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Упражнения по теме "Zero or First Conditional"

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Упражнения по теме "Zero or First Conditional"

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«Упражнения по теме "Zero or First Conditional"»

1. Вставьте глагол в нужной форме, чтобы образовать условные предложения 0-го типа.

1) If you __________ (to drive) along the river bank it _______ (to be) twenty miles out of your way.

2) If you _____ (to take) your mobile phone into class, it __________ (must) be turned off.

3) We ________ (not use) calculators when we ________ (write) tests.

4) If you ________ (to push) this button, the volume __________ (to increase).

5) If you __________ (to close) the door, it _________ (to lock) automatically.

6) I_________ (to wear) my old boots when I ___________ (to work).

7) When I ___________ (to cook) salads, I _________ (to use) only olive oil.

8)When I ___________ (to concentrate), please ____________ (not to make) so much noise.

9) Unless prices ________ (to rise), it_________ (not to be) a good investment.

10) Unless someone_________ (to ask) you politely, ___________ (to refuse) to do anything.

2Раскройте скобки, чтобы образовать условные предложения I типа

1)If he … (practice) every day, he … (become) a champion.

2) She … (help) us if we … (ask)

3) If they … (have) enough money, they … (open) a restaurant next year.

4)I … (not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me.

5) If Bob … (not keep) his word, Anna … (be angry) with him.

Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, чтобы образовать условные предложения I типа

1) If you … (not help) me, I … (not pass) the exam tomorrow.

2) We … (buy) this car if you … (give) us a discount.

3) If my dad … (find) his tools, he … (be able) to repair my bike.

4) If David … (not give up) smoking, Liza … (not marry) him.

5) Mary … (meet) her friends from Italy if she … (come) to the party.

6) If you … (lend) me the money, I … (pay) you back next month.

7) They … (not let) you into the cinema if you … (lose) your tickets.

8) If my sister … (travel) to Japan, she … (buy) a kimono for me

Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски нужными формами глаголов так, чтобы получились условные предложения.

Например: If you (eat) …………. fruits, you ……….(be) stronger. – If you eat fruits, you will be stronger.

1) If you (not/eat ) ……………………now, you …………….….(be) hungry later.

2) She ……………………….(be) sad if he (leave)……………………..…….

3) If you ……………………(leave) ice in the sun, it (melt)…………………..

4) If we………………………(go) to the show, we (have) ……………………..a lot of fun.

5) If you ………………..(mix) black and white, you ………………..……(get) grey.


Упражнение 5. Используйте набор слов, чтобы составить условные предложения:

Например: you / learn the poem / you / get “5” tomorrow. – If you learn the poem, you will get ‘5” tomorrow.

1) it / rain tomorrow /we not /go to the park - …………………………………………………………….

2) you / heat the water/ it/ boil. - …………………………………………………………………………..

3) water/ freeze/ it/ turn to ice - …………………………………………………………………………..

4) I / need your help/ I/ phone you - ………………………………………………………………………I

5) we / pay for dinner/ you pay for lunch - …………………………………………………………………

Упражнение 6 Раскройте скобки, чтобы образовать условные предложения 0 или I типа

1. Our teacher ........ (to be) happy if we ................ (to answer) all  the questions correctly.

2. If people ........... (not to drink), they ............. (to die).

3. If you ............... (to eat) bad food, your health ............. (to become) worse.

4. If they .................. (to have) enough money, they ......................(to buy) a new car.

5. I  ....................... (to be) very angry with Nick if he ....................... (to forget) my CD again.

6. You ................. (to get) very wet if you .................... (to walk) in this rain.

7. If you ........................(not to feel) well, you .................... (to go) to the doctor.

8. If babies ............. (to be) hungry, they ...................... (to cry).

9. If I ............... (to be) thirsty, I always .................... (drink) fresh water.

10. We ............... ( to pass) the exam if we ........................ (to study) hard.

11. If the weather ....................... (to be) not too bad tomorrow, we ................ (to play) football.

12. If we .................... (to learn)more about history, we ........................ (not to be) afraid of the test.

13. If I ..................... (to find) his phone number, I .................... (to call) him tonight.

14. If Tom ................ (to have) a birthday party, he usually ..................... (to invite) a lot of friends.

15. If I ...................... (to have) a headache, my mother usually ................ (to give) me some medicine.

16. If I ..................... (to wear) this hat, I ................ (to look) like an old man.

17. If I ................. (to find) her address, I .............. (to send) her an invitation.


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