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Web-seminar National Geographic Learning "Real World, Real Knowledge" ELT Young Learner Teacher's Day Exclusively for Russia (Great Britain London)

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On the 19-th of October 2021  I took part at the most interesting web-seminar  from National Geographic Learning "Real World, Real Knowledge"ELT Young Learner Tacher's Day Exclusively for Russia  from London Great Britain.

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«Web-seminar National Geographic Learning "Real World, Real Knowledge" ELT Young Learner Teacher's Day Exclusively for Russia (Great Britain London)»

Web-Seminar National Geographic Learning

Real World, real Knowledge”

ELT Young Learner Teacher’s Day

Exclusively for Russia

On the 23-d of October we could take part at the most interesting English National Geographic Learning Web-seminar on the theme: “Real World, real knowledge ELT Young Learner Teacher’s Day Exclusively for Russia”. We joined the 3-d National Geographic Learning ELT Teacher’d Day for Russia.

Lucy Campble was the leader of this Web-seminar and joined us to that interesting English activity.

Then Anka Zapert joined us a carefully chosen game with flexible, fast played over a few lessons.

7 A Game

A carefully chosen game was flexible, fast played over a few lessons.


Place- Animal- food&drink-Verbs-Famous people

Place – Irregular Verb

The Game of 5

-5 animals, 5 weather words, 5 irregular verbs, 5 metro stations in Moscow etc.

- preparation time

- 1 min. to guess

- sets of cards

- How many can you describe for you team to guess in 1 min.

An Art Project

(A bonus idea)

Sometimes cool (and accidental) over series of lessons, Instead of final game.

A feedback task

  • If during this session

  • You have seen an activity you have used already

A summary

  • Plan it!

  • Have a range to choose from!

  • Let the kids decide!

  • Happy teaching!


  1. www.onara.ru - ОНАРА

  2. [email protected]

  3. Tim Pearse:







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