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Задания к тексту "Maintaining a Healthy Classroom"

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«Задания к тексту "Maintaining a Healthy Classroom"»

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Maintaining a Healthy Classroom

abuse – плохо обращаться, злоупотреблять; accommodateприспосабливать, снабжать; available – доступный; exertion – усилие; germ – микроб; impairment – ухудшение, повреждение; nutrition – питание; preliminary – предварительный; promote – способствовать; reminder – напоминание; respond – отвечать, реагировать

As a preschool teacher you should be able to set up and maintain a healthy classroom that promotes good health and nutrition and is free from factors contributing to illness. You will be providing daily opportunities for your children to exercise both indoors and outdoors whether or not a large space is available. The balance of active and quiet activities you set up will include rest periods as a natural follow-up exertion, although you will accommodate individual needs for children who have no longer nap during the day. Washing hands and brushing teeth will be an important part of the program, with care taken to prevent transfer of germs during tooth brushing. Nutritional needs for the children under your care will be met through snacks and meals. In addition, they will learn good food habits through their own fun experience with nutritional foods.

Your children will be prepared to take medical tests and examinations through preliminary classroom activities set up by your or a health specialists.

You will be able to recognize symptoms of illness in children and know how to deal with them. You will also be familiar with the characteristics of abused children and with the ways that you and your program must respond. Children with health impairments such as AIDS, allergies, asthma, attention-deficit disorder, and physical and mental disabilities also can be accommodated in the classroom through your careful planning with parents and health specialists.

1. Определите главную идею текста:

The main idea of the text is

a) to describe children illness.

c) to give recommendations on teaching medicine.

d) to describe a promotion of good health and nutrition.

  1. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:

a) to set up a healthy classroom

b) to promote good health

c) to exercise outdoors

d) to include rest periods

e) to accommodate individual needs

f) to prevent transfer of germs

g) nutritional needs

h) abused children

i) health impairments

k) physical and mental disabilities

3. Закончите следующие высказывания:

a) A preschool teacher should be able to set up and maintain … .

b) You must accommodate individual needs … .

c) Washing hands and brushing teeth is an important part of … .

d) They will learn good food habits … .

e) You will be able to recognize symptoms of … .

4. Вставьте вместо пропусков подходящие по смыслу слова:

maintain transfer experience nap accommodate

a) Children wash hands to prevent … germs.

b) Through careful planning with his parents and health specialists you can … this child in the classroom.

c) Children can be taught good food habits through their everyday … with foods.

d) Some young children have no longer … during their day in the kindergarten.

e) To set up a healthy classroom means to … good health and nutrition.

5. Ответьте на вопросы:

a) What should you be able to do as a preschool teacher?

b) Why will washing hands and brushing teeth be an important part of the program?

c) In what way will children learn good food habits?

d) What health impairments are mentioned in the text?

e) What must a preschool teacher accommadate?


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