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Урок английского языка в 4 класса по теме "Вкусные Угощения"

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«Урок английского языка в 4 класса по теме "Вкусные Угощения"»

Презентация к уроку английского языка в классе по теме  « Tasty treats»   Прозоровской Ирины Александровны Учителя английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 1 г.Бердск

Презентация к уроку

английского языка в классе по теме

« Tasty treats»

Прозоровской Ирины Александровны

Учителя английского языка

МБОУ СОШ № 1 г.Бердск

f ar c ar b ar c ar t j ar c ar ton P a t c a t p a cket p i n t i n k i tchen k i lo n o t a l o t b o ttle c o ld b oa t l oa f

f ar c ar

b ar c ar t

j ar c ar ton

P a t

c a t

p a cket

p i n

t i n

k i tchen

k i lo

n o t

a l o t

b o ttle

c o ld

b oa t

l oa f

Одновременное повторение изученных ранее продуктов и наречий частотности. For breakfast I usually (often, always, never) have… For supper I usually (often, always, never) have… For lunch I usually (often, always, never) have…

Одновременное повторение изученных ранее продуктов и наречий частотности.

For breakfast I usually (often, always, never) have…

For supper I usually (often, always, never) have…

For lunch I usually (often, always, never) have…

Date, ___. Classwork. Food: Countable and Uncountable. ? =some flour. An +an =two apple s . some olive oil a lemon, lemons a bean, beans some butter a pineapple, pineapples some salt, some pepper a coconut, coconuts a mango, mangos, mangoes some sugar a tomato, tomatoes

Date, ___.


Food: Countable and Uncountable.

? =some flour.

An +an =two apple s .

some olive oil

a lemon, lemons

a bean, beans

some butter

a pineapple, pineapples

some salt,

some pepper

a coconut, coconuts

a mango, mangos, mangoes

some sugar

a tomato, tomatoes

How  many? much? Сколько? Неисчисляемые существительные Исчисляемые существительные How much flour have you got? How many apples have you got? В ответах используются соответствующие вопросам слова или «универсальное» a lot of (lots of) : - I’ve got many apples.  - I’ve got much flour.  - I’ve got a lot of flour.  - I’ve got a lot of apples.


many? much?


Неисчисляемые существительные

Исчисляемые существительные

How much flour have you got?

How many apples have you got?

В ответах используются соответствующие вопросам слова или «универсальное» a lot of (lots of) :

- I’ve got many apples.

- I’ve got much flour.

- I’ve got a lot of flour.

- I’ve got a lot of apples.

Containers, Weight, Prices. a tin of beans, a jar of jam, a bottle a bar of chocolate, Coke, a bottle of water, a loaf of bread, a packet of biscuits, a kilo of potatoes, a packet of chips, a kilo of meat, a carton of milk, a carton of yogurt.

Containers, Weight, Prices.

a tin of beans,

a jar of jam,

a bottle

a bar of chocolate,

Coke, a bottle of water,

a loaf of bread,

a packet of biscuits,

a kilo of potatoes,

a packet of chips,

a kilo of meat,

a carton of milk,

a carton of yogurt.

British Currency £1=one pound p=pence (1 penny) Play a mini-market game. Can I have a packet of biscuits, please? customer Yes, of course. Here you are. That’s one pound nine pence (£1,09), please. cashier/ shop assistant

British Currency

£1=one pound

p=pence (1 penny)

Play a mini-market game.

Can I have a packet of biscuits, please?


Yes, of course. Here you are. That’s one pound nine pence (£1,09), please.


shop assistant

One, two – tie your shoe! ( Try to tie shoes )  Three, four – mop the floor! ( Move as you mop the floor )  Five, six – pick up bricks! ( Make an imaginary wall )  Seven, eight – wash a plate! ( As you wash plates with a duster )  Nine, ten – begin again!  ( That’s the end! )
  • One, two – tie your shoe! ( Try to tie shoes ) Three, four – mop the floor! ( Move as you mop the floor ) Five, six – pick up bricks! ( Make an imaginary wall ) Seven, eight – wash a plate! ( As you wash plates with a duster ) Nine, ten – begin again! ( That’s the end! )
How  much How many How many How  much How  much How many How many

How much

How many

How many

How much

How much

How many

How many

Are there any lemons? Если есть время Yes, but not many. Is there any butter? Yes, but not much. Are there any coconuts? Is there any olive oil? Yes, but not many. Yes, but not much. Are there any beans? Are there any bananas? Yes, but not many. Yes, but not many.

Are there any lemons?

Если есть время

Yes, but not many.

Is there any butter?

Yes, but not much.

Are there any coconuts?

Is there any olive oil?

Yes, but not many.

Yes, but not much.

Are there any beans?

Are there any bananas?

Yes, but not many.

Yes, but not many.

At home: SB: cтр. 46-47, упр. 3-4 устно. WB: стр.46-47, упр1-5. Thank you ! Good bye!

At home:

SB: cтр. 46-47, упр. 3-4 устно.

WB: стр.46-47, упр1-5.

Thank you ! Good bye!


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