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Writing essay Reading-books-is-essential-for-brainwork

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A common opinion is that reading books improve the work of our brains. However, there are some people who believe that reading books is a waste of time.

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«Writing essay Reading-books-is-essential-for-brainwork»

Reading books is essential for brainwork.

A common opinion is that reading books improve the work of our brains. However, there are some people who believe that reading books is a waste of time.

My personal view is that reading brings numerous benefits to people. First, reading helps improve vocabulary and word power, the person’s command of the language and communication skills. Second, reading assists in mental development, it cultivates critical thinking skills in people by making them think, understand ideas and concepts. Finally, it is observed that teenagers who like reading have higher IQs and they are more creative.

On the contrary, there are people who claim that reading is not essential part for brainwork. In their opinion, reading does not add to thinking skills of the reader as it is just entertainment. Reading is a thing of the past for them.

I disagree with this point of view, because these people do not realize importance of reading books for brainwork. I insist that reading educate us, it teaches us to synthesize, analyze and process information.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that one of the best ways you can exercise your brain is reading books.

To bring numerous benefits to - приносить многочисленные преимущества

Word power – владение словом

Command of the language – владение языком

Mental development – интеллектуальное развитие

To cultivate – развивать

Critical thinking – критическое мышление

It is observed that – замечено, что

To add to – добавлять, вносить вклад

Thinking skills – навыки мышления

To be a thing of the past – принадлежать прошлому

To synthesize – синтезировать, выводить целое из частей

To analyze – анализировать

To process information – обрабатывать информацию

To emphasize – придавать значение, подчеркивать


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