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„Unusual houses in the UK“

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Презентация содержит информацию о необычных домах в Великобритании. Данная презентация может быть использована на уроках  как дополнительный материал при изучении темы "Условия проживания в городской и сельской местности"

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«„Unusual houses in the UK“»

„ Unusual houses in the UK“

„ Unusual houses in the UK“

Plan  1  House in the Clouds   2 Smallest house  3 Slim House  4 Trish House  5 Links


1 House in the Clouds

2 Smallest house

3 Slim House

4 Trish House

5 Links

House in the Clouds History It was built in 1923 in the village of Thorpeness  the County of Suffolk, England. The tower was connected with the local windmill  Currently, instead of the water tank on the top of the tower is

House in the Clouds

  • History

It was built in 1923 in the village of Thorpeness

the County of Suffolk, England. The tower was connected with the local windmill

Currently, instead of the water tank on the top of the tower is "living house" in a parody of a Jacobean style and Tudor-style so that the impression as if it floats above the trees.

the tower is completely transformed into a guest house which has five bedrooms, three bathrooms, living room,. The building has five floors, up a staircase of 68 steps, the height of the building is about 21 meters. At the foot of the tower there is a Golf course.

Smallest house History The minuscule home was created in the 16th century and remained in use until 1900, when the tenant was a 6-foot-3-inch (1.91 m) fisherman named Robert Jones.  The rooms were too small for him to stand up in fully and he was eventually forced to move out when the council declared the house unfit for human habitation, along with a number of properties. The house is still owned by his descendants, having been passed to female relatives since Robert's sons showed a lack of interest in the business.

Smallest house

  • History

The minuscule home was created in the 16th century and remained in use until 1900, when the tenant was a 6-foot-3-inch (1.91 m) fisherman named Robert Jones.

The rooms were too small for him to stand up in fully and he was eventually forced to move out when the council declared the house unfit for human habitation, along with a number of properties.

The house is still owned by his descendants, having been passed to female relatives since Robert's sons showed a lack of interest in the business.

Slim house History  The reason for this architectural feat is not accidental. Directly behind the house passes the railway line underground station South Kensington. The result of this design of the house, inside the apartment are not a standard rectangular shape, and a trapezoid shape.  Flat in thin structure are very popular among those who wish to acquire new housing.

Slim house

  • History

The reason for this architectural feat is not accidental. Directly behind the house passes the railway line underground station South Kensington. The result of this design of the house, inside the apartment are not a standard rectangular shape, and a trapezoid shape.

Flat in thin structure are very popular among those who wish to acquire new housing.

Trish House Trish House Yalding was designed by Matthew Heywood, and it is located in Yalding, Kent, England.  The home’s interior is decorated in pale tones, giving it an air of peaceful calm. The building’s structure is composed to reflect the surrounding woodland with the raking columns representing the irregular angles of tree trunks and branches.

Trish House

  • Trish House Yalding was designed by Matthew Heywood, and it is located in Yalding, Kent, England.

The home’s interior is decorated in pale tones, giving it an air of peaceful calm.

The building’s structure is composed to reflect the surrounding woodland with the raking columns representing the irregular angles of tree trunks and branches.

Список использованных источников 1 Британский домик в облаках http://readmas.ru/wp-content/filesall/2012/11/britanskij_domik_v_oblakax_readmas.ru_02.jpg 2 Самый маленький дом http://www.look4ward.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/smallest_house-1.jpg  3 Тонкий дом https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/202366/6d57f544-4734-45f5-b941-b1f08bd72982/s1200?webp=false 4 Trish House http://polezreniya.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/trish-dom.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_in_the_Clouds https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Housing_in_the_United_Kingdom https://www.homedsgn.com/2013/08/15/trish-house-yalding-by-matthew-heywood/

Список использованных источников

  • 1 Британский домик в облаках http://readmas.ru/wp-content/filesall/2012/11/britanskij_domik_v_oblakax_readmas.ru_02.jpg
  • 2 Самый маленький дом http://www.look4ward.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/smallest_house-1.jpg
  • 3 Тонкий дом https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/202366/6d57f544-4734-45f5-b941-b1f08bd72982/s1200?webp=false
  • 4 Trish House http://polezreniya.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/trish-dom.jpg
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_in_the_Clouds
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Housing_in_the_United_Kingdom
  • https://www.homedsgn.com/2013/08/15/trish-house-yalding-by-matthew-heywood/


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