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Writing essay computer and studying

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Some parents think that if they have computer or other electronic devices at home, their children will have an opportunity to study better. However, others claim it is not so necessary gadget for pupils and it even has some drawbacks. 

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«Writing essay computer and studying»

Some parents think that if they have computer or other electronic devices at home, their children will have an opportunity to study better. However, others claim it is not so necessary gadget for pupils and it even has some drawbacks.

Now I would like to express my opinion. I think that owning the computer has a wide range of advantages. First, it gives instant access to a vast amount of up-to-date information by Internet. Users can learn political, financial, social, environmental news all over the world. These help students to make their own projects, write articles reflecting modern problems. Secondly, there are many special computer programmes for studying, which everyone applies for self-education.

On the contrary, the percent of people, who consider that some disadvantages can become one of the reasons of modern technology’s influence on students and pupils. All kinds of machines harm children’s health by radiation and to be cause of headaches, worsening eyesight and bad general state. Moreover, abuse of computer provokes dependence.

I disagree with this point of view, because this convenient device enables to make school life easier by having electronic tutorials and possibility of doing homework assignments with help of this wonderful tool.

In conclusion, I should say that smart gadget can become a brilliant helper in school routine, but process of using computer must be under the parental control.

To train

To be proficient in – владеть навыками assistance - помощь

Interaction - взаимодействие

To focus attention on

Language skills

Guarantee of success

To have a wholesome effect on – благотворно влиять на

Shortage of time - нехватка времени

In spite of everything – вопреки всему

Emotional release – эмоциональная разрядка

Core subjects - основные учебные предметы

Devotee - ярый последователь

Thrill seeker – искатель острых ощущений

To relieve stress – снимать стресс

precious gift – бесценный дар

essential part


to lag behind -отставать в учебе

parental control

reference material

tutorial – учебное пособие, обучающее пособие

chat room

convenient – удобный, находящийся под рукой

access news

wonderful tool

homework assignment – домашнее задание

enable – давать возможность

acquire – приобретать


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