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Упражнения по теме Job. Job searching / Работа. Поиск работы

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«Упражнения по теме Job. Job searching / Работа. Поиск работы»

1. Read the text and do some exercises.

HR terminology has the concepts of hiring period and hiring process.

Hiring period is the period of time from the moment a vacancy is posted to the moment a candidate is hired.

The hiring process includes several stages: determining the company’s need for a new employee (need for a new employee), posting a job advertisement, screening and interviewing candidates, offering a job to the selected candidate (offering the selected candidate a job), hiring a candidate, and placement and onboarding.

The recruitment process is often referred to as recruitment (UK) or hiring (US).

Depending on the stage at which he is, the same person can be called differently:

Job seeker – a person who is looking for a job;

Applicant – a person who submitted a resume for the vacancy;

Candidate – a person who is being considered for a specific position;

Interviewee – a candidate undergoing interview;

Recruit / hire – a person who is hired to work;

Employee – a person who works in this company;

On the other hand, the process involves:

Recruiter / hiring manager – recruiting manager, a person who recruits employees;

Interviewer – a person who conducts the interview;

Employer – a person who can offer you a job;

Headhunter – a recruiting specialist who is looking for the right specialists and luring employees from competitors.

A job seeker looks at job boards, company career sites, and other sources of job postings, examines employers’ job postings on the Internet to find a job that suits them.

In newspapers, vacancies can be found in the “Wanted” section (situation vacant pages, appointment pages, jobs pages). In American English, these sections may be called “want ads” or “classified ads”.

Jobseekers can also contact the employment agency, which can help them connect with potential employers in the labor market.

In recent years, a method like Facebook / Linkedin / Twitter recruiting becomes very popular – when recruiters and job seekers find each other on social networks.

a. Arrange words and phrases in the correct order depending on the stage of your job search. Please note that some words can be located at the same stage, because they are synonymous or represent the employee’s side and the employer’s side:







hiring manager




Job seeker


b. Draw a diagram for obtaining information about vacancies.

2. Read the text and do the exercise below.

Job search in Russia and Western Europe has some differences, which are explained by the specifics of the labor market.

In the West, the number of vacancies on average exceeds the number of people searching for job. Therefore, the employer there is more interested in finding an employee for the position. This determines the strategy of a job seeker: he studies the ads, selects the companies that suit him, sends out a resume and waits for a call from the hiring department. Of course, then everything depends on him: on the quality of the resume he sent, on how he showed himself in a telephone conversation and in a face-to-face interview. But he can be sure that they will definitely call him back. Even if he is not suitable for this particular position. It is customary in Western culture to respect each other’s time and effort. And if some company neglects such elementary politeness and does not respond to letters, this will affect its business reputation.

In Russia, the situation is different: unemployment is growing at a monstrous rate in the country, and the employer is sure that in any case he will find someone to fill the proposed vacancy. That is why the strategy of a job seeker is different in our country. We also search for job on ads (and according to statistics, we often do this on the Internet), but then we start moving in a different way. There are two options: call the company we are interested in and find out more about the vacancy (very often it turns out that what is written in the ad is not entirely true) and, if the contact person has previously approved you, send them your resume. Then we wait a few days, and if they don’t call us back (which is what happens most often), we start calling them again to find out if we approached or not. It often turns out that someone has already been hired for this position, and they did not even bother to inform you. Unfortunately, this kind of rudeness is quite common. This is annoying, but what’s the point in complaining? Potential workers don’t care. The second option is to send your resume without calling in advance. But then you still have to call to see if they’ve read your resume and if you are suitable for the position.

In the last decades, when a lot of international and transcontinental corporations came to Russia, we have begun to develop a Western hiring culture. But this is happening at a very slow pace.

a. Do you have an experience in job searchin? Tell us about it by answering the following questions:

What sources did you use to find out about vacancies in your community?

What were you guided by when choosing a field of occupation?

What strategy did you follow?

Was your experience successful?

If not, what was the reason for your failure?

3. Either you live in Russia or in Western Europe (or maybe you are going to move there), you will have to talk on the phone about the vacancy that interests you. Explore the English phone tips and conversation templates provided on these sites (https://ienglish.ru/blog/business-angliiskiy-po-skype/delovoi-angliiskiy-etiket/frazi-i-virazheniia-dlia-uspeshnogo-razgovora-na-angliiskom; https://englex.ru/useful-phrases-for-telephone-conversation-and-12-tips/; https://skyeng.ru/articles/vse-eshche-boites-govorit-po-telefonu-na-anglijskom), and make up a conversation around the following situations:

1. You are interested in the vacancy of a sales manager, but you are not sure if your experience is suitable for the position.

2. You have sent your resume, but haven’t called you back. But you really want to get this job!

3. A hiring manager called you back, but you already doubt whether this vacancy is right for you.

4. You are very interested in this vacancy, but you want to know if it is possible to work on it remotely and with a free schedule.

5. The employer really liked you, but there is another person who is also an ideal candidate for this position. The employer wants to speak with you on the phone before calling for a face-to-face interview.

4. Another option to apply for a job is to send a letter of application. Learn the rules for its writing on this site (https://engblog.ru/application-letter). Then choose any ad (for example, here Monster.com or here Reed.co.uk) and practice writing your own letter of application.

5. Job advertisements in the newspaper and on the Internet may differ. Newspaper text is always more concise, and accordingly there are many abbreviations in it, and an advertisement on the Internet is always more detailed:

Newspaper ad

High end rest looking for evening dishwasher
Eligible applicants only
(must have papers)

Internet ad

Job opportunity: Executive Secretary to the Managing Director

Prestigious western financial institution seeks аn executive secretary to the managing director to provide full administrative support to the director, to maintain contacts with major clients according to high professional standards, to fulfil secretarial duties and handle PR matters in the office.

Мain requirements: fluent English, age 24 – 30, good typing skills, PC literate, solid secretarial experience with top executives for at least 2 years.

Please fax (095 222 22 22) your resume to Mrs. Jane Brown, Personnel Manager.

a. Research job openings on online newspapers and make a list of common abbreviations for job advertisements.

b. Try to compose a vacancy advertisement in any field of occupation.



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