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Открытый урок на тему "My school day"

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        Subject of the lesson:Comparative: long adjectives

        Grammar: Adjectives

        Aim of the lesson:talking about school day, to develop pupils’ communicative skills and abilities using various kinds of activities, to train in speaking, reading, listening, to expand vocabulary, to enlarge pupils’ interest in learning foreign language, to revise the Present Simple.

  •         the use of lexical units update on my school day, form the grammatical skills of education and the use of the adjectives, to improve the practical skills of English on the subject of all kinds of speech activity, listening, speaking, reading, writing.
  •          develop cognitive interest, to develop the skills of students to apply knowledge when performing creative tasks, to develop skills important to allocate, organize the material studied

        Bringing up: To bring up interest and positive attitude towards learning English, to form a sense of responsibility for the outcome of a collaborative effort, to promote the formation of units at the correct mode of the day

        The methods of the lesson: work in groups; work with cards, pictures, question-answers, listening;

        The visual aids of the lesson: an interactive board, cards.

        Using Technology: Critical thinking

        Expected result: Pupils are able to read, listen, write and speak about their school day.

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«Открытый урок на тему "My school day"»


  1. Class: 6

  2. Subject of the lesson: Comparative: long adjectives

  3. Grammar: Adjectives

  4. Aim of the lesson: talking about school day, to develop pupils’ communicative skills and abilities using various kinds of activities, to train in speaking, reading, listening, to expand vocabulary, to enlarge pupils’ interest in learning foreign language, to revise the Present Simple.

  5. Educational: the use of lexical units update on my school day, form the grammatical skills of education and the use of the adjectives, to improve the practical skills of English on the subject of all kinds of speech activity, listening, speaking, reading, writing.

  6. Developing: develop cognitive interest, to develop the skills of students to apply knowledge when performing creative tasks, to develop skills important to allocate, organize the material studied

  7. Bringing up: To bring up interest and positive attitude towards learning English, to form a sense of responsibility for the outcome of a collaborative effort, to promote the formation of units at the correct mode of the day

  8. The methods of the lesson: work in groups; work with cards, pictures, question-answers, listening;

  9. The visual aids of the lesson: an interactive board, cards.

  10. Using Technology: Critical thinking

  11. Expected result: Pupils are able to read, listen, write and speak about their school day.

The plan of the lesson

  1. I. Organization moment

  2. Good afternoon, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. What is the date today? What is the day today? Who is absent today? So, today we will speak about our school day, about our subjects and about our studying.

    II. Speech drill

  3. Let’s start with a short poem:
    That’s great and cool

  4. We study at school

  5. English, Music, Art,

  6. Russian, Kazakh, Maths,

  7. Geography and PE,

  8. Biology and History.

    III. To match the school subjects and things studied at them. (History, English, Art, Geography, Maths, Computer Studies, Biology, Literature, PE)

  9. Events that happened long ago

  10. Figures and mathematical problems

  11. You run and jump in this lesson

  12. Foreign words and grammar rules

  13. Plants and animals

  14. Computers

  15. Stories, novels, poems

  16. Mountains, rivers, oceans

  17. You have papers, coloured pencils, a ruler and a rubber.

  18. IV. The most popular lesson.

  1. English

  1. Music

  1. Art

  1. Russian

  1. Kazakh

  1. Maths

  1. Geography

  1. PE

  1. Biology

V. Home Task: ex. 5 to write the subjects next to the sentences.

  • It lasts one hour and 10 minutes.

  • Only one student doesn`t like it.

  • Bill likes it very much.

  • Bill has some problems with it.

  • Some pupils have one problem with it.

  • Bill thinks it`s necessary for them.

  • Mick likes it.

VI. Do you like to go to school? Think and write down the best timetable for one day.







VII. New lesson. Comparative: long adjectives.

1. New words

  1. Intelligent – ақылды

  2. Dangerous – қауіпті

  3. Important – маңызды

  4. Difficult – қиын

  5. Wonderful – тамаша

  6. Crowded – лық толы

  7. Peaceful – тыныш, бейбіт

2. Introducing new theme.

3. Exercise 9. To complete the chart using comparative and superlatives.

4. Group work. Tasks 1 and 2.

5. Letter to a President.

Dear President, Nursultan Abishuly!

Tomorrow we celebrate a remarkable holiday – day of the First President. Soon the important holiday of our country – the Independence day comes. On behalf of our class we want to congratulate our people and wish a light and peaceful sky over the head, prosperity and bright future!

the 6th form Tasshagyl secondary school

6. Poem “A child`s wish”.

7. Game “Who is…?”

8. To talk to a partner.

Example: Winter is a wonderful season. Spring is more wonderful season. Summer is the most wonderful season.

VIII. Home task: to write: “My school day”

IX. Giving marks. Saying “Good-bye!”


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