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Writing essay teachers

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Some students think that teacher must be interesting, but strict and fair. However, for others it is more important the way of teaching which must be satisfied.

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«Writing essay teachers»

Some students think that teacher must be interesting, but strict and fair. However, for others it is more important the way of teaching which must be satisfied.

Now I would like to express my opinion. I think it is important for teachers to find special ways of teaching which make classes’ atmosphere enjoyable and interesting. As John Lubbock, famous British writer said that it is necessary to give every pupil the wish to learn. That is why a teacher should be not only professional and highly-qualified specialist in separate sphere of education. He or she should have knowledge of psychology in order to choose right methods for each student. In this case schoolchildren became more successful and confident.

On the contrary, the percent of people, who consider that it is enough to make lessons interesting, colourful and easy. To show strictness and fairness is indispensable thing too. There is really no need for individual work with students. Teachers must have the same attitude to every child.

I disagree with this point of view, because there is a disadvantage in that opinion. To my mind, teaching is not just profession, it is true vocation.

In conclusion, I can say every teacher must understand their responsibility to students and use all their experience in process of studying to make it various and the most effective.

Indispensable thing

Strictness and fairness


True vocation

Highly-qualified specialist

Separate sphere of education

Have knowledge of psychology


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