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Внеклассное мероприятие "Своя игра 9 класс"

Категория: Всем учителям

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Данная игра может быть проведена в рамках предметных недель. Игра по математике и физике. Составлена для учащихся 9 классов, но может быть проведена и для других классов.

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«Внеклассное мероприятие "Своя игра 9 класс"»

  Своя игра Тема игры: Математика-царица всех наук  Создано учителями: Демашова С.И. и Слугина Л.А.

Своя игра

Тема игры: Математика-царица всех наук

Создано учителями: Демашова С.И. и Слугина Л.А.



Slide 2-Category Selection

This slide is the main game board. You go here to begin the game, and you return here after each Question/Answer slide. This is where the “contestant” selects one of the five categories and a dollar value for the question. The higher the value, the more difficult the question. When you open this slide, the categories appear one at a time, and the dollar values appear at random with an accompanying laser beep. Here’s how it works: if the contestant selects the first category for $300, you would click on the $300 text under



Задачи на















the 1st category (i.e., the 3rd dollar box in column one). As a result, the corresponding Question/Answer slide will automatically appear. Once the question, and then the answer, for that slide have been shown, you will click on the arrow in the bottom right of that slide to return to this main slide. When you return to this slide, the dollar amount for the box you selected will have changed from white to blue to show that that particular question has already been used. Below, you will see how to tailor the game for your particular categories.






To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

Five different categories are used in the game. The category names appear at the top of the columns on this slide and on the five associated Question/ Answer slides (one for each dollar value). Rather than changing all of these separately, you will use the Replace command to change each placeholder category name only once.






1. Under Edit , choose Replace

  • Type the placeholder name for category 1 as shown in the pop-up at the right. Type in your category name (e.g., Mixed Numbers) under Replace with:
  • Type the placeholder name for category 1 as shown in the pop-up at the right.
  • Type in your category name (e.g., Mixed Numbers) under Replace with:

The Replace pop-up should now look like the one on the right, only with your category name.

  • The Replace pop-up should now look like the one on the right, only with your category name.
  • Click the Replace All button to make the changes.
  • Click the Replace All button to make the changes.

You will then see this pop-up

  • You will then see this pop-up
  • Click the OK button. This replaces the six occurrences of the specified placeholder category name with your category name. After this, the top of the slide will look like this:
  • Click the OK button. This replaces the six occurrences of the specified placeholder category name with your category name. After this, the top of the slide will look like this:






Notice that in this case, “Mixed Numbers” doesn’t fit on the line. To fix this, simply click on the text right before the “N” and press Backspace followed by Enter. Now it’s on two lines:

2. Now, repeat Step 1 for the remaining four category placeholder names:

Физика и


Slide 2-Category Selection

This slide is the main game board. You go here to begin the game, and you return here after each Question/Answer slide. This is where the “contestant” selects one of the five categories and a dollar value for the question. The higher the value, the more difficult the question. When you open this slide, the categories appear one at a time, and the dollar values appear at random with an accompanying laser beep. Here’s how it works: if the contestant selects the first category for $300, you would click on the $300 text under

О великих



















the 1st category (i.e., the 3rd dollar box in column one). As a result, the corresponding Question/Answer slide will automatically appear. Once the question, and then the answer, for that slide have been shown, you will click on the arrow in the bottom right of that slide to return to this main slide. When you return to this slide, the dollar amount for the box you selected will have changed from white to blue to show that that particular question has already been used. Below, you will see how to tailor the game for your particular categories.






To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

Five different categories are used in the game. The category names appear at the top of the columns on this slide and on the five associated Question/ Answer slides (one for each dollar value). Rather than changing all of these separately, you will use the Replace command to change each placeholder category name only once.






1. Under Edit , choose Replace

  • Type the placeholder name for category 1 as shown in the pop-up at the right. Type in your category name (e.g., Mixed Numbers) under Replace with:
  • Type the placeholder name for category 1 as shown in the pop-up at the right.
  • Type in your category name (e.g., Mixed Numbers) under Replace with:

The Replace pop-up should now look like the one on the right, only with your category name.

  • The Replace pop-up should now look like the one on the right, only with your category name.
  • Click the Replace All button to make the changes.
  • Click the Replace All button to make the changes.

You will then see this pop-up

  • You will then see this pop-up
  • Click the OK button. This replaces the six occurrences of the specified placeholder category name with your category name. After this, the top of the slide will look like this:
  • Click the OK button. This replaces the six occurrences of the specified placeholder category name with your category name. After this, the top of the slide will look like this:






Notice that in this case, “Mixed Numbers” doesn’t fit on the line. To fix this, simply click on the text right before the “N” and press Backspace followed by Enter. Now it’s on two lines:

2. Now, repeat Step 1 for the remaining four category placeholder names:


Своя игра Тема: Мифы звёздного неба. Вопрос: Это созвездие посвящено Гераклу.  В детстве его звали  Алкид, ему приписывают 12 подвигов, за что боги нашли  ему место на небосводе. Назовите это созвездие. 3

Своя игра

Тема: Мифы звёздного неба.

Вопрос: Это созвездие

посвящено Гераклу.

В детстве его звали

Алкид, ему приписывают

12 подвигов, за что боги нашли

ему место на небосводе.

Назовите это созвездие.


 геркулес  3





Как в Англии называли

первые десять чисел?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


 Самая большая денежная единица в древней Греции? Талант - билта серебра билта – 30кг 650г Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Самая большая денежная

единица в древней Греции?

Талант - билта серебра

билта – 30кг 650г

Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Как по другому назывались четные и нечетные числа В китайском манускрипте более 4 000 лет до н.э. Женственные и мужественные  Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Как по другому назывались

четные и нечетные числа

В китайском манускрипте

более 4 000 лет до н.э.

Женственные и


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 В каком городе стали впервые измерять  углы в градусах Вавилон  Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

В каком городе стали

впервые измерять

углы в градусах


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


Древние римляне и греки при счете пользовались инструментом, Который очень похож на счеты. Как назывался этот инструмент  Счетная доска – абак  Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Древние римляне и греки

при счете пользовались инструментом,

Который очень похож на счеты.

Как назывался этот инструмент

Счетная доска – абак

Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Кто говорил: «Все есть число» Пифагор Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Кто говорил: «Все есть число»


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Кто написал первый русский учебник математики Магницкий Леонтий Филлипович Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Кто написал первый русский

учебник математики

Магницкий Леонтий


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Кто из математиков в 23 года стал профессором университета и имел степень магистра Лобачевский Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Кто из математиков в 23 года

стал профессором университета

и имел степень магистра


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Кого считают «отцом алгебры»? Франсуа Виет Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Кого считают

«отцом алгебры»?

Франсуа Виет

Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Какой русский писатель Окончил физико-математический Факультет университета  Грибоедов Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Какой русский писатель

Окончил физико-математический

Факультет университета


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 На какой вопрос вы всегда Должны отвечать «да»? Как читаются буквы Д-А? Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

На какой вопрос вы всегда

Должны отвечать «да»?

Как читаются буквы Д-А?

Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Можно ли разделить на 3 Сумму одиннадцати тысяч, одиннадцати сотен и одиннадцати 12 111. это число делится на 3, потому что сумма цифр  делится на 3 Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Можно ли разделить на 3

Сумму одиннадцати тысяч,

одиннадцати сотен

и одиннадцати

12 111. это число делится на 3,

потому что сумма цифр

делится на 3

Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Можно ли число 81 уменьшить в 4,5 раза, не производя над ним никаких арифметических действий? На листе бумаги написать число 81 и поднести к зеркалу. Увидим число 18, которое в 4,5 раза меньше числа 81 Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Можно ли число 81 уменьшить

в 4,5 раза, не производя над ним

никаких арифметических


На листе бумаги написать число 81

и поднести к зеркалу. Увидим

число 18, которое в 4,5 раза

меньше числа 81

Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Напишите 5 нечетных цифр которые в сумме  составляют 14. 11+1+1+1 Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Напишите 5 нечетных цифр

которые в сумме

составляют 14.


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Может ли дробь, в которой числитель меньше знаменателя, быть равной дроби, в которой числитель больше знаменателя?  Да, Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Может ли дробь, в которой

числитель меньше знаменателя,

быть равной дроби, в которой

числитель больше знаменателя?


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Какая кривая изображает  траекторию движения снаряда Парабола Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Какая кривая изображает

траекторию движения снаряда


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


Вопрос Категория4  за 200 Ответ Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3


Категория4 за 200


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


Вопрос Категория4  за 300 Ответ Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3


Категория4 за 300


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


Вопрос Категория4  за 400 Ответ Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3


Категория4 за 400


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


Что такое  локон Аньези Название кривой в честь итальянской женщины-математика Марии Гаэтапе Аньези Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Что такое

локон Аньези

Название кривой в честь

итальянской женщины-математика

Марии Гаэтапе Аньези

Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Что означает слово геометрия в  переводе с греческого? Землемерие Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Что означает

слово геометрия в


с греческого?


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Что у греков означало слово гипотенуза Натянутая Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Что у греков означало

слово гипотенуза


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 От какого слова произошло слово «алгебра» Ал- джабра Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

От какого слова произошло

слово «алгебра»

Ал- джабра

Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 Что означает латинское  слово «градус» Ступень (шаг) Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

Что означает латинское

слово «градус»

Ступень (шаг)

Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


 От какого латинского слова произошло  название числа один Солюс Welcome to Power Jeopardy   © Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004 You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3. 3

От какого латинского

слова произошло

название числа один


Welcome to Power Jeopardy

© Don Link, Indian Creek School, 2004

You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on Slides 1-3.


Сколько планет в

Солнечной системе?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Названия спутников этой

планеты переводятся

как «страх» и «ужас».

О какой планете идёт речь?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Как в астрономии

называется расстояние

от Земли до Солнца?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.



To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Кто изобрёл


Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.

Галилео Галилей

To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


В основу какого метода исследования

положено свойство

отражения электромагнитных волн

от проводящей поверхности

планет Солнечной системы?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


С его фамилией связывается

название силы, с которой

магнитное поле действует на

движущуюся заряженную частицу?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Он экспериментально

доказал существование

электромагнитных волн?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


В 1821 г. Учёный записал

в своём дневнике:

« Превратить магнетизм в

электричество». Через 10 лет эта

задача была им решена .

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


С его именем связаны

установление первой

в мире телеграфной связи

между Америкой и Европой и

абсолютная шкала температур .

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.

Томсон ( Кельвин )

To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Известный врач, физик,

астроном, механик,

металлург, египтолог, физиолог,

полиглот, способный гимнаст.

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.

Томас Юнг

To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Единица оптической

силы линзы.

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Самое короткое наименование

физической единицы.

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Какова единица относительной

молекулярной массы?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Наибольшая кратная

приставка в системе СИ.

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Метр, килограмм, ампер,

кельвин, моль, кандела образуют

международную систему единиц.

Какая единица не упомянута?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Упорядоченное движение

заряженных частиц.

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.

Электрический ток

To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Изменение направления


света при переходе

из одной среды в другую.

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Явление возникновения

электрического тока в замкнутом

проводящем контуре при

изменении магнитного поля,

пронизывающего контур.

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.



To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Явление сохранения скорости

движения тела при

отсутствии внешних воздействий.

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Явление разделения

разноимённых зарядов в

проводнике, помещённом в

электростатическое поле.

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.



To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


О каком русском учёном

наш великий поэт

А.С.Пушкин сказал, что он

создал первый в России

университет, что «он, лучше

сказать, сам был первым

русским университетом»?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.

О Ломоносове

To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


«Эврика! Эврика! Я нашёл».

Кому принадлежат эти слова?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Учёный, который под угрозой жизни

вынужден был отречься от своего

учения, но, по преданию,

уже выходя из зала суда,

произнёс историческую фразу:

«А всё-таки она вертится!» Кто он?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


Про него сказали: «Он остановил

Солнце и сдвинул

Землю». О ком идёт речь?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.

О Копернике

To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:


«Ничего не существует, кроме атомов

и пустого пространства».

Кому принадлежат эти строки?

Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)

This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.

When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an

answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)

One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.

Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.


To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:

You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).

  • If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
  • Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
  • Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.

Example Questions:



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