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William Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare is the worlds greatest poet and dramatist

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«William Shakespeare»




 William Shakespeare is the world's greatest poet and dramatist. Every Englishman knows more or less the works of his country's greatest poet. Words and phrases from Shakespeare's writings have become part of the English language and are used by all.

William Shakespeare is the world's greatest poet and dramatist. Every Englishman knows more or less the works of his country's greatest poet. Words and phrases from Shakespeare's writings have become part of the English language and are used by all.

The last half of the 16 th  century, and the beginning of the 17th century are sometimes called the age of Shakespeare. By that time England had become a powerful state, but there was not much change for the better in the life of the English people and the power of money grew stronger.

The last half of the 16 th century, and the beginning of the 17th century are sometimes called the age of Shakespeare. By that time England had become a powerful state, but there was not much change for the better in the life of the English people and the power of money grew stronger.

 He was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His mother, Mary Arden, was a daughter of Robert Arden, a farmer. His father, John Shakespeare, was a glover who had an office at Stratford-upon-Avon.

He was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His mother, Mary Arden, was a daughter of Robert Arden, a farmer. His father, John Shakespeare, was a glover who had an office at Stratford-upon-Avon.

Little is known about William's childhood. He got his education at the Grammar School. He got married in 1582 to Anne Hathaway and had three children, a boy and two girls .

Little is known about William's childhood. He got his education at the Grammar School. He got married in 1582 to Anne Hathaway and had three children, a boy and two girls .

 William lived in Stratford until he was about  twenty-one, when he went to London. There is a story that Shakespeare's first work in London was holding rich men's horses at the theatre door. But nobody can say whether this story is true.

William lived in Stratford until he was about twenty-one, when he went to London. There is a story that Shakespeare's first work in London was holding rich men's horses at the theatre door. But nobody can say whether this story is true.

Later, Shakespeare became an actor and a member of one of the big acting companies. Soon he began to write plays for this company and in a few years became a well-known author.  By the end of the 16 th century he build their own theatre – the Globe.

Later, Shakespeare became an actor and a member of one of the big acting companies. Soon he began to write plays for this company and in a few years became a well-known author.

By the end of the 16 th century he build their own theatre – the Globe.

 Shakespeare's work as an actor (although he usually acted only small parts) helped him greatly in the writing of his plays. He knew the stage and that helped him to write the most wonderful plays ever written.

Shakespeare's work as an actor (although he usually acted only small parts) helped him greatly in the writing of his plays. He knew the stage and that helped him to write the most wonderful plays ever written.

 Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. Among them are tragedies such as Hamlet ; King Lear , Othello , Macbeth ; comedies such as The Merry Wives if Windsor , All's Welt That Ends Well , Twelfth Night , Much Ado About Nothing ; historical dramas such as Henry IV , Richard III .

Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. Among them are tragedies such as Hamlet ; King Lear , Othello , Macbeth ; comedies such as The Merry Wives if Windsor , All's Welt That Ends Well , Twelfth Night , Much Ado About Nothing ; historical dramas such as Henry IV , Richard III .

 Shakespeare spent the last years of his life, at Stratford, where he died in 1616.  He was buried in the church of Stratford. A monument was built to him in the Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey.

Shakespeare spent the last years of his life, at Stratford, where he died in 1616. He was buried in the church of Stratford.

A monument was built to him in the Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey.

Вид Лондона с театром «Глобус». 1616г.

Вид Лондона с театром «Глобус». 1616г.

 Shakespeare was a great humanist. He believed in man and wished to make life better for the people of his country.

Shakespeare was a great humanist. He believed in man and wished to make life better for the people of his country.

Спектакль в театре «Глобус». Лондон

Спектакль в театре «Глобус». Лондон


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