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Ways of expressing future actions

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Future Simple, be going to, Present Simple or Present Continuous

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«Ways of expressing future actions»

Choose between Future Simple, be going to, Present Simple or Present Continuous.

  1. Joseph, where are you? The plane _____________ at 8.30!

  1. is going to land

  2. lands

  3. is landing

  4. will land

  1. Don’t talk again like that or I swear I _____________ you!

  1. am going to hit

  2. will hit

  3. am hitting

  4. hit

  1. –So what are you doing this weekend?

  • I _________________ of going out with Ryan. What about you?

  1. am thinking

  2. am going to think

  3. will think

  4. think

  1. –What are you going to do tomorrow evening?

  • Tomorrow evening, I ________________ my dentist. My gums are killing me!

  1. will see

  2. am going to see

  3. am seeing

  4. see

  1. I feel exhausted. I _____________ a nap.

  1. am going to take

  2. take

  3. am taking

  4. will take

  1. Look at all these papers we need to sign! We _________________ a long night!

  1. will have

  2. are having

  3. have

  4. are going to have

  1. My English teacher expects I _______________ choose linguistics over literature.

    1. am choosing

    2. choose

    3. am going to choose

    4. will choose

  1. –Where is Monica?

-Oh, she ________________ late again! She’s stuck at work!

    1. is probably

    2. will probably be

    3. is probably going to be

    4. is probably being

  1. Now she’s rich so she ________________ to buy a Lamborghini.

    1. buys

    2. will buy

    3. is buying

    4. is going to buy

  1. Come on, girl! We ______________ the class meeting in a little while!

    1. have

    2. are having

    3. are going to have

    4. will have


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