessment criteria understand some information in the text

1-st triangle- red colour( Excellent)

2-nd triangle-green colour(Good)

3-rd triangle- yellow colour( Try again)

Peer assessment

I can



Understand some information

Describe and speak about Days of the week

Health saving technologies.

Using physical exercises and active activities.

  • Point rules in the group


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