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Урок английского языка с применением оборудования лингафонного кабинета.

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Конспект урока по английскому языку. Тема: «Спорт». 2 класс. УМК «English II», авторы: И.Н. Верещагина, К.А. Бондаренко, Т.А. Притыкина.

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«Урок английского языка с применением оборудования лингафонного кабинета.»

Урок по английскому языку по теме «Спорт» с применением оборудования лингафонного кабинета. (2 класс)

УМК «English II», авторы: И.Н. Верещагина, К.А. Бондаренко, Т.А. Притыкина

Цель: формирование фонетически грамотной речевой деятельности у младшего школьника


  • Формировать умение правильно произносить отдельные английские звуки и называть транскрипционные символы.

  • Обучать фонетически правильному чтению текста и умению использовать полученные знания в разных видах речевой деятельности.

  • Формировать навыки аудирования.

  • Развивать социокультурную компетенцию.

  • Воспитывать умение работать в парах.


T. : Hello, children!

P.: Hello, Natalia Ivanovna!

T.: Sit down, please. We’ve got lots of things to do. Let’s check up your homework. (по мере необходимости учитель переводит свою речь)

The teacher and her pupils check up the homework.

Main part

1. Name the sounds.

T.: Please, take the headphones and put them on. Listen to me and repeat after me. (T. pronounces the sounds: [ӕ], [W], [V], [ʧ,] [ai,] [ei], [ʤ,] [ϴ], [ð]. All the children repeat after the teacher.)

T.: Look at the sounds on the blackboard ( Slide №3: [ӕ], [W], [V], [ʧ,] [ai,] [ei], [ʤ,] [ϴ], [ð] and name them.) (The children start naming the sounds they see. Their teacher using” the language laboratory equipment listens to the children.)

2. Read the sentences. (Slide №4)

T.: Let’s practice reading the sentences. Listen to me and repeat.

P.P. read the lines in chorus after the teacher.

  • I can ride a horse.

  • I can play football.

  • Ann can swim.

  • We can run and jump.

  • The children can play computer games.

  • They like it very much.

  • Let’s play with us.

  • Thanks a lot.

  • Page seven, please.

  • Theo thanks them.

T. Let’s have some more practice. Open your books p.74, Ex.9, look, listen ad read after me. (Slide №5)

  • [ӕ] cat, thanks, can, cannot, My brother can run. The monkeys can jump. Can your dog jump? Yes, he can. My cat can jump, too.

  • [ɑ:] father, aunt, can’t, My little sister can’t read. She can read but she can’t dance.

  • I

  • I can

  • I can draw

  • I can draw a bear

  • I can draw a big bear

  • I can draw a big brown bear

Pupils read after the teacher.

T.: Read the lines individually. (The teacher using the language laboratory equipment listens to the children.)

3. Listening and acting. (Slide №6)

T.: And now let’s listen to the dialogue and translate it. Then we will act our own dialogue. Follow the instructions, please.

  • Listen to the dialogue and read it. (Прослушай диалог и прочитай его. --- Упр. 7, стр. 74 ( Звуковое задание № 29)

Bob: Hi, Bill!

Bill: Hi!

Bob: Can you play hopscotch?

Bill: Yes, I can.

Bob: Do you want to play with us?

Bill: With great pleasure.

  • Think of your own dialogue and act it out. (Придумай свой диалог и разыграй его в парах.)

T.: Take off your headphones and practise your dialogues with your partners.

4. Singing. (Slide №7)

T.: Will you please take the headphones and put them on. Let’s listen and sing the song.

The teacher switch on the record and the pupils follow the commands from the disc.

  • Listen to the song “Hello, Goodbye!” (The Beatles), part 1, № 33 ( Прослушай песню “Привет, Пока” (Битлз), часть 1, звуковое задание № 33)

You say “Yes”, I say “No.”

You say “Stop” and I say ‘Go, go, go.”

Oh, no!

You say “Goodbye” and I say “Hello, hello, hello.”

I don’t know why you say ”Goodbye.”

I say “Hello, hello, hello.”

I don’t know why you say “Goodbye.”

I say “Hello.”

  • Listen and repeat. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

  • Sing with us. (Звучит песня.)

  • Sing to the music. (Звучит музыка.)

T.: Well done. Take off your headphones.


T.: Thank you very much for your work. This is your homework.

Homework. (Slide №8)

Student’s book

  • Lesson 27 (10, 12, 13)


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