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Universities in Britain

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«Universities in Britain»

Text 1


Most big towns in Britain have both a university and a college of higher education. There are 91 universities in Britain and 47 colleges of higher education. Colleges of higher education offer both two-year HND (Higher National Diploma) courses, as well as degree courses. Colleges offer courses in teacher training, courses in technology and some professions connected with medicine.

Universities are divided into three types: the old universities (Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities), the 19th century universities such as London and Manchester Universities and the new universities. Some years ago there were also polytechnics. After graduating from a polytechnic a student got a degree, but it was not a university degree. 31 former polytechnics were given university status in 1992.

Full courses of study offer the degree of BA (Bachelor of Arts) or BSc (Bachelor of Science). Most degree courses at universities last 3 years, language courses last 4 years (including a year spent abroad). Medicine and dentistry courses are longer (5-7 years).

Students may receive grants from their Local Education Authority to pay for books, accommodation, transport and food. This grant depends on the income of their parents. If students do not get a grant, parents are expected to pay for their children.

Students don’t usually have a job during term time because the lessons, called lectures, seminars, classes or tutorials (small groups), are full time. However, many students now have to work in the evenings or during the holidays to earn more money, but it is now difficult to find such jobs. The result is that more students are dropping out, failing to finish their courses.

Most students live away from their home town, in flats or halls of residence, because the university is seen as a time to be independent, to live away from home and develop new interests.

University life is considered “an experience”. The exams are competitive but the social life and living away from home are also important. The social life is excellent with a lot of clubs, parties, concerts, bars.

Text 2


Oxford and Cambridge are the two oldest and most prestigious universities in Britain. They are often called collectively. Oxbridge denotes an elitarian education. Many Oxbridge students come from public schools, and Oxbridge graduates go on to become influential and powerful in British society.

The tutorial system is one of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from all the other English universities. Every student has a tutor and as soon as you come to Oxford, one of the first things you do is to go and see your tutor. He, more or less, plans your work, suggests the books you should read and sets work for you to do. Each week you visit him, perhaps with two or three other students, and he discusses with you the work that you have done, criticizes in detail your essay and sets you the next work.

The universities have over a hundred societies and clubs: dramatic societies, language clubs, philosophy societies, debating clubs, political clubs — in fact, for almost every activity under the sun. Both universities are independent.

Oxford and Cambridge universities consist of a number of colleges. Each college has its own character and individuality. Most of the colleges are built around courtyards, called quads, with lawns in the center.


higher education n высшее образование, e.g. It is difficult for young people from poor families to get higher education in the USA.

teacher training n подготовка учителей, e.g. Some colleges offer courses in teacher training.

offer v предлагать, e.g. Universities usually offer a lot of courses.

polytechnic n политехнический институт, e.g. She studies at a polytechnic.

graduate from v окончить (вуз), e.g. He graduated from a polytechnic a few years ago.

get (got, got) a degree получить степень, e.g. After the University students get a degree.

former adj бывший, e.g. Former pupils often come to school to see their teachers.

be given university status получить университетский статус, e.g. Some institutes are given university status nowadays.

course of study n курс обучения, e.g. Courses of study are different in many universities.

Bachelor of Arts or Science n бакалавр гуманитарных или естественных наук, e.g. Full courses of study offer the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Science.

degree course n курс, заканчивающийся присвоением степени, e.g. Degree courses last 3, 5 and even 7 years in different universities.

receive a grant получать стипендию, e.g. Not all the students may receive grants.

pay for accommodation платить за жилье, e.g. If students live away from home, they have to pay for accommodation.

depend on the income (of smb) зависеть от дохода (кого-либо), e.g. Grants depend on students’ parents income.

tutorial n практическое занятие, e.g. There are small groups of students at tutorials.

live away from v жить вдали от, e.g. Most students live away from their parents.


1Pronounce correctly.

technology, century, university, graduate, status, medicine, dentistry, tutorial, residence, essay, individuality, courtyards, lawns, center, science

2.Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation of the letters in bold type:

go, so, open, close, rose, home, note, associate, goal, dome;

offer, accommodation, competitive, college, sophomore, sorority.

3. Give the Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

to graduate from the university; to get a degree; dentistry courses; a hall of residence; to receive grants; to pay for accommodation; to depend on one’s income; competitive exams; a course in teacher training

4. Give the English equivalents of the following word combinations and expressions:

выпускники Оксфорда и Кембриджа; у каждого студента есть свой преподаватель; студенты получают задания раз в неделю; университеты состоят из нескольких колледжей; в каждом университете имеются различные студенческие общества; Оксфорд и Кембридж — независимые университеты


1. Read Text 1 and answer the questions.

What are the three types of universities in Great Britain?

2. What degrees do students get after finishing full courses of study?

3. What grants do students receive?

4. Why don’t students have jobs during term time?

5. Why is the university life considered “an experience”?

6. What courses do colleges offer?

2. Read and translate the text.


Not all British students study full time at university or college. Many people combine their studies with work. Some companies release their staff for training one or two days a week or for two months a year. Large companies often have their own in-house training schemes.

The British government is very enthusiastic about such training schemes, in particular because so few people go to university. Only 25 per cent of the student population goes on to higher education.

If you are unemployed, there are two forms of training schemes: employment training for people who have been out of work for a long time and Youth Training Schemes for school-leavers who cannot find a job.

  1. Find the main idea of the text.

  2. Provide the details of the British training schemes.


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