Урок-праздник "День святого Патрика"
Цели урока:
- Формирование межкультурной компетенции;
- Познакомить учащихся с традициями Ирландии на примере празднования 17 марта праздника Святого Патрика;
- Заинтересовать учащихся в изучении английского языка как средства для знакомства с традициями англоязычных стран;
- Активизировать у учащихся творческие способности при подготовке и проведении праздника.
Задачи урока:
- Предоставить ученикам возможность пообщаться на английском языке во внеурочное время;
- Помочь ученикам увидеть применение своим положительным человеческим качествам, научить работать в сотрудничестве.
Ведущий: On March 17, Irish people celebrate religious holiday, St. Patrick’s Day.
March Seventeen
Don’t be seen
Unless you’re wearing
A touch of green.
A skirt, a shirt
A button, a sock –
A splash of green
From the old shamrock.
If you don’t wear green
So, the Irish say –
You deserve a pinch
For St. Patrick’s day!
Ведущий: Do you know who St. Patrick is? No? St. Patrick is Ireland National Apostle. According to the legend he was abducted from his parents’ villa and taken to Ireland where he remained for some years as a slave.
St. Patrick’s Day with us,
The day when all that’s seen
To right and left and everywhere
Is green, green, green.
Ведущий: Really, this day all people in Ireland wear something green. They decorate their houses, schools and streets with green shamrocks.
St. Patrick: It’s Easter Sunday today. I’ll go to the garden and I’ll pluck a shamrock from the ground. (Идет, срывает трилистник)
I have a little shamrock
It’s green as green can be.
Watch me as I count the leaves
One, two, three.
(Считает листочки)
St. Patrick: Look, it has a triple leaf and a single stem. This shamrock explains the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. It will be the national emblem of Ireland.
Ведущий: Later the shamrock has really become the national emblem of Ireland.
The shamrock is a little plant,
It’s leaf is three green hearts.
We wear it on St. Patrick’s Day
But that’s not where it starts.
It comes from dear old Ireland,
And we want you all to know,
That Ireland is the only place
Where the real, wild shamrocks grow!
Ведущий: There are many legends in Ireland, connected with the name of St. Patrick. One of them goes back to the times of the Vikings raids.
Автор: It says that many hundred years ago two chieftains wanted to become the king of the Irish Land. The first chieftain’s name was Hereon O’Neill, the name of the other we don’t know.
O’Neill: I’m Hereon O’Neill. I’ll be the king of Ireland. Who wants to go to the Irish Land with me?
Vikings: I want! And I want too!
O’Neil: So, let’s go!
Chieftain: Oh, no! It’s me who will become the king. I have a lot of men who want to go with me, and I have a big boat.
O’Neill: But my boat is bigger than your boat.
Chieftain: Well, we both will go to Ireland. The first of us to touch the Irish Land will be the king of it.
O’Neill: OK! (Плывут на кораблях)
Автор: At last they were near the Irish coast. The two boats were going faster and faster. But the boat of Hereon O’Neill was not as fast as the boat of other chieftain. (Лодка О’Нила отстает)
O’Neill: No! I must be the first! I must be the king! What is necessary to do? (Смотрит на правую руку) I’ll cut off my right hand and I’ll throw it over to the land. (Отрезает руку и бросает ее на землю)
Автор: So he did. His hand touched the land and became the king of Ireland.
Vikings: Long live our king! (Одевают ему корону. Исполняется ирландский танец)
Ведущий: That is how many people in Ireland explain a picture of a hand on the coat of arms of their country. (Показать герб Ирландии)
St. Patrick came to Ireland,
A country trimmed with green.
It has the shamrocks and the pipes –
Those leprechauns you’ve seen.
Those leprechauns will trip you –
You’ll fall flat on your face.
They’ll tickle your nose and sour the milk,
Then find a hiding place!
Ведущий: There are different legends about leprechauns. They are called the little people of Ireland.
Oh, have you seen a leprechaun?
A leprechaun? A leprechaun?
Oh, have you seen a leprechaun
Who comes from Ireland?
Among the shamrocks he may hide
He may hide, he may hide.
Among the shamrocks he may hide
So catch him if you can.
I’m a little leprechaun, dress in green,
The tiniest man that you have ever seen.
If you ever catch me so it’s told
I’ll give you my pot of gold.
It’s not true. I guard ancient treasure, left by Danes. There are many pots with gold here. I like them very much. And I like, No, I love myself.
But I hate people. They are foolish and greedy creatures.
I carry two leather pouches. In one there is a silver shilling. It’s a magical coin. Look!
(Идет в магазин)
Shop Assistant: Can I help you?
Leprechaun: Yes, I want green belt.
Shop Assistant: Here you are. (Гном берет ремень, отдает шиллинг, уходит)
Shop Assistant: Oh, where is money?
Leprechaun: Here is my silver shilling. It returns to me each time it is paid out. (Убирает его в мешочек)
In other pouch I carry a gold shilling, which I use to try and bribe my way out of difficult situations. If I part with it, look what happens. (Кладет золотую монету в мешочек, оставляет его с монетой)
Passer-by: (Под музыку идет по дороге, находит мешочек с монетой) Oh! It’s a leprechaun’s pouch. There are gold coins there. That’s fine! (Поднимает мешочек, достает из него пепел) No! What is it? There aren’t any coins. There is ash here.
Leprechaun: Yes, my gold coin usually turns to leaves or ashes once. I don’t part with it. (Показывает монетку)
Ведущий: Leprechauns are very popular in Ireland. They say if you happen to find them, it will bring you good luck.
Leprechauns peeping
Around a willow tree,
Pussies awakening
Longing to be free
Colleens and shamrocks
And castles old and gray
Put them together
To make St. Patrick’s Day.
Песня: Five Wee Leprechauns
Five wee leprechauns scarring by my door,
One jumped away,
Then there were four.
Four wee leprechauns climbing in my tree,
One hid in the leaves,
Then there were three.
Three wee leprechauns, just a busy few
One went for his pot of gold
Then there were two.
Two wee leprechauns having lots of fun
One hopped over the rainbow,
Then there was one.
One wee leprechaun with all his work done,
He slipped off for a nap,
Then there were none.
Ведущий: There is another legend about these mysterious fellows.
Leprechaun: I’m an Irish fairy. I’m unfriendly sort, who keeps to himself. I make shoes for my living. (Ремонтирует обувь) Not a bit do I spend, instead stores it all in a pot. People think they can find me. It’s wrong. I’m tricky.
I’m a little leprechaun, can’t you see?
I am as tiny as can be!
I only come around just once a year
That’s when St. Patrick’s Day is here.
(Звучит музыка, он ремонтирует обувь, стучит)
Passer-by 1: Listen! Can you hear a shoemaker’s hammer?
Passer-by 2: Yes. Is it a leprechaun?
Passer-by 1: What should we do? Should we go away or go to him?
Passer-by 2: I think we should go there.
Passer-by 1: OK! (Подходят к домику)
Leprechaun: Oh! No, no, no! I’m not here. (Убегает)
Passer-by 2: What a pity!
A leprechaun is small and green,
He hides where he cannot be seen.
But if you catch one on this day,
He must give his gold away.
Ведущий: St. Patrick’s Day is a national Irish holiday. But many people who immigrated to the United States have come from Ireland. That’s why Americans celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
Every year on March 17 cities with large population of Irish Americans have parades. The first parade took place in 1737 in Boston. In 1762 this tradition extended in New York.
Green stripes are painted on the streets where parades will travel. Many American bars even serve green beer that day.
St. Patrick: Now may I ask you some questions? Choose the correct answers.
1. What country is associated with St. Patrick’s Day?
a) England b) Ireland c) Scotland
2. What color is associated with this day?
a) blue b) red c) green
3. Which plant is associated with this day?
a) four-leaf clover b) shamrock c) ivy
4. St. Patrick’s Day is on which date?
a) March 27 b) May 7 c) March 17
5. Who was St. Patrick?
a) missionary b) historian c) patrician
That’s fine. I’m happy because you wear something green today. This day everyone is Irish.
The dear little shamrock
Has come from far away
To whisper his message
Of St. Patrick’s Day.
Here are some “green” games you’re sure to enjoy.
Shamrock Tag – Two players are chosen to tag. While they hide their eyes, a green paper shamrock is taped to the back of one-third of the players. When the tagging players hear someone shout, “Go for the green”, they begin to chase the other players. If a player wearing a shamrock is tagged he sits to the side. Taggers have one minute to tag all the shamrocks.
Think of Green - One player thinks of something that is green – grass, shamrock, green beans, seaweed, peas, etc. He says, “I’m thinking of something green.” The other players have 10 chances to guess the object. They can ask clues but must precede a guess with the statement “My guess is…”
IT’S GREEN! – For this word game students should stand in a circle with a player in the center. The center player points to a circle player and starts to count to 10. The player must name something that is green before the count of 10 is reached. If a student can’t think of something or mentions one already named, he is out of the game and signals this by folding his arms. The last student without arms folded is the winner.