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Времена разные - 5 класс - самостоятельная работа

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«Времена разные - 5 класс - самостоятельная работа»

  1. Определите, в каком времени данные предложения

  1. The dogs usually eat meat and like bones.

  2. At the moment the trees are getting yellow and brown.

  3. Last weekend the birds flew away to the south.

  4. The little children don’t climb trees.

  5. Jack’s parents didn’t travel last summer, they stayed at home.

  1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в скобках в нужное время - Past Simple/Present Simple/Present Continuous

  1. Look at the children! They (paint) wonderful pictures.

  2. The cows usually (eat) grass in the field.

  3. The baker (make) white bread at the moment.

  4. Five years ago my classmates (visit) Italy.

  5. Sam’s elder brother (take) pictures every summer.

  1. Запишите предложения в отрицательной форме.

  1. Russian people usually drink a lot of juice.

  2. The travelers arrived at the airport two hours ago.

  3. My uncle seldom buys single tickets.

  4. The secretary helped her boss with the letters yesterday.

  5. The twin sisters are vacuuming the carpet.

  1. Напишите общие вопросы к предложениям.

  1. Russian people usually drink a lot of juice.

  2. The travelers arrived at the airport two hours ago.

  3. My uncle seldom buys single tickets.

  4. The secretary helped her boss with the letters yesterday.

  5. The twin sisters are vacuuming the carpet.

5. Раскройте скобки, используя правильную форму глагола.

  1. Look at the girls. They (perform) at the stage. They often (sing) English songs but they (not play) any musical instruments.

  2. … crocodiles usually (eat) grass or meat? - They never (eat) grass.

  3. … the football players travelling by rail? No, they (not travel) by rail.

  4. Last winter our parents (buy) a new car and (go) to the country.

  5. The grocer (not make) bread, he (sell) sugar, salt and flour. … he (sell) meat? – No, he (not sell) it.


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