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Writing essay friends

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Some people think that someone can have a great number of friends but close friend must be only one. However, others believe it is better to make a lot of friends. By the way, is it possible to have many true friends?

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«Writing essay friends»

Some people think that someone can have a great number of friends but close friend must be only one. However, others believe it is better to make a lot of friends. By the way, is it possible to have many true friends?

As for me, I cannot imagine my life without friendship. The first thing that needs to be said is only life-long friend deserves trust and respect. You and your loyal friend support each other in joy and in sorrows, give advice and make lives happier. Secondly, nowadays, it is difficult to make friends because of stirring life. Sometimes people have not got enough time to meet or even call their friends. That is why people choose virtual communication which cannot take place personal contact, feelings.

On the contrary, there are people who think that having more friends is wealth and life might be brighter. They are sure if they have lots of friends they will own useful connections, they will be more confident, they will be more popular, they will own entire world.

I completely disagree with this point of view. We must be more attentive when we choose friends because we cannot rely on each person who we meet. Some people look for benefits; rivalry is everywhere, people care about themselves, not about closes.

In conclusion I should say “A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out” (Grace Pulpit). Only a real friend can do this, and the real friend must be one, not a lot.

life-long friend


joy and in sorrows

because of stirring life

look for benefits

rivalry - соперничество

vitally important – жизненно важный, необходимый

to betray – предавать

to envy – завидовать

to cherish kindly feelings – испытывать нежные чувства

time-proven – проверенный временем

deep/ blind devotion – безоговорочная преданность


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